
Monday, June 10, 2013

Devourer of Books: We’re Listening Audiobook Week 2013 Event

Thanks to Words And Peace for putting me on to Devourer of Books' week-long audiobook celebration. I love audiobooks!

There will be daily discussion topics (all prompts available on event page; I'll address one each day) during the week and possibly a few prizes. The event runs June 17-21.

audiobookweekbutton zpsdb6e126c picture

June is shaping up to be a busy month. I need to decide what to read during this event.

Are you participating in this event? What are you planning on reading during this week?

Monday, June 17

Devourer of Books asked:
2012-2013, Your Audiobook Year
Are you new to audiobooks in the last year? Have you been listening to them forever but discovered something new this year? Favorite titles? New times/places to listen? This is your chance to introduce yourself and your general listening experience.

Hello audiobook readers! I am pleased to be listening along with you. I recently finished up 3 book challenges so this event couldn't have come at a better time. My eyes need a rest.

I have been listening to audiobooks for years - primarily CD audiobooks. In the past year, I have joined a few audiobook services so I have been listening to more MP3 audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks in the car, on my computer, on my tablet, and on my iPod.

I listened to the entire Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mystery series (written by Charlaine Harris, narrated by Johanna Parker) this year. While I liked the series, I don't think that I could have made it through all of the novels if I had to "read" them. Sometimes a narrator can make (or break) a book for me. In this series, I think that Johanna Parker's performances saved some the books for me when Charlaine Harris' writing was losing my interest.

The final book in the series was released last month - too much fan anger. I was okay with the ending. I wonder if my feelings about the end were impacted because I listened to all of the audiobooks in a relatively short length of time. Perhaps, I didn't develop the same attachment that I would have, had I read the print versions as they were released.

Have you ever stopped listening to a book because of the narrator?

Tuesday, June 18

Devourer of Books asked:

How do You Choose Your Audiobooks? 
How do you decide what you’ll listen to? Do you mostly listen, or split time between listening and reading? Particularly if you split time, how do you decide what you’ll consume in audio and what in print?

My audiobook selection process is so random that hardly qualifies as a process. I mostly split time between listening and reading. My audiobook consumption is largely based on availability. I find that it is often easier to get an audiobook copy of a popular book than it is to get a print copy at my local library.

Wednesday, June 19

Devourer of Books prompted:

Current/most recent audiobook:

Right now, I am listening to Daughter of Smoke & Bone (by Laini Taylor, narrated by Khristine Hvam) because Liviania said that she was enjoying it (see comment below). So far, so good.

Jen at Devourer of Books says that Hvam is her favorite narrator that she has discovered recently.

Current/most recent favorite audiobook:

I don't really have a favorite audiobook.  Two that I have enjoyed recently:

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, narrated by Rebecca Lowman

This was my second time reading a Nicholas Spark book and my first time listening to one via audiobook.* This book was a slow burn. So I think that it was better for me to listen to it rather than read it. Lowman's voice and pace kept things moving for me.

*The other book was Dear John, not The Notebook. SMH! One day, I'll get around to reading The Notebook. I feel like everyone has read it except for me.

Enchanted Night by Steven Millhauser, narrated by Stefan Rudnicki

It is a novella of short stories set in a Connecticut town over one summer night. It was strange and rhythmic. I felt like Rudnicki was whispering secrets to me. I am still thinking about it.

Favorite narrator you’ve discovered recently:

I don't have a favorite narrator. I have been listening to some books with multiple narrators recently.  I occasionally receive audiobooks via LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program. I recently got Stories from the Golden Age audiobook CDs of The Red Dragon, Twenty Fathoms Downand The Iron Duke through the program. Written by L. Ron Hubbard, these American pulp fiction books are multicast performances with music and sound effects. They are a little hokey, but entertaining all the same. It has been an interesting change of pace.


One title from your TBL (to be listened) stack, or your audio wishlist:

I keep seeing this book everywhere: Life After Life: A Novel by Kate Atkinson. I am nosey so I'll have to read it to see what all of the hype is about.

Thursday, June 20

Devourer of Books asked:

Audiobook Tasks
What do you do while you listen? Any particular tasks or games that you find amazing for audio time?
Driving (during long work commute)
Yard work.
Exercise (mostly while walking)

Did I mention cleaning?

Friday, June 21

Finding Audiobooks
Where do you learn about great audiobook titles? Buy your audiobooks? Share your secrets with the rest of us! We’d particularly love to know what narrators or publishers are active in social media or do a great job communicating with listeners.
I mostly learn about audiobook titles via my library and (I follow on Twitter).

I borrow or trade to get most of my audiobooks. Sources:

  1. My library: CDs and digital audiobooks via OneClickdigital
  2. CDs | I am on a book buying ban until the end of August so PBS has been really helpful.
  3. Local bookstore: CDs
  4. Amazon and CDs and digital audiobooks
  5. LibraryThing: See post above on Wednesday, June 19
This weekend, I am listening to Together Tea by Marjan Kamali, by narrated Negin Farsad.

What are you listening to this weekend?

Get 1 free audiobook credit at!


  1. I've been enjoying the Daughter of Smoke and Bone audiobook.

    1. I'll see if I can get it from my library for next week's event. Thanks for sharing.

  2. 1st time participant here too - happy to give my eyes a break and have someone read me a story =)

  3. I just added Life After Life to my audio wish list today! Have been on the library hold list for a print copy for ages, but someone else mentioned it is excellent on audio, too.

    1. I am picking it up from the library tomorrow. I hope that it is as good as everyone says!

  4. Life after Life is so good. I've got Daughter of Smoke and Bone and I think I need to move it up on the TBL after this week.

    1. You should definitely move Daughter of Smoke and Bone up on your TBL. Khristine Hvam SO good on it.

  5. I love Stefan Rudnicki's voice!
