
Friday, April 29, 2011

"Move over Jacob, there’s something leaner!" Jake!*

Dear Grown Folks,

It appears that there is a non-kiddie alternative for werewolf fans (not that Twilight's Jacob isn't peachy keen) on the horizon. The YouTube video featuring the author uploaded by  has me very intrigued (see below).

The The Last Werewolf, by Glen Duncan will be released on July 11, 2011 on Duncan talks a good game, but can his book back him up? We'll see. Bring on Jake Marlowe! Added to my To-Be-Read List - The Last Werewolf.

Waiting with bated breath, 


Have you read any of Glen Duncan's other books? Any recommendations?

* Throwback to the old Sizzlean ads. Betcha The Last Werewolf will be flying out of stores like Sizzlean. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I ♥ Megan McGlover's Weather Reports

Just because Megan McGlover's weather reports crack me up ...

On Donald Trump - "He don't even have a comb over! He got a comb around! You ain't gotta pay no attention to a man that got a comb around!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mrs. Bennet vs. Jay-Z: Can't Knock the Hustle

con't from yesterday -

Mrs. Bennet was an old school hustler. I just didn't see it before. There are a few key parallels with Jay-Z's Can't Knock The Hustle

1. hustler: (n) an ambitious person who eagerly goes after what is desired. Mrs. Bennet was definitely eager.

Mrs. Bennet:
The business of her life was to get her daughters married.

"I'm making short term goals, 
when the weather folds,
Just put away the leathers and put ice on gold"

2. Hustlers know stakes are high.

Mrs. Bennet:
"I do think it is the hardest thing in the world, that your estate should be entailed away from your own children."

... [Mrs. Bennet] continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of setting an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of man whom nobody cared anything about.

"High stakes, I got more at stake than Philly"

3. Mrs. Bennet shamelessly bragged about Jane’s good looks while at Netherfield. Spittin' mad game to eliminate the Lucas girls from favor, in particular Charlotte Lucas. Dirty move. Hustlers aren't scared to do dirt to strengthened their games.

Mrs. Bennet:
"Oh! dear, yes; but your must own [Charlotte] is very plain. Lady Lucas herself has often said so, and envied me Jane’s beauty. I do not like to boast of my own child, but to be sure, Jane—one does not often see anybody better looking. It is what everybody says."

"Last seen out of state where I drop my slang
I'm deep in the South kickin' up top game"
 "We do dirt like worms"

4. When she was discontented, Mrs. Bennet fancied herself nervous which made her seem a little crazy. Hustlers often seem somewhat crazy to others.

Mrs. Bennet:
She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.

"People who suffer as I do from nervous complaints can have no great inclination for talking. Nobody can tell what I suffer! -- But it is always so. Those who do not complain are never pitied."

"But until the late thang, I'm the one whose crazy
'Cause that's the way you're makin' me feel
I'm just trying to get mine, I don't have the time
To knock the hustle for real"

"Pops knew exactly what he did when he made me
Tried to get a nut and he got a nut. And what?
Straight bananas. Can a playa see me?"

5. Mrs. Bennet didn’t appreciate anyone trying to step to her or her peeps – even Mr. Darcy.

Mrs. Bennet:
"But I can assure you," she added, "that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing. So high and so conceited that there was no enduring him! He walked here, and he walked there, fancying himself so very great! Not handsome enough to dance with! I wish you had been there, my dear, to have given him one of your set-downs. I quite detest the man."  (Mrs. Bennet to Mr. Bennet about Mr. Darcy)

"Your worst fear confirmed
Me and my fam roll tight like The Firm
Getting down for life, that's right, you better learn
Why play with fire, burn?
We get together like a choir to acquire what we desire"

6. Same here. When Darcy said, "In a country neighbourhood, you move in a very confined and unvarying society," Mrs. Bennet mistook it for an insult. She bragged about her 'hood.

Mrs. Bennet:
"... as to not meeting with many people in this neighborhood, I believe there are few neighborhoods larger. I know we dine with four-and-twenty families."

"I am takin out this time to give you a piece of my mind
Cause you can't knock the hustle
Who do you think you are?"

"Got the U.S. Open. Advantage Jigga
Serve like Sampras, play fake a rappers like a campus
Le Tigre, son, you're too eager 
You ain't having it? Good, me either"

7. Mrs. Bennet wasn’t letting anyone mess up her game. Mr. Collins said was interested in marrying of her daughters. He focused on Jane, as she was the oldest. She cautioned Mr Collins that Jane was likely to be very soon engaged. Seeing an opportunity to secure the family estate and marry off another daughter, Mrs Bennet hinted to Elizabeth as an alternate match.

Mrs. Bennet:
Mr. Collins had only to change from Jane to Elizabeth—and it was soon done—done while Mrs. Bennet was stirring the fire. Elizabeth, equally next to Jane in birth and beauty, succeed her of course. Mrs. Bennet treasured up the hint, and trusted that she soon might have two daugthers married.

"I'm leaning on any playa intervenin' with the sound of my money machine-in'"

8. Mrs. Bennet told Bingley that Mr. Bennet would save all the best hunting for him. Why? Cause they had it like that.

Mrs. Bennet:
"When you have killed all your own birds, Mr. Bingley, said her [Mrs. Bennet], "I beg you will come here, and shoot as many as you please on Mr. Bennet's manor. I am sure he will be vastly happy to oblige, and will save all the best of the covies for you."

"I got extensive hoes, with expensive clothes"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stop hating on Mrs. Bennet!

The first time that I read Pride And Prejudice, I felt like Mrs. Bennet was a shameless nut like most people. Who would want that loon as a mother? Talk about embarrassing. After reading it again, I would add another adjective to my Mrs. Bennet Wordle box. Effective. That's right effective.

Wordle: Mrs Bennet (P&P)

An advantageous marriage was crucial to a young woman's survival during that time. As foolish as she was, Mrs. Bennet knew the score and did what she thought was best to make sure her babies came out on top. It worked (in a roundabout way). Having three out of five daughters wed by the end of the book ain't bad.

I was listening to Jay-Z's Can't Knock The Hustle the other day and thought, "Stop hating on Mrs. Bennet. She was a hustler and you can't knock her hustle. Even if her methods were suspect." Take a listen to a jazzy version of the song below and check my next post to see my hoydenish train of thought.

Video uploaded to YouTube by

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Matches & Matrimony: A new game twist on Jane Austen

I am not really into video games. Although I have not tried it, I think that Matches & Matrimony is an interesting concept.  It is a game built from three of Jane Austen's most popular novels (Pride and PrejudiceSense and Sensibility and Persuasion). From the Matches & Matrimony website:

Become the heroine of Jane Austen's most popular novels! Create your own storyline from the intersecting stories of 3 of Miss Austen's books as you pick your daily routine and choose your own path to happiness and fortune. With 9 different endings to be discovered, Matches & Matrimony can be played again and again as you create your own classic tale of romance.
Check out Emily Short's (Gamasutra contributor) review of the game. "Analysis: Pride And Prejudice And Plot."

Have you tried Matches & Matrimony? What did you think?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen [Book Review]

I stumbled across Fay Weldon in researching the 1980 BBC miniseries adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice starring Elizabeth Garvie and David Rintoul.

Weldon wrote the screenplay for the adaptation so I had high expectations for her book, “Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen.” I was expecting something witty, eloquent, and thoughtful. And I got that. However, I felt that the book was an interesting exposition on the importance and relevance of literature and writing (in epistolary format) with some Jane Austen thrown in the subplot mix (not what I expected). I expected more on Austen.
The first chapter on the “City of Invention” was thought provoking and elegantly stated (read the book, if only for this chapter). In her effort to weave in the subplot of her niece’s book, I think that Weldon falls short of really selling her niece (and me) on Austen. I expected to read more of Weldon’s analysis of Austen’s works and less of the “guidance” on the niece’s book. On the other hand, Weldon’s passion for books really comes through in the letters. She sold me on the merits of reading and writing great literature. I will be picking up some of the other authors that she recommended.
* If you are a lover of literature or a writer (especially an aspiring writer), you will enjoy reading this book. If you are specifically looking to dip your toes into Austen’s work and related topics, I’d recommend looking elsewhere. Perhaps Natalie Tyler's book, The Friendly Jane Austen: A Well-Mannered Introduction to a Lady of Sense and Sensibility. BTW - Weldon is interviewed and referenced in Tyler's work. If you are interested in another epistolary book by a passionate reader/writer, I’d recommend 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

RIP Tim Hetherington, Co-director of "Restrepo"

I am sorry to hear that Tim Hetherington, co-director of Restrepo and author of Long Story Bit by Bit: Liberia Retold was killed in Libya. My condolences go to Hetherington’s family,  friends, and colleagues.

@TimHetherington‘s last tweet read:

“In besieged Libyan city of Misrata. Indiscriminate shelling by Qaddafi forces. No sign of NATO.”

Read "Restrepo Documentarian Tim Hetherington Confirmed Killed in Libya" by Anne Thompson for more details.

Monday, April 18, 2011

CBS Investigates: Greg Mortenson, author of "Three Cups of Tea"

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive.” - Sir Walter Scott

Well, I must say that Three Cups of Tea has been on my "To Be Read" list for a while now. It was rated 4+ stars on According to CBS, it is required reading for U.S. military going to Afghanistan. Greg Mortenson, the book's author, has been on countless television shows discussing his books and his work. I was looking forward to reading the book (I am on my library's waiting list).

Last week, CBS released its findings from its investigation of Greg Mortenson, Three Cups of Tea, and the Central Asia Institute. Mortenson has been "accused of fabricating stories in the memoir and using his charitable institute to promote his books.* SMH. What's really going?

Have you read Three Cups of Tea?

What do you think about the controversy?

Check out the following articles:

* "Questions over Greg Mortenson's stories - He has written inspiring best sellers, including Three Cups of Tea, but are the stories all true" - Produced by Andy Court, Kevin Livelli and Maria Usman.

"Three Cups of Tea author discusses CBS report - Greg Mortenson gives exclusive interview to Outside magazine in response to "60 Minutes" investigation"

"Greg Mortenson book under review after CBS report - Publisher says it will review contents of "Three Cups of Tea" amid questions about memoir's anecdotes and author's charity

View the  video "Greg Mortenson" where CBS Steve Kroft investigates.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

WTH? A Game Of Sardines?

According to the director Joe Wright's commentary (available under Special Features on this DVD edition - Pride & Prejudice), he had the actresses who make up the Bennett family visit the Bennett house location, in Kent, before the crew arrived. They played a game of Sardines to get them acquainted with the house and each other before the actual movie filming began. The first time it was mentioned I thought that he said that he had them eat sardines to bond. WTH? You can see footage of them playing Sardines in one of the other Special Features. It seems to have worked as Keira mentions the closeness of the cast in the interview below.

I had never heard of the game. It looked kinda like Hide and Seek to me so I decided to look it up.  Check out  eHow's "How to Play the Sardine Variation of Hide & Seek" by Michael Elkins, eHow Contributor for instructions on how to play. Clearly I missed out as a child.

Did you play Sardines as a child?

 posted on YouTube by KelsiKnightley

Keira Knightley's Smug Elizabeth Bennet

I liked Keira's observation that each actress who portrays Elizabeth Bennet will bring something different to the role because the actress pulls her own emotions into the character. I think that Keira's portrayal added a certain smugness (and rejection of authority) that I had not seen in other movies.

Keira had an odd sort of action going on with her face (especially her chin and mouth) that added to the smugness ... almost like a snarl at times. It made me laugh - although I am sure that it was not meant to be comical.

I know many people found this version of Elizabeth annoying and unfaithful to the book. However, I thought that the smugness added height to Elizabeth's fall as she realized that she had drawn the wrong conclusions due to both pride and prejudice.

What do you think about Keira's version of Elizabeth Bennet?

 posted on YouTube by KelsiKnightley

Saturday, April 16, 2011

GBU: Pride and Prejudice - 2005 Movie

"My goodness, did you see her hem? Six inches deep in mud. She looked positively medieval." - Caroline Bingley

The Good:
  • The chemistry between Elizabeth and Darby. My favorite scene of the movie was when Darby made his first proposal (see my post "You call that a marriage proposal?"). Electric (probably too electric when compared to the book).
  • Mr. Collins. "It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable." I really liked the way that Tom Hollander played Collins (check out fan site Thomagination). His portrayal was different from other performances that I have seen (especially the crazy eyes).
  • The cinematography. Lovely. Just lovely.

The Bad:
Many people were upset about all of the changes to settings, behavior, dialogue, etc. in this adaptation. To get the movie down to 2 hours+ (much shorter than others), Joe Wright (director) had to take some liberties. I considered this version to be a very loose youthful adaptation so I was not greatly bothered by the changes except for the pigs walking through the house, Lady Catherine de Bourgh showing up after hours, and Mr. Bingley being portrayed as a bumbling idiot. This is definitely not the version to watch instead of reading the book ... not that you or I would do that.

The Ugly:
I thought that Judi Dench looked absolutely FABULOUS. Her hair made me want to reach for a bottle of Aquanet. She is by far my favorite Lady Catherine de Bourgh. I wished that her part was bigger. What was up with the lighting on her face during the confrontation scene with Lizzie (about her alleged engagement to Darby)? I mean, it added to the harshness of the scene. But did they have to do her like that?

What are your good, bad, and ugly for the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice?

How do you rate the movie?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fordyce's Sermons: Makes You Want to Holler

Fordyce's Sermons make you want to holler. Or in Lydia Bennet's case - gasp. In chapter 14 of Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Collins attempts to read to the Bennet clan from Dr. James Fordyce's Sermons. He makes it about three pages before Lydia gasps and rudely interrupts his reading.
"Other books were produced, and after some deliberation he chose Fordyce's Sermons. Lydia gaped as he opened the volume, and before he had, with very monotonous solemnity, read three pages, she interrupted him with --"
Were the sermons really that bad? What's the deal? Well, Fordyce was a Scottish clergyman. His Sermons to Young Women was a popular guidebook on women’s conduct. It was published around 1766-7 and remained popular for many years. 

"In your sex manly exercises are never graceful a tone and figure of the masculine kind are always forbidding men of sensibility desire in every woman soft features a form not robust and demeanor delicate and gentle Nature appears to have formed the (mental) faculties of your sex, for the most part, with less vigour than those of ours, observing the same distinction here as in the more delicate frames of your bodies."

Dr. Fordyce married at the age of 51.  It must have been hard to find a woman that met his stringent criteria. SMH.

I normally try to read the literary works mentioned in the books that I read. After reading some of his quotes, I cannot bring myself to read his entire two-volume work. Particularly if I have to pay for it (if you know of an accessible free copy, let me know).

In the word's of Marvin Gaye, Fordyce's Sermons "make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands."

Have you read Fordyce's Sermons to Young Women?

Natalie Tyler's book, The Friendly Jane Austen: A Well-Mannered Introduction to a Lady of Sense and Sensibility, offers a nice discussion on conduct literature with Veronica Leahy (chair of the English department at the Columbus School for Girls). In case you are interested.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Digging into Chapter 14: Fordyce's Sermons and Backgammon

Fordyce's Sermons and Backgammon were two things that caught my eye in Pride and Prejudice. I'll explain why in the next posts.

Here's the snippet referencing both in Chapter 14:

"By tea-time, however, the dose had been enough, and Mr. Bennet was glad to take his guest into the drawing-room again, and, when tea was over, glad to invite him to read aloud to the ladies. Mr. Collins readily assented, and a book was produced; but on beholding it (for everything announced it to be from a circulating library) he started back, and begging pardon, protested that he never read novels. Kitty stared at him, and Lydia exclaimed. Other books were produced, and after some deliberation he chose Fordyce's Sermons. Lydia gaped as he opened the volume, and before he had, with very monotonous solemnity, read three pages, she interrupted him with --

"Do you know, mama, that my uncle Philips talks of turning away Richard; and if he does, Colonel Forster will hire him. My aunt told me so herself on Saturday. I shall walk to Meryton to-morrow to hear more about it, and to ask when Mr. Denny comes back from town."
Lydia was bid by her two eldest sisters to hold her tongue; but Mr. Collins, much offended, laid aside his book, and said --

"I have often observed how little young ladies are interested by books of a serious stamp, though written solely for their benefit. It amazes me, I confess; for, certainly, there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction. But I will no longer importune my young cousin."

Then, turning to Mr. Bennet, he offered himself as his antagonist at backgammon."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wanted: Charles Bingley's White Soup

As for the ball, it is quite a settled thing; and as soon as Nicholls has made white soup enough I shall send round my cards.” – Charles Bingley, Pride and Prejudice

Sometimes, you just gotta love the Internet. I was curious about the white soup that Charles Bingley made for his ball. A quick search brought up a wealth of information. There are some great posts on the subject. Here are the ones that I found most interesting.

The Interesting History of White Soup at austenonly: A marvelous breakdown on white soup including a modern day recipe to try.
Supper at the Netherfield Ball: Pride and Prejudice at Jane Austen's World: This is a wonderful site to visit for an in depth look at Jane Austen, her writings, and the Regency era.
Rengency White Soup from The Jane Austen Centre: This site offers a wealth of Regency recipes (among many other things) that I am going to try soon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tobey Maguire Cast In Small Role In 'Life Of Pi'

Tobey Maguire has signed on for a small part in Ang Lee's adaptation of Yann Martel's best-selling novel Life of Pi. Maguire has also appeared in two other movies directed by Lee - The Ice Storm and Ride with the Devil. I haven't read the book yet. I am adding it to my "To Be Read" list. The movie is scheduled for theater release on December 14, 2012 (shot in 3-D). I have a little time.

Have you read the "Life of Pi" already? Thoughts?

From the Hollywood Reporter:

The [Life of Pi] centers on a 16-year-old Indian boy, played by Suraj Sharma, whose passage to a new life in America aboard a freighter ends in a shipwreck in the Pacific. He is left to fend for himself on a life raft with an orangutan, hyena and Bengal tiger.

Irrfan Khan is playing the adult Pi, who is being interviewed by a reporter. Maguire will play the reporter in a bit role consisting of several days worth of work.

Maguire's next major role will be that of Nick Carraway in Baz Lurhmann's adaptation of The Great Gatsby. - Borys Kit

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ronnie Taheny's "A Darcy Before I Die"

I ran across Ronnie Taheny's ode to Mr. Darcy on a while back. I saw it before I reread the book. Again, I still didn’t get the fascination with Mr. Darcy.

Now I see the light. Mr. Darcy is my new literary boo. I am secretly two timing him with Ranger (from the Stephanie Plum bounty hunter series). LOL!

Check out Ronnie Taheny ( performing “A Darcy Before I Die.”

It has a smig of ugly language.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dr. Darcy is my new literary boyfriend.

Okay. I finally get it.

For years, I have heard fans of Jane Austen go on and on about how they want to be Elizabeth Bennet and find their Mr. Darcy. Frankly, I just didn’t get it. I read the book in high school. Although some misconceptions were cleared up and his softer side was revealed, I wasn’t feeling Mr. Darcy at the end of the novel. He still seemed a bit high maintenance and pompous to me.

I was even more puzzled when scoring as Elizabeth Bennet on the Which Jane Austen character are you? quiz. I just didn’t see it. Elizabeth Bennet? Me? No way Jose. Though one of my friends insisted that it was spot on (who asked her anyway).

Then, I reread the novel and watched the movie adaptations. D'oh! [Said in my best Homer Simpson voice while smacking my forehead.] Like both characters in book, I can now see the errors in my judgment. I was blinded by both pride and prejudice.

I am Elizabeth Bennet.

I want A Darcy Before I Die too.


Ronnie Taheny's amazing Mr Darcy poem performed at The Gov in Adelaide, South Australia on Feb 3rd, 2008. - posted on YouTube by futzmasterpro

Saturday, April 9, 2011

You call that a marriage proposal?

Mr. Darcy's first marriage proposal is my favorite scene in the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It is electric. The rain, the face-off, the almost kiss.
OMG. Was Darby’s first marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet not one of the ugliest sounding marriage proposals ever?

Reminds me of the chorus of "Lets Get Married" by Jagged Edge. "Meet me at the altar in your white dress. We ain't gettin no younger; we might as well do it."  Check the video.

Fellas, I know these proposals sounded good when you all worked them out in your heads ... but you shoulda trimmed them down a bit. Check out these clips from some fabulous posters on

Pride & Prejudice (2005) 

I like how he gets in close and the way he says, "Mr. Wickham."

Pride & Prejudice (1995)

Pride & Prejudice (1980)

Pride & Prejudice (1940)

What is the worst marriage prosposal in a film or book that you have ever heard/read?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Diggin' in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

One of the most well-known first lines in fiction:
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Do you think that this line still holds true today?

Check out the American Book Review's list of the "100 best first lines from novels." Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is #2.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

While Julian Smith was "Reading a Book," I almost wet my pants.

I saw this video for the first time at the library. I laughed out loud in the computer section and got dirty looks. It made my day and almost made me pee my pants. Love the random bagpiper.

Thanks for making it for me, Julian. You are the bestest!


Free Ringtone:

Follow him on Twitter!

Add him on Facebook!

Find out what happened to Captain Hook in Peter Pan (100th Anniversary Edition)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

HUNGER GAMES Movie Official Press Release


Pivotal Roles In The Lionsgate® Film Based On Suzanne Collins’ Runaway Bestselling Novel Go To Talented Young Actors Josh Hutcherson And Liam Hemsworth

LOS ANGELES, CA, April 4, 2011- Lionsgate® and the filmmakers of THE HUNGER GAMES are pleased to announce that actor Josh Hutcherson (THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT) has been cast in the role of Peeta Mellark, with Liam Hemsworth (THE LAST SONG) joining the film in the role of Gale Hawthorne in the much anticipated film adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ worldwide smash hit novel.  Both actors will star opposite Jennifer Lawrence, who it was recently announced will play heroine Katniss Everdeen.

About The Characters

Peeta accompanies heroine Katniss Everdeen into the 74th annual Hunger Games as the male tribute chosen from their native District 12, the most remote and marginalized district of all the subjugated districts of Panem.  At the outset of the Games, Peeta publicly confesses his longtime feelings for Katniss, setting up one of the most fascinating fictional rapports of all time with his supposed arena rival.

Though Katniss and Gale have never had a romantic relationship, they share a transcendent bond, often of few words. When Katniss volunteers to participate in the 74th Annual Hunger Games in her younger sister’s stead, they both presume that bond will carry her far through the horrors she will face in the arena, and they each silently hope they’ll be reunited in safety on the other side of the ordeal.

About The Film

THE HUNGER GAMES will be directed by Gary Ross, and produced by Nina Jacobson’s Color Force in tandem with producer Jon Kilik.  Collins’ best-selling novel, which has over 3 million copies in print in the United States alone, is the first in a trilogy of science fiction/action novels which have developed a global following.

“The Hunger Games” chronicles a dystopic Capitol which requires its twelve subjugated districts to pay tribute in the form of a teenage boy and girl, forced to participate in the annual “Hunger Games,” a fight-to-the-death live televised event.  Katniss Everdeen’s little sister is chosen in the lottery to participate and Katniss volunteers to take her place.  Although persevering through hardship is commonplace for Katniss, she must start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love in order to win the games and return home.  The Hunger Games novel has been on the New York Times best seller list for over 100 consecutive weeks. Foreign rights for the book, published by Scholastic have been sold in 41 countries.

Lionsgate will release “The Hunger Games” on March 23, 2012.

Retrieved from

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is "The Hunger Games" Casting Giving You a Tummy Ache?

I just recently started reading "The Hunger Games" series. After reading the first book, I figured that it would be made into a movie since it is a YA book that appeals across ages much like Twillight (see press release for story details). I really enjoyed it and plan on reading the other books in the series.

Yesterday,  Lionsgate and its posse announced that actor Josh Hutcherson (see the movie The Kids Are All Right) has been cast in the role of Peeta Mellark and Liam Hemsworth (see the movie The Last Song) has been cast in the role of Gale Hawthorne. Mark your calendars. The Hunger Games movie will be released on March 23, 2012.

It appears that folks are already upset about the casting. Check out "Fans split on Josh Hutcherson as Peeta in 'The Hunger Games'" (via @latimesbooks). I must admit that I am puzzled about the casting too.

However, I am not as annoyed by the choices as I was with the Stephanie Plum casting. I think it is because I have less time invested in The Hunger Games. After reading 15+ Stephanie Plum books, I kinda had the characters appearances on lock. With only one book read towards The Hunger Games, I am not quite as picky. LOL! As if Hollyood cares about my casting short list. I care about what you think.

Who would you cast in the leading roles of The Hunger Games movie?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Maya Angelou!

Happy Birthday Maya Angelou! Dr. Angelou (born April 4, 1928) is an American poet and author. Not to mention her other roles as educator, actress, historian, filmmaker, and civil rights activist.

Which is your favorite of her books?

Keepin' it honest. [100 Push-Up Challenge]

To keep myself on track, I am going to report my progress every Monday on this blog. Public eyes will keep me honest. Maybe. Check back with me next Monday.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kick Starting the Plan [100 Push-Up Challenge]

I took the initial test and went through the warm up and stretching execrises.

I printed out the Hundred Push Ups PocketMod which is a printable complete plan that folds down into pocket size. Sweet!

On your mark.
Get ready.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

“I think I can. I think I can.” [100 Push-Up Challenge]

Before reading 7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups: Strengthen and Sculpt Your Arms, Abs, Chest, Back and Glutes by Training to do 100 Consecutive Push-Ups by Steve Speirs, I did not think that I would be able to do 100 push ups. Or anything relatively close 100.  The book is pretty straight forward and the training plan is clear and does not seem excessive. Just commit to three days a week. No special equipment or gym membership required. Sounds easy enough. However, I can see me backsliding already …
“I think I can. I think I can.” -The Little Engine That Could

Are you trying the challenge?

Friday, April 1, 2011

100 Push-Up Challenge - It's on!

Starting today with the initial test. No fooling.
Wish me luck.
Join me.