
Friday, June 7, 2013

The 8th Annual MotherReader 48-Hour Book Challenge | June 7–9, 2013

Ms Yingling Reads Ms. Yingling is taking over 48-Hour Book Challenge hosting duties for MotherReader this year. Thanks Ms. Yingling! <in my best middle-grade voice> I have a number of middle-grade books that I would like to read this weekend. You can read middle-grade, young adult, or adult books in this challenge.

The game plan is pretty simple.
1. Sign up on the Mr. Linky on Ms. Yingling Reads when you start.
2. Post your starting line blog entry.
3. Read, blog and social network about reading (1 hour for every 5 hours of actual reading counts toward reading time) for 48 HOURS!
4. After 48 hours, fill in Mr. Linky at this blog’s Sunday post, fill out spreadsheet, and post your finishing line entry on your blog.

Ready to sign up? Need more detailed instructions? Swing by here.

You can select your own reading window for any 48-hour period within the Friday-to-Monday-morning window. I will be reading (and socializing #48hbc) from 4:00 pm EST Friday (June 7) to 4:00 p.m. EST on Sunday (June 9).

I'll post my all of my 48-Hour Book Challenge updates to this page. Please drop by this blog post during the weekend to offer encouragement, say hello, discuss these books, or just peep at my status updates. I am also participating in the Wildfire Read-A-Thon week-long read-a-thon. It starts tonight! My eyes are scared. LOL!

I'll post my #48hbc reviews after the challenge is over. Be sure to check out the Ann of Green Gables Giveaway while you are here.

Good luck and happy reading!

Start Line

Friday, June 7

  • Hours Read: 5.75
  • Social Hours: 1
  • Books Read: 5
  • Pages Read: 685

What is your strategy for this weekend's reading challenge?

Gnit-Wit Gnipper and the Perilous Plague by T.J. Lantz (42 pages) [READ]

I am going to start off with Gnit-Wit Gnipper and the Perilous Plague. I intended to read it during another read-a-thon. I placed a magazine on top of it and it "disappeared" for 3 days. What? It's a thin book! I am going to redeem myself today. Gotta find out how Gnipper plans to get the recognition that she deserves.

The Kindle version of Gnit-Wit Gnipper and the Perilous Plague is free right now on Amazon. Gnipper is a mess! Tinkering with experiments without adult supervision will get you in trouble. The new cover above is better than the one on my copy.

I posted my paperback copy on PaperBackSwap.

Review posted at A. Literary Mafia

Flickering Hope by Naomi Kinsman (208 pages) [READ]

I read Shades of Truth (book review on ALM), the first book in the From Sadie's Sketchbook series, a while back. Check out my Pinterest board below. When I left twelve-year-old Sadie, she was trying to settle into life in a new town. I hope to finish the entire series during this challenge.


I posted my paperback copy on PaperBackSwap.

The Color of Bones by Tracy Edward Wymer (174 pages) [READ]

Oooh. A middle-grade mystery! Twelve year-old Derby Shrewd lives in a town divided by a strange force referred to as the Line.

Hhmm. This book had an unexpected dystopian feel to it. I posted my paperback copy on PaperBackSwap.

FISH TANK: A Fable for Our Times by Scott Bischke (144 pages) [READ]

This is a re-read. It reminded me a little of Animal Farm. It's an easy adult read and family-friendly. I think that middle-grade kids would enjoy reading it on their own. I had to look up some of the sea animals so I ended up creating a Pinterest board for it.

Breaking Through By Grace: The Bono Story by Kim Washburn (117 pages) [READ]

Another re-read. This book is listed as juvenile nonfiction. Do middle-grade kids even know who Bono is?

I posted my paperback Advance Reading Copy on BookMooch.

Saturday, June 8

  • Hours Read: 13.5
  • Social Hours: 1
  • Books Read: 7
  • Pages Read: 1384
My goal for today is to read at least 1000 pages. It will be a mix of adult and kid pages so hopefully I'll make it through.

What is the toughest part of reading challenges for you?

The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne (288 pages) [READ]

Have you read The World's Strongest Librarian: A Memoir of Tourette's, Faith, Strength, and the Power of Family yet? Check out the book trailer on ALM.

"An inspiring story of how a Mormon kid with Tourette’s found salvation in books and weight-lifting."

I am reading the following three books as part of Wonder Woman Wednesdays this summer.

Be sure to check out the documentary, Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines. The full documentary is available for free online viewing via PBS/Independent Lens until June 14.

Can you recommend some middle grade books with a fictional or real-life superheroine as the main character?

The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera (152 pages) [READ]

From "Eight-year-old Kahu, a member of the Maori tribe of Whangara, New Zealand, fights to prove her love, her leadership, and her destiny."

The Whale Rider was adapted into an award-winning film. I am going to watch the film tomorrow after I finish this reading challenge. I'll post the film on this site (it's available for free online viewing).

Wonder Woman: Power Outage (Choose-Your-Fate Adventure Books) by Michael Teitelbaum (144 pages) [READ]

I have never been a big fan of comic books. I thought that I would give this choose your own fate book a try. It's my first time reading a "choose your own book."

Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein (256 pages) [READ]

Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture is recommended reading on the Wonder Women!'s resource list.

Last month, I participated in an Armchair BEA discussion on classics.

One of the questions asked was:
How would you convince them [people who claim to hate classics] to give classics a try?
I suggested reading classics that have been adapted by radio, film and/or television and then listen to/watch the adaptations. I am taking my own advice and reading a couple of classics this weekend.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and illustrated by Allison Joy (144 pages) [READ]

This tales has been adapted many times. I listened to it as an audiobook a while back (after reading the adult novel, Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin]. This time I selected an illustrated version to get the full effect.

I am going to watch two of the film adaptations tomorrow after I finish this reading challenge. I'll post one of them on this site (it is available for free online viewing).

What is your favorite adaptation of this book?

The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling (176 pages) [READ]

I don't remember reading this book as a kid, but I feel like I should have.

All the Right Stuff by Walter Dean Myers (224 pages) [READ]

This book is the winner of the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature Award. Can't go wrong there.

I have two hard cover copies. I am going to donate one to my library. I can't decide if I want to post the other to PaperBackSwap. Decisions, decisions.

Sunday, June 9

  • Hours Read: 9.5
  • Social Hours: 2
  • Books Read: 3
  • Pages Read: 758

Whew! I am getting tired. I am going to read in the early morning and socialize in last couple of hours of the read-a-thon. Then I am going to check out the movie adaptations of the books that I read. And perhaps start a Pinterest board of my reads for this challenge.

How are you doing so far?

Chain Gang Elementary by Jonathan Grant (344 pages) [DNF]

This is an adult read set in a school. Doesn't this blurb from the cover sound crazy? And intriguing? "Welcome to Chain Gang Elementary, home to vast right-wing conspiracies, 3rd-grade gangsters, and bake sale embezzlers, where toxic childhood secrets boil over, reformers go stark raving mad, and culture wars escalate into armed conflict."

I posted my paperback copy on PaperBackSwap.

Darkness Shall Fall by Alister E. McGrath (214 pages) [READ]

"As the volcano's dark and deadly cloud draws closer, Peter, Julia, and Louisa fight to protect the people of Aedyn, attempting to shelter themselves from the strengthening dark forces."

I hate reading books out of sequence. I think that this is the final book in the series. I am going to have go back and read the first two.

I posted my paperback Advance Reading Copy on BookMooch.

In Praise of Stay-At-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger (224 pages) [READ]

This book has been in my TBR pile for a while.

I posted my hardcover copy on BookMooch.

Diviner by Bryan Davis [DNF]

I need to read a book with a reptile on the cover for the Seasonal Reading Challenge on Goodreads. Dragons count. I don't expect to finish Diviner (Dragons of Starlight) within my 48 hour reading period. I hope to make a dent in it though.

The Eyes of the Desert Sand by Edwin Wolfe (320 pages) [READ]

"A charming debut from an author who is sure to draw comparisons to none other than J.K. Rowling - where Harry Potter made everyone wish they could go to Hogwarts, Edwin Wolfe's The Eyes of the Desert Sand makes you want to discover the world of the Chrysalis - a delightful story that glows with rare magic, unearthly wonders and true friendships." --AuthorsOpen

I have never read any Harry Potter books so I am not sure about the comparison. I know. I know. Don't judge me. Perhaps I'll pick up the Potters in next year's #48hbc.

I posted my paperback Advance Reading Copy on BookMooch.

Finish Line

Well, I was looking at my TBR picture (which I see that I failed to post) and realized that I missed a must-read book (The Eyes of the Desert Sand) and had to do a quick substitution for Sunday. Sorry Chain Gang Elementary, I was getting really tired [I blame Dr. Laura Schlessinger <gives her book the *evil* side eye>.]

I didn't finish Chain Gang Elementary or Diviners because I ran out of time (also I didn't get to the remaining Sadie books). I will pick them up again later on in the week for Wicked Wildfire. That probably won't be until at least Wednesday - when my eye recover. I am done reading books for a few days. LOL!

I enjoyed visiting all of this challenge's participants. You folks read A LOT of books. A LOT of books. I picked up some new reading suggestions - which is both good and bad considering my TBR list.

This was my first year participating and I am pleased with my results.

  • Hours Read: 28.75
  • Social Hours: 4
  • Books Read: 15
  • Pages Read: 2827

What is your favorite middle-grade book?


  1. Hello.

    Responding to your tweet Q: What's your favorite MG book?

    Many moons ago, I read THE SECRET GARDEN and THE LITTLE PRINCESS by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I eventually saw movies and television adaptations of both, but as most of us can attest, the books are arguably better. Special mention goes to Judy Blume's ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET.

    I'm sure my list of favorites will grow the more I read all the great MG books out there. These were just the ones that instantly came to mind when I read them in my MG years. :)

    Happy reading!


    1. THE SECRET GARDEN is one of my favorites too. I don't remember reading THE LITTLE PRINCESS as a kid, but I feel like I should have. I am going to add it to my challenge list.

  2. Oh, so hard to pick. It really depends on the day, but since I just reread it and am worshipping Jordan Sonnenblick right now, I'll go with his Zen and the Art of Faking It.

    Hope you're having fun with the challenge!

    1. Haven't heard of Zen and the Art of Faking It. I am adding it to my to-be-read list.

      This challenge has been lots of fun. I feel like I have been making good progress.

  3. I don't think I could possibly pick a favorite middle-grade book! Or, at least, my answer would change every day. I've always loved Beauty by Robin McKinley, but I think of that as more YA than MG, for some reason. For a true MG title, I think I'll say The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe . . . for today, at least!

    Happy 48HBC!

    1. I have seen Beauty mentioned in passing, but I haven't read it. I am adding it to my to-be-read list.

      I loved The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as a child. I should re-read it as an adult.

      Happy 48HBC to you too!

  4. eeks, I think my first try did not take.

    Here's what I said--

    "Goodness, I hadn't heard of any of those! The Color of Bones sounds intriguing" at which point I opened a new tab to see if it was in my library...

    I hope your reading keeps going well!

    1. LOL! There are so many books out there. It's hard to get a peek at them all. I am always surprised when people tell me what their favorite book is and it something that I have never heard of.

      Some times I feel I like I am under a reading rock. So many books. So little time.

  5. me again. It just occured to me to request the copy you just posted on pb book swap, so I did!

  6. Okay you made me laugh with your Bono comment...but they know who he is? LOL? I'm going to have to think about your question-picking a favorite is hard!

    1. SMH. Sometimes I wonder about the target audience for certain books.

      I still haven't decided what my favorite MG book is yet. So many good ones.

  7. Oooh, I hadn't heard of The World's Strongest Librarian. It sounds very intriguing! Good luck with your reading today!


    1. It was an interesting read. You should definitely check it out. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Thanks for sharing your reads with us and good luck with both reading challenges. One of my favorite MG reads is MICK HARTE WAS HERE by Barbara Park. Funny and heart breaking and all about the love and bonds of family that get us through some pretty hard times.

  9. You are doing great. I have never read Alice Adventures in Wonderland although I will be willing to give it a try when it comes up for project disney. I really do want to read Jungle Book though. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Now I want to poll middle grade readers and see if anyone actually knows Bono. My guess would be they'd say "He's that guy in the band my parents listen to sometimes." ;)

    Way to power through the 48 Hour Book Challenge!

  11. Thanks for your comment! You did very well. How can they not know who Bono is? Kids still listen to the Beatles!

  12. Uber impressive for your first go! Congrats!

  13. Glad you had a good time!

  14. Congratulations! I'm glad you enjoyed your first 48HBC and way to go on the amount of reading you accomplished!

    I'm also curious about whether young readers know who Bono is. For the kids at my library, at least, I'm thinking the answer is no.

  15. I've always recommended The Hound of the Baskervilles as a calssic for those who don't like classics, especially boys.

    1. You know, I don't think that I have read The Hound of the Baskervilles. Adding it to my TBR.

  16. Excellent results! I wish I'd had time to reach some of the MG in my pile.

    1. Thanks! These MG books had been sitting on my shelf for a while. I am glad to have finally been able to read them. Now I have a whole bunch of YA to catch up on. It never ends...

  17. Wow, impressive reading amounts!
    I think I tried to comment about favorite mg books earlier, and it didn't take. Robin McKinley's Beauty is an all-time favorite, and I've been recently hooked on the Casson Family series by Hilary McKay.

    1. I added Robin McKinley's Beauty to my TBR this weekend. I will add the Casson Family series by Hilary McKay as well. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Thanks for stopping by Readspace. Your reading for the challenge was EPIC! Great job!!!!

  19. I loved Whale Rider. I remember reading it for another readathon a few years ago. I won't judge you, but, yes, you should read HP next year, lol!
