
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Armchair BEA Discussion: Classic Literature Pt. 2 (Pride and Prejudice)

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads

Armchair BEA asked:

Why, reader, do you love classics?

Today, tell us all the reasons why you love classic literature. What are your favorite classics? If you could give a list of classics to someone who claims to hate them to make them change their mind, what would be on it? How would you convince them to give classics a try? And why do you keep coming back to those old favorites? - Genre: Classic Literature (Classics)

I like classics because they give me a picture of a time and place very different from my own.

I admittedly don't read a lot of classics. Therefore, I can't say that I am a lover of classic books. Unless I can count 84 Charing Cross Road, which is an epistolary novel about a woman who loves classic books. But I digress... With so many new books coming out each month, I find it hard to pick up classics on a consistent basis. There is just too much to read. On the other hand, I am not a hater of them either (they are in my TBR list).

For those who claim to hate the classics, I would suggest mixing it up. Read classics that have been adapted by radio, film and/or television and then listening to/watching the adaptations. I find the varying interpretations fascinating. They usually shed a different light on how I originally saw the classic. Two classics that I enjoyed but probably wouldn't have reached for at the bookstore are Dracula by Bram Stoker and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

PART 2 - Pride and Prejudice

I would recommend reading some of Jane Austen's novels. Although I came to my blog's name in a roundabout way due to Austen, I must confess that I am not the biggest Austen lover. I read Pride and Prejudice in high school and didn't feel compelled to read any of her other books.*  

As an adult, I decided to read all of her novels after watching the movie adaption of The Jane Austen Book Club and later reading the book. Her works are referenced numerous other books. They seem show up in my reading every few months, regardless of genre. Many movies and television shows have been based on Austen's novels.

Why should you read Pride and Prejudice?
  • It's on Helene Hanff's list in 84, Charing Cross. If Helene says so, it must be good.
  • P&P is #2 on the American Book Review's list of the 100 best first lines from novels.
  • There are quite a few movie adaptations for you to judge and review. You can see how each portrayal of Elizabeth brings something different to the character in the movie adaptations. 
  • You might have something a common with an Austen character. Take this quiz below. I am Elizabeth Bennet from Pride And Prejudice.
Read the book. Get your favorite snack. Watch the adaption(s). Let me know what you think.

Which Jane Austen Character Are YOU? [quiz]

What is you favorite book written by Jane Austen? [poll]

Ronnie Taheny's amazing Mr Darcy poem performed at The Gov in Adelaide, South Australia on Feb 3rd, 2008. - posted on YouTube by futzmasterpro

* I re-read Pride and Prejudice and changed my mind about it. See Dr. Darcy is my new literary boyfriend.

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