
Saturday, April 9, 2011

You call that a marriage proposal?

Mr. Darcy's first marriage proposal is my favorite scene in the 2005 film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It is electric. The rain, the face-off, the almost kiss.
OMG. Was Darby’s first marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet not one of the ugliest sounding marriage proposals ever?

Reminds me of the chorus of "Lets Get Married" by Jagged Edge. "Meet me at the altar in your white dress. We ain't gettin no younger; we might as well do it."  Check the video.

Fellas, I know these proposals sounded good when you all worked them out in your heads ... but you shoulda trimmed them down a bit. Check out these clips from some fabulous posters on

Pride & Prejudice (2005) 

I like how he gets in close and the way he says, "Mr. Wickham."

Pride & Prejudice (1995)

Pride & Prejudice (1980)

Pride & Prejudice (1940)

What is the worst marriage prosposal in a film or book that you have ever heard/read?

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