
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dr. Darcy is my new literary boyfriend.

Okay. I finally get it.

For years, I have heard fans of Jane Austen go on and on about how they want to be Elizabeth Bennet and find their Mr. Darcy. Frankly, I just didn’t get it. I read the book in high school. Although some misconceptions were cleared up and his softer side was revealed, I wasn’t feeling Mr. Darcy at the end of the novel. He still seemed a bit high maintenance and pompous to me.

I was even more puzzled when scoring as Elizabeth Bennet on the Which Jane Austen character are you? quiz. I just didn’t see it. Elizabeth Bennet? Me? No way Jose. Though one of my friends insisted that it was spot on (who asked her anyway).

Then, I reread the novel and watched the movie adaptations. D'oh! [Said in my best Homer Simpson voice while smacking my forehead.] Like both characters in book, I can now see the errors in my judgment. I was blinded by both pride and prejudice.

I am Elizabeth Bennet.

I want A Darcy Before I Die too.


Ronnie Taheny's amazing Mr Darcy poem performed at The Gov in Adelaide, South Australia on Feb 3rd, 2008. - posted on YouTube by futzmasterpro

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