
Monday, April 25, 2011

Stop hating on Mrs. Bennet!

The first time that I read Pride And Prejudice, I felt like Mrs. Bennet was a shameless nut like most people. Who would want that loon as a mother? Talk about embarrassing. After reading it again, I would add another adjective to my Mrs. Bennet Wordle box. Effective. That's right effective.

Wordle: Mrs Bennet (P&P)

An advantageous marriage was crucial to a young woman's survival during that time. As foolish as she was, Mrs. Bennet knew the score and did what she thought was best to make sure her babies came out on top. It worked (in a roundabout way). Having three out of five daughters wed by the end of the book ain't bad.

I was listening to Jay-Z's Can't Knock The Hustle the other day and thought, "Stop hating on Mrs. Bennet. She was a hustler and you can't knock her hustle. Even if her methods were suspect." Take a listen to a jazzy version of the song below and check my next post to see my hoydenish train of thought.

Video uploaded to YouTube by

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