
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Travel the World in Books Readathon (September 1-14, 2014) #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT

Lost in Books, Savvy Working Gal and Moms' Small Victories are happy to announce the Travel the World in Books Readathon, coming September 1-14, 2014!

"The readathon is a chance to explore our world by reading books set in other countries or by authors from countries other than the one where you live. Learning about other cultures helps promote diversity, cultural tolerance and understanding. If you think #WeNeedDiverseBooks just as much as we do, sign up your blog and join us. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to comment, share on social media or Goodreads. Don’t forget to sign up for our no-stress Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge too, where you choose your own adventure and set your own rules!"


I am working on my reading list today and headed out for vacation tomorrow.

* rubs hands together in anticipation *

GOALS: I plan to read at least five books during the readathon. I hope to visit most of the participants - internet access willing. I will try to post some of the books on PaperBackSwap when I finish reading them (in case you would like to read them as well).

Introductions (Day 1)

Getting to Know You Questions (Day 2)

What are you planning on reading during #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT?

UPDATE: I completed my reading goals for the Travel the World in Books Readathon while on vacation. Now that I have internet access, I'll be posting my book reviews soon. I've decided to join the reading challenge.

Where are you reading?

#WhereisOlivaPope | What Would Olivia Pope Read? #WWOPR | 25 Days until #Scandal

At the end of season three of Scandal, Olivia Pope decides to quit Pope and Associates. She has determined that she is the eye of the storm engulfing the lives of those she cares about.

She is the scandal that needs to be handed.

The solution? Olivia decides to pack up her stuff and leave town.

Watch this scene from Scandal Episode 318: The Price of Free and Fair Elections via ABC.


After Huck informs him that Olivia quit OPA, Jake comes to her apartment. It's clear she's moving out, leaving altogether. He asks her to take him with her, run away with him, save him.

So as we gladiators eagerly await for season four to start, the question floating around is:

Where is Olivia Pope?

Jake and Olivia want to stand in the sun (figuratively and literally).
Olivia likes to swim.
Rowan's original fix for Olivia's personal scandal.

= Olivia and Jake ran away to a beach.

What Would Olivia Pope Read? #WWOPR

According to my math, Olivia is at the beach. Which one? I dunno.

Olivia is always so busy on the show. She doesn't get many chances to enjoy a little quiet time. I'd recommend that she get in some reading while hanging out at the beach.

I am going to count down the days until Scandal's season premiere by suggesting books for Olivia's beach ereader. They'll be books that a gladiator might enjoy. You know, based on stuff from the show.

Do you watch Scandal? Care to join me? What books would you suggest for Olivia's beach ereader? Check out my #WWOPR posts.

Countdown Clock

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Release Party for Perfectly Ernest by E.J. Wesley + Giveaway

Welcome to the release party for Perfectly Ernest by E.J. Wesley! This is a New Adult Contemporary with romantic elements. Perfectly Ernest is now available for sale! 



A gripping story of striking out and winning big. From a distance, Ernie’s life seems perfect—he’s a star college baseball player adored by the student body and coveted by professional teams. Up close, he is a disaster. Since the death of his mother, he’s been trapped by a promise he made and forced to live her dream instead of his own. He reaches his breaking point in the biggest game of his young career and sets off a chain of events that will either define or destroy the rest of his life.

Ernie grudgingly joins a quirky campus counseling group that empowers him to heal himself and right his wrongs. By testing old friendships, forging unlikely new ones, and exploring an exciting romance, he begins to unravel the jumbled knot his tangled inner-psyche has become. But old rivals, mental illness, and the risk of a forbidden relationship soon threaten his progress. Will Ernie’s new direction and friends be his salvation, or confirmation that he is forever doomed by his imperfections?

Perfectly Ernest is a New Adult contemporary novel with romantic elements by author E.J. Wesley. Ernest offers a smart, funny, sweet, sexy, uplifting, and oftentimes poignant perspective of one person’s difficult transition into adulthood. It is a story about overcoming the demons of mental illness and struggling with the profound burden of expectations—both real and imagined. But it’s mostly a tale of friendship, hope, and love.


Neyle tottered over to a far corner of the room and snatched a jar of jellybeans from a shelf. He moved to our circle and chose a spot between Abbey and Baker. After handing the jar to Abbey, he unfolded his seat. He grunted as he straddled the makeshift chair and let his hands rest on the curved top of the cane. He waited as Luther powered down his machine, smiled as Sing checked her watch for the thirtieth time, arched his eyebrows as Baker picked his nose, and furrowed his brow at the way Abbey grimaced over the candy jar like someone had asked to her hold dirty underwear.

He never made eye contact with me.

“I’ll take those back, Abbey dear. Alright, y’all know the drill.”

I considered raising my hand to inform him I had no clue what thedrill was—and that I was alive and not a ghost in the room. But he continued before I got the chance.

“Progress report, I’ll start. The good: My physical therapist says I’m making real strides. The bad: I still can’t write with a pen, and my darn right foot doesn’t always do what my left-brain tells it. Laura says she can sympathize with my left-brain, because I don’t always do what she tells me, either.”

He chuckled and grabbed a handful of jellybeans before passing the jar to Baker. Neyle had a slight droop to his mouth that was hard to see under the bushy mustache. Stroke maybe?

Baker tossed back several beans. “Good: Totally made it to all my classes but two last week.” There was a chorus of surprised murmurs. “Bad: I only remember going to Algebra, man.”

Groans rained down. Baker shrugged and snatched another handful of candy. He shoved the jar into my hands. I immediately attempted to hand them over to Luther, but he simply regarded me with wide-eyed incredulity—like I’d used the Holy Water at a Catholic mass to wash my armpits or something.

I watched Neyle. My gut tightened. Did he expect me to participate in confessional on my first night?

He smiled.

“I really don’t know why I’m here—”

Neyle held his hand up. “Maybe start with your name.”

“Right,” I mumbled. “My name is Ernie. I’m a sophomore. I play … I played baseball here at South State.”

I tried to pass the candy off once more. Luther shook his head, so I grabbed a few out of the jar and tried again. He still wouldn’t take the damn thing.

Neyle coughed. “Nice to meet you, Ernie. How about your week? Anything good or bad to report?”

“For real?” I hoped to find some kind of support but only got a toothy grin from Abbey and a frustrated eye roll from Sing for my effort.

“Okay, guess I’ll go bad first since there’s been a lot to choose from lately. I managed to royally piss off my new English teacher. Good…” I scratched at my chin, which was beginning to stubble over for the night. Surely I’d had something worthwhile happen. “They had corn chip chili pies in the cafeteria on Monday?”

“Those are awesome, bro.” Baker leaned forward. “You put that nacho cheese on them?”

Abbey made a dramatic gagging sound. In spite of my annoyed mood, I couldn’t hold back a smile.

I popped a jellybean into my mouth, then handed the jar to Luther and was almost giddy when he took it. I thought I caught the hint of a wink from Neyle.

He relaxed on his seat. “Lex, what was up with you?”

“Bad: Dad is still an asshole. Good: I didn’t actually have to talk to him this week. Next.”

Luther placed the jar near Sing and fished out a handful of candy.

“Whoa, hold up.” Neyle leaned forward. “You didn’t have your mid-week check in with the Sergeant?”

Luther shook his head, making his glasses wobble. “Nah, he and Mom went to Vegas to meet up with some of his Army buddies.”

“That’s progress at least. You must feel like a free man,” Neylesaid and laughed.

“Not really. He had Mom inform me that re-charging my meal card would have to wait until he got back, so he could go over my purchases from last month. Apparently, I went a little heavy on the snack bar. Guess he’s decided to starve me out for insubordination.”

“No way,” Baker said.

Sing flinched.

Abbey quit fiddling with her nails.

Would his dad really let him go hungry to teach him a lesson?

Not for the first time in my life, I reminded myself that not having a dad around could actually be a bonus. Especially if he was a shitty dad.

“Do you have enough money to eat until then?” Neyle asked.

“Yeah, I’m cool. I’ve got rations stashed in my dorm for such an emergency. Plus, Mom’ll send me some cash if she can sneak out to a mailbox.”

Neyle’s gaze stayed locked on Luther. “Sing?”

She had arranged six jellybeans into two symmetrical rows in front of her on a piece of seamlessly folded tissue paper. Each candy was a different color—white, green, yellow, black, red, and blue. Judging by how she composed the room earlier before sitting down, she seemed like a girl who had a reason for the order in which she did everything. I couldn’t fathom the meaning of this, though.

“Good: I stopped by the housing office and asked for a roommate request form.”

Neyle grinned. “That’s great, Sing. We’ve talked about you getting a roomy for a couple of semesters now. You know, Laura and I probably wouldn’t be married if it weren’t for Hyena Brown, my old college roommate. He’d eat anything, and we often had to because we were so poor. If I could survive a year with Hyena, I knew Laura’s cooking wouldn’t kill me, either. Don’t tell her I said that. ”

Sing smiled.

“Bet you didn’t even take an application, did you?” Luther asked.

Sing turned on him, teeth bared like a prim-but-very-wild, animal.

“Of course I didn’t. The student secretary bimbo behind the desk was eating cheesy chips and put her gross hands all over it. I asked for an application, not a passport to her personal island of disease and filth.”

Luther laughed.

Neyle crossed his arms over his chest. “You didn’t say that to her, did you?”

Sing fiddled with her candy, not making eye contact with anyone. “That’s actually my bad thing for the week. They threatened to call campus security if I didn’t leave. So I told them I’d gladly go with security—or anyone—with table manners beyond that of the common house rat.”

Neyle sighed. “Well, I can print one up for you I suppose. That leaves you, Abbey.”

She sifted through the candy jar and selected a single, pink bean. She took a tiny nibble and set the other half of the piece on the floor in front of her with a satisfied, and gorgeous, smile.

“Give me a break.” Luther moaned.

She narrowed her eyes. “It’s called portion control.”

“It’s called neurosis, aka why we’re freaking here,” Luther replied.

If a look could gouge eyes out, Luther would’ve been left with an extra set of nostrils in his head. Abbey’s fury didn’t last long, however.

“Good: Becca wanted me to go on this new diet with her, where you eat nothing but green juices for a month.” She stuck her chest out and smoothed her hair. “I said no.”

“Doesn’t take a genius to know you can’t survive off liquids,” Luther said. “I’m not sure that’s a win.”

“Not true, bro,” Baker said, his voice taking on the quality of a wise surfer guru. “I once bet my brother’s friend he couldn’t survive a month living on those diet meal replacement shakes. Gained like twenty-five pounds.”

“Your bad thing?” Neyle asked. An edge of impatience in his voice told me he was trying desperately to usher us beyond the introductory round at this point.

“So, I was at the mall last weekend, and I tried on this ultra-cute top. It had this amazing scalloped lace on the sleeves and a deep neckline. Which I totally adore, because I think my collarbones are my best feature and—”

Neyle cleared his throat, again.

Abbey’s eyes widened. “Anyway, they only had an extra-small in the mint color I liked. I tried it on and it made my arms look all bulgy. I mean totally like cookie dough covered in plastic wrap. But I bought it anyway.”

“You got the shirt even though you didn’t look good in it?” Sing asked. “Sounds like a good thing coming from University Barbie.”

Had to admit, I was slightly impressed this girl got something that she felt was less than flattering on her.

Abbey stared at the ceiling and crossed her lean arms. “I figured I could squeeze into it if I made good food choices during the week. So I decided to skip food on Tuesday and Thursday. The top is really cute, though…”

The silence got uncomfortable, quick, and I felt bad for her.

“You skipped a meal on a couple of days. Seems okay to me,” I said.

I scanned the group, not understanding why no one was backing me up. She didn’t need to beat herself up over what I was sure every girl did on occasion. When Neyle retrieved a packet of travel tissues from his shirt pocket as a tear worked its way down Abbey’s cheek, I knew.

I’d misunderstood. She literally didn’t eat anything two full days because she thought a shirt looked funny on her. The true burden of what we were doing settled over me in that moment. These weren’t quirky people. These were sick people. They needed medicine—be it a figurative ointment for the soul or a very real pill for the body—or their disease was going to kill them. And I was one of them.


 Amazon |  Barnes & Noble |  Goodreads |  Book Page



“EJ Wesley has written a modern day Breakfast Club.” “E.J. tells a college love story with a real life feel. He has created a flawed and pitiful character who quickly becomes a rallying point for all the other characters of the story. Ernie is the sort of boy I could easily imagine myself being friends with in college and cheered on through life in general, but certainly the story.”

“EJ’s tale of a college baseball star and the demons he fights is powerful and captivating. Once you’re involved in Ernest’s world, you are invested for the ride. Fans of this genre will say EJ hit it out of the park!” Alex J. Cavanaugh, Amazon bestselling author of the Cassa series

 ”Great cast of characters. Lots of fun humor. Romance. Win! Definitely recommend!”

 ”This is not so much a “coming of age” story, as it is a “coming of self.” I loved reading it”

“It is an inspirational, heartwarming story in which any reader is likely to get lost.”

“This story made me laugh and cry and it was so great to read something sweet and awesome from a guy.”

“Perfectly Ernest offers an emotionally genuine tour through depression, friendship, and love.”

 “It’s wonderful when a story’s voice is so strong as to drag you into someone’s head so it feels natural. I devoured Perfectly Ernest.”

 “…captured my heart from page one.”   


”EJ About the Author

Growing up in small-town Oklahoma, there were limits on the amount and types of entertainment at my disposal. Perhaps that’s why I set my imagination free. After collecting degrees in psychology and counseling, life brought me to Missouri, Texas, and Northern California–where I currently read, write, and live. I fill my spare time playing video games, watching movies, planning for the zombie apocalypse, reading graphic novels, and playing with my dogs.

My passion for New Adult literature led me to producing the weekly New Adult Lit Chat on Twitter and contributing to the NA Alley Blog. I’m also the author of Moonsongs, a series of New Adult, urban fantasy novelettes. Find me on Twitter @EJWesley or Facebook and we’ll chat!  

Website  | Amazon Author Page | Twitter | Facebook | G+ | LinkedIN | Newsletter 


1 New Adult sports books bundle (INT)
1 $15 iTunes gift credit (INT)
1 signed paperback copy of Perfectly Ernest + Ernest team jersey. (US)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, August 29, 2014

Kaylie Newell: $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Release Contest

Author Kaylie Newell is hosting a Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest for Lone Wolfe Protector.

Lone Wolfe Protector (A Wolfe Creek Novel) (Entangled Covet) by Kaylie Newell
Excerpt from Lone Wolfe Protector:
“So what do you think, lassie?” Koda asked, the new nickname gentle and teasing, and stroking something inside
her. But there was an underlying tone in his voice, too. “Still gonna stick around?”
“Of course,” she answered a little too quickly. As if trying to convince herself, as much as him. “You’re not saying people actually believe that stuff, are you?”
“Oh, they believe it, all right. They might not admit it right away, but get a few beers down someone and you’ll
hear all kinds of interesting things.”
“Are you speaking from experience?”
“Yes, ma’am. I haven’t always been with the department. I was young once, too. There’s not a whole lot to do in a town this size when you’re twenty-two, except drink. I’ve spent my fair share of time in a bar.”
They considered each other for a long, quiet moment. Koda Wolfe’s eyes were as dark as the shadows that stretched
out behind him, and just as deep.
“This is you,” he said.
Without Maggie realizing it, they’d ended up back at the Inn. Yellow lights glowed in the old, frosted windows.
Turning, she smiled. “Thank you for the walk, Deputy Wolfe.”
“Koda,” he said.
They stood looking at each other for a long moment, before he leaned so close that she could make out his
eyelashes in the dim light.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight,” he added in a dramatic whisper.
She could still feel the heat of his breath on her cheek as he climbed into his SUV and started the motor. When he pulled away from the curb she waved, watching the taillights
gradually fade until they were just a tiny memory of warmth in the clear, cold night.
Trembling, she dipped her chin into her collar. She wasn’t sure how she’d sleep tonight.
But wasn’t anxious to find out.
Buy a Kindle copy of Lone Wolfe Protector from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 Cents!

About Kaylie Newell:

Author Kaylie Newell
Author Bio:
For Kaylie Newell, writing ranks right up there with the things she loves most in life—falling somewhere behind her family, but ahead of Bradley Cooper (which says a lot). She fell in lust with the romance genre when she was about thirteen and began sneaking her mother’s paperbacks from the bedside table. After acne, college, marriage and kids, she decided to take a crack at writing one herself. Turned out to be the best adventure she’s ever taken. When she’s not dreaming up her next book, she’s usually eating chocolate or walking the family mutt. In that order.

Connect with Kaylie:

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | PinterestBooks by Kaylie Newell


Open to readers worldwide. 
Prize 1: A $40.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 2: 2 each $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Quilts of Love | A GRAND DESIGN – Kindle HDX Giveaway & “Fall into Fall” Facebook Party!

Don’t miss this month’s Quilts of Love book, A Grand Design by Amber Stockton. Who hasn't struggled to let painful memories go and move into God's healing? You’ll be sure to love this heartfelt and encouraging tale set on historic Mackinac Island.

Celebrate August’s release by entering to win a Kindle from Quilts of Love and RSVPing for the "Fall into Fall" Facebook author chat party.

Quilts of Love Kindle HDX Giveaway, Amber Stockton, A Grand Design

  One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle HDX
  • A Grand Design by Amber Stockton
  • Hidden in the Stars by Robin Caroll

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 16th. Winner will be announced on the Quilts of Love blog. Plus make sure you RSVP to the October 7th author chat party with Amber Stockton and Robin Caroll for an evening of book chat, quilting tips and tricks, prizes, and more!


RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on October 7th!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thirty Two Going on Spinster by Becky Monson: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Thirty-Two Going on... Spinster by Becky Monson.

thirty two Thirty-Two Going on... Spinster 

 by Becky Monson
Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.

With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie.

But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?

Purchase your copy for just $2.99!!

Praise for Thirty-Two Going on... Spinster   

"Oh my, oh my. I have just finished wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. This is seriously funny." ~Julie Darley (Never judge a Book by its Movie)

"This was a refreshing change of pace for me to read. Some good clean romance was found in it’s pages and that is a rare find these days. It was some great chick-lit. I would not have thought this was Becky’s debut book, it was so well done." ~Liberty Ann (SnifferWalkBooks)

Author Becky Monson 

Becky Monson
By day, Becky Monson is a mother of three young children, and a wife. By night, she escapes with reading books and writing. In her debut novel, Becky uses humor and true-life experiences to bring her characters to life. She loves all things chick-lit (movies, books, etc), and wishes she had a British accent. She has recently given up Diet Coke for the fiftieth time and is hopeful time will last... But it probably won't. Becky runs a large book club on Facebook called "This Chick Reads".


Book Blast Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 9/30/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

FOR LOVE AND COUNTRY by Elizabeth D. Michaels: $50 Book Blast Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for FOR LOVE AND COUNTRY by Elizabeth D. Michaels.

Horstberg saga

For Love and Country

For Love and Country

When A Man Is Torn Between Honoring His Country And The Woman He Loves, The Best Option Might Be To Choose Both.  

When Maggie du Woernig willfully ignores her parents’ admonitions and entangles herself with Nik Koenig, she is certain he’s the only man who will make her happy. Blind to Nik’s real intentions, she throws herself recklessly into a situation that could not only destroy her life but compromise the safety of her country.  

Han Heinrich has resigned himself to working in the castle stables, mostly as an excuse to have contact each day with Maggie. His aspirations for a more fulfilling career seem fruitless, in spite of his father’s position as the duke’s highest advisor. But when Han learns about Maggie’s precarious situation, he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the woman he loves, and to save the country he would die for. He only hopes that someday Maggie will forgive him.

Purchase your copy:

Praise for The Horstberg Saga

I completely enjoyed this book. The character development is fantastic. The author has a great sense of emotional storytelling that wraps you into the story as if you know,and can fully relate to the characters. This is the kind of story that touches the heart and the spirit. Well done. I look forward to the next chapter in the Horstberg Saga. This book kept me so interested, I had a hard time putting it down. Suspense, love without smut, emotions that so relate to everyday life. This author touched on it all. Such in depth understanding of human emotions with the characters. Firstly, I loved that this was a VOLUME! And what a great story to really sink my teeth into and get settled in with for more than just one sitting! Well written and thoroughly satisfying.

Elizabeth Author Elizabeth D. Michaels 

Elizabeth D. Michaels began writing at the age of sixteen, immersing herself ever since in the lives created by her vivid imagination. Beyond her devotion to family and friends, writing has been her passion for nearly three decades. While she has more than fifty published novels under the name Anita Stansfield and is the recipient of many awards, she boldly declares The Horstberg Saga as the story she was born to write, with many volumes in the works. She is best known for her keen ability to explore the psychological depths of human nature, bringing her characters to life through the timeless struggles they face in the midst of exquisite dramas.


Book Blast Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 9/26/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, August 25, 2014

Now Touring: Teen Wytche Saga by Ariella Moon (+ Giveaway)

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for The Teen Wytche Saga by Ariella Moon, a young adult fantasy series.

   Teen Wytche Saga  

The Teen Wytche Saga by Ariella Moon 

Think magic will solve your problems? Bring you love? Cure you? Protect you? Help you find someone who is lost? Think again. Magic tests friendships. It hisses, chirps, stinks up the room, backfires, and explodes. Magic forces you to make tough decisions. Shatter limitations. Discover your true self. When you use magic, expect results in the ultimate triple-un—unpredictable, uncontrollable, and so undeniable. And you thought navigating high school was tough.

Purchase on Amazon


Praise for The Teen Wytche Saga 

Spell Check Cover Ariella

Spell Check  

“Ms. Moon has crafted a spellbinding story. I was entranced within the first chapter,” Tifferz, 5-star Amazon Review  

“Spellcheck is a delightful teen romance about best friends, magic, and bad decisions.” Romancewriter, 5-Star Amazon Review    

A great read that kept me captive, I couldn't stop reading! Ariella Moon has created a piece of art! I can't wait for the next book!” Jennifer Badgett, 5-Star Amazon Review

Spell Struck CoverSpell Struck  

"A fantastic YA paranormal read, reminiscent of the film "Practical Magic"! Spell Struck combines quirky but fun teen characters dealing with new schools, romance, and family problems, with magic, and more serious topics like suicide and kidnapping." Sarah E. Bradley, InD’Tale Magazine 5 Stars, Crowned Heart for Excellence

“The Teen Wytche Saga is a gripping series of books that combine otherworldly magick with the everyday struggles of growing up a teenager in America… Unexpected plot twists at every turn of the page grab you and hold on from start to finish.” Karyn Pickles, 5 Star Amazon Review

“I loved Spell Struck even more than I loved Spell Check!” Freddie, 5-Star Amazon Review

Spell Fire CoverSpell Fire    

This book looked fun and magical from the start … I really want to go back and get the first and second book now and read the series from the beginning. Ariella has made me fall in love with the characters in the middle of the story. I also can not wait for the fourth installment.” Becca Wilson, 5-Star Amazon Review    

“Great cast of characters, diverse protagonist, fast-paced action and romance, and a touch of different types of regional magic all tied into a fantastic read. I would highly recommend these to any woman (no matter the age) looking for an uplifting paranormal romance!” Freddie, 5-Star Amazon Review    

I loved it!!! Absolutely loved it!!!... “Overall a great book and an awesome series... I would definitely recommend this book to all the fantasy and YA lovers and hope that you guys will love it as I did.” CUTEsatarupa, 5-Star Amazon Review

Excerpt #2 from Spell Fire, Book #3, The Teen Wytche Saga

I paused beneath the fernpainted ceiling fan and scanned the wall menu. I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but a weird craving fueled my search.
The dragon exerted pressure between my shoulder blades, prompting me. "A Scorpion's Nest smoothie."
Morningstar leaned over the high counter and gave me a onceover. "You feeling okay?"
I licked my lips. "Absolutely." I had never tasted an orange juice, vanilla ice cream, and peanut butter combo, but I slapped the countertop and said, "I'm fine. Hit me."
Morningstar tilted her head to one side and studied me.
Oh — crap. Maybe I'm dragon drunk.

ariella Author Ariella Moon 

Ariella Moon is the author of the Teen Wytche Saga, a sweet Young Adult paranormal series. Ariella writes about magic, friendship, high school, secrets, and love in Spell Check, Spell Struck, and Spell Fire from Astraea Press. Ariella spent her childhood searching for a magical wardrobe that would transport her to Narnia. Extreme math anxiety, and taller students who mistook her for a leaning post, marred her youth. Despite these horrors, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Davis. Ariella is a Reiki Master, author, and shaman. She lives a nearly normal life with her extraordinary daughter, two shamelessly spoiled dogs, and an enormous dragon.

Social Media Website Social Media Blog Social Media Facebook Social Media Goodreads

teen wytche saga tour
Tour Schedule
Blog Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 9/7/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cover Reveal for ARRGH! by Stacey R. Campbell + Giveaway

I am so excited to share the cover of ARRGH! by Stacey Campbell, a middle grade fantasy adventure. This book releases September 24th, 2014. 



Forced to remain silent after being kidnapped by pirates Christopher must find a way to save an innocent merchant ship’s captain and his daughter from the evil grasp of Captain Redblade proving that friendship and family are worth fighting for no matter the costs.


About the Author

Stacey R. Campbell lives in the Pacific North West with her husband, three daughters, three dogs, and a pet
IMG_1648 (1)turtle named Todd. She is a graduate of the University of Washington. At the age of seven Stacey was told that she would never be the writer she dreamed of being because she is dyslexic. Finally Stacey found that she could not look her children in the eyes and tell them that they could be what ever they wanted to be if she did not do the same. Now Stacey can't stop writing and loves to help children pursue their own dreams. Stacey is the young adult author of Hush, A Lakeview Novel and Whisper, A Lakeview Novel. ARRGH! is Stacey’s first middle grade book.

For more books from this author, visiting information, and author events please visit Stacey at:

You can also learn more about Stacey R. Campbell on

Live in the Seattle area? Meet Stacey Campbell, YA author Martha Brockenbrough and others at the UW bookstore, Mill Creek, on October 9th at 7:00! There will also be a book launch for ARRGH!, Dec. 3rd at 7:00 at the UW Bookstore in the U district. 


Paperbacks of HUSH & WHISPER (Young Adult)- US only
ebook of ARRGH! (Middle Grade)- INT

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Up the Tower by J.P. Lantern: $25 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Up the Tower by JP Lantern, a Science Fiction, YA, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Action/Adventure book released today by Brainstorm Publishing.


Congratulations to J.P. Lantern as he celebrates the release of Up the Tower with this Book Blast scheduled by Goddess Fish Promotions. One reader will win a $25 Amazon gift card via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Disaster brings everybody together. A cloned corporate assassin; a boy genius and his new robot; a tech-modified gangster with nothing to lose; a beautiful, damaged woman and her unbalanced stalker—these folks couldn't be more different, but somehow they must work together to save their own skin. Stranded in the epicenter of a monumental earthquake in the dystopian slum, Junktown, there is only one way to survive. These unlikely teammates must go...UP THE TOWER.

Enjoy an Excerpt:

“Hey, Smellson!”

Samson ignored the jeer, focusing carefully on opening the box. He was twelve years old and he did not want to screw this up; being twelve was important, and people took the things you did seriously so long as you did them well.

“Smellson, hey!” The Crowboy banged his crowbar on the dusty ruins of the factory line where they had set up the six crates from their haul that morning. “Don’t blow us up, okay? I don’t want to die with your stench clogging me up, yeah?”

Again, Samson ignored the other boy, trying to concentrate as he eased his longtool through the gap in the crate before him. He very well could blow himself up; he could blow them all up. Inside the GuaranTech crate he tinkered with was a copbot.

Copbots blew up all the time. If their main processors or power source were damaged, they blew up. If they were being captured, they blew up. If they ran out of ammo and couldn’t refill within about ten minutes, they blew up. When they blew up, they incinerated everything in about a hundred foot radius. The warehouse was not big enough for the Crowboys to keep their distance and still work in the role of protection as they had been hired. So they were in the blast zone as well as Samson.

The copbots, deactivated, were precious and valuable. Strangely, they were valuable precisely because they were so hard to deactivate. A copbot was made almost entirely out of self-healing nanotech, and with enough time, it could repair from almost any wound to its metal shell. So, to keep this sort of power out of the hands of the gangster conglomerate that ran Junktown, the Five Faces, and any other sort of competitor, the copbots had a very liberal self-destruct mechanism.

About the Author:
J.P. Lantern lives in the Midwestern US, though his heart and probably some essential parts of his liver and pancreas and whatnot live metaphorically in Texas. He writes speculative science fiction short stories, novellas, and novels which he has deemed "rugged," though he would also be fine with "roughhewn" because that is a terrific and wonderfully apt word.

Full of adventure and discovery, these stories examine complex people in situations fraught with conflict as they search for truth in increasingly violent and complicated worlds.

twitter: @jplantern

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THE HONEYMOON PRIZE by Melissa McClone: $25 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for for The Honeymoon Prize by Melissa McClone, a contemporary romance book available now from Tule Publishing Group.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Melissa will award a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

NOTE: This book is on sale for only $0.99 during the tour.  Why not grab yourself a copy today?

He needs a wife...

Single bodyguard Nick Calhoun has been given an ultimatum by his boss--find a wife or lose his cushy, high-paying job. Clients' wives are hitting on him and putting Nick, and his boss, in hot water. But monogamy? He's never been a white picket fence kind of guy, and he's not about to embrace the happily married lifestyle now. He needs a wife who doesn't care about his steamy, extra-curricular love life...and he knows just the woman to fit the bill.

She needs a home...

Adalaide Sinclair spent years caring for her ill grandmother. Upon Grammy's death, she's stunned to find herself evicted from the only home she's ever known and labeled a thief by her inheritance-hungry family. Addie needs to find a place to live and a job--fast. So when her childhood friend, Nick, proposes a no-sex marriage of convenience, she puts her dreams of true love and happily-ever-after on hold. Finding Prince Charming can wait a little longer, right?

But will their friendship survive the honeymoon?

When Nick and Addie unexpectedly win a dream honeymoon, they decide to go their separate ways during the ten-day vacation. Too bad a camera crew is waiting for them at the tropical paradise. Acting like a head-over-heels bride and groom for reality TV wreaks havoc on their no-sex agreement...and blurs the line between fantasy and reality. Will Nick and Addie remain married in name only, or will a romantic honeymoon for show turn them into true newlyweds?

Enjoy an excerpt:

The breeze off San Diego Bay ruffled the hem of Adalaide Sinclair’s borrowed white dress. She stood at the wedding arbor in the County Administration Center’s Waterfront Park, holding a single yellow rose, her pulse racing faster than a F/A-18 taking off from Miramar.

Don’t lock your knees. Passing out during the lunchtime ceremony would be a total wedding faux pas. Not what she needed when she felt like a complete fraud, fake, liar. Her stomach churned, trying to wash away the guilt.

Clicks sounded—photographs being taken by her friend Emily Rodgers. The digital images weren’t fun shots to be shared via Instagram, but pictures to place in a fancy white album, a remembrance of the wedding day.

Air rushed from Addie’s lungs. Breathe. But less and less oxygen seemed to go into her lungs. Uh-oh.

Do. Not. Lose. It.

Nick Cahill, a close friend since kindergarten, stood next to her. The wind blew the ends of his wavy light brown hair, making him look like a model. He wore black trousers, a slightly wrinkled white dress shirt and a black bowtie. He looked so handsome and very groom-like. Well, of course, he did, given he was the groom.

Her groom.

He’d been her best bud until middle school, an intermittent crush through high school and her platonic male BFF since then. She never thought she’d be adding “her groom” to the list.

Addie’s forehead throbbed. Her heart ached. A lump burned in her throat.

I can’t believe this is happening.

With a degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University, Melissa McClone worked for a major airline where she traveled the globe and met her husband. But analyzing jet engine performance couldn’t compete with her love of writing happily ever afters. Her first full-time writing endeavor was her first sale when she was pregnant with her first child! Since then, she has published over thirty romance novels with Harlequin and Tule Publishing Group. She’s also been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s RITA® award. When she isn’t writing, you can usually find her driving her minivan to/from her children’s swim practices and other activities. She also sends care packages to deployed service members and fosters cats through a local no-kill animal shelter. Melissa lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, three school-aged children, two spoiled Norwegian Elkhounds and cats who think they rule the house. They do!



Twitter: @melissamcclone

Buy link:

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Secret Bliss of Calliope Ispwich by Marcia Lynn McClure: $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for The Secret Bliss of Calliope Ispwich by Marcia Lynn McClure.

secret blissThe Secret Bliss of Calliope Ipswich 

 by Marcia Lynn McClure 

 “Oh! Do link arms with me, Calliope,” Blanche whispered, her brown eyes widening with apprehension. She took Calliope’s arm, tightly linking it with her own. “The old Mulholland house still gives me the willies every time I walk past it. I hate to think on what might have gone on inside. It’s truly terrifyin’!” “Oh, don’t be silly, Blanche,” Calliope said, feigning calm. “Poor Prudence’s lunacy…it’s sad. And besides, her fiendish acts were not committed inside the house. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just…it’s just a sad, empty building.” Calliope Ipswich felt the hypocrite, however, as an uncomfortable shiver of residual dread and unease shuttered down her spine, More than six months had passed since the All Hollow’s Eve when the dangerous state of Prudence Mulholland’s fracturing mind had been revealed to the townsfolk of Meadowlark Lake. And now, each time Calliope thought of poor Prudence and her family, not only did her heart ache for their family’s unhappy lot but a chill of lingering horror rippled through her being. In truth, at times Calliope wondered if it had all been simply a bad dream—a nightmare. But it hadn’t. It really had happened—all of it.

Purchase your copy on

marcia Author Marcia Lynn McClure

 Marcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books, has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.” Marcia, who was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.
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BookBlast Giveaway

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 9/16/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

LADY BEAUCHAMP'S PROPOSAL by Amy Rose Bennett: $25 GC Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Lady Beauchamp's Proposal by Amy Rose Bennett, a historical (regency) romance available now from Secret Cravings Publishing.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post during the tour. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.

A runaway countess finds love when she least expects it…but she can’t hide from her past forever.

Elizabeth, Lady Beauchamp, fears for her life. When she discovers her dissolute and long-estranged husband has syphilis—and he wants to beget an heir no matter the cost—she flees to a remote part of Scotland to begin a new life as the widowed governess, Mrs. Beth Eliott at Eilean Tor Castle.

When Mrs. Eliott unexpectedly arrives on his doorstep, the reclusive and recently widowed Marquess of Rothsburgh is both irritated and intrigued. No longer in need of a governess—his young daughter now resides with his sister’s family in Edinburgh—he proposes the beautiful widow fill a position of a different kind…

Torn between staying true to her marriage vows and her wanton attraction to the devilishly handsome marquess, Elizabeth struggles against the temptation to become his mistress. But living a lie is not easy when you have fallen in love. And secrets always have a way of coming out…

Enjoy an excerpt:

Harcourt House, London, September 1815

Elizabeth sat before her cherrywood dressing table, determinedly brushing her hair with slow methodical strokes, trying in vain to relax. The simple routine always used to be soothing, a balm to her taut nerves.

But not anymore.

Especially not tonight.

The grandfather clock in the hall outside suddenly heralded the hour. Midnight.

With a shaky sigh, she placed the brush upon the silver tray and glanced at her candle-lit reflection. A grave young woman stared back at her; shadows as dark as bruises marred the usually pale skin beneath her grey eyes. She was so tired. And so anxious, she felt as brittle as a dried-out birch twig that was going to snap at any moment.

But she couldn’t break now. All going well, in six hours she would be gone from here in a hired cab that was scheduled to arrive in the mews behind the servants’ entrance where her travelling trunk had been carefully stowed. Despite her fatigue, she doubted that she would be able to sleep at all between now and then.

There was too much at stake.

The unexpected sound of her bedroom door opening made her start. In the dark shadows behind her, the reflection of her husband’s tall, lean frame appeared. He paused on the threshold and by the way he leaned against the door frame it was obvious that he was drunk—not an unusual circumstance for this time of night. Elizabeth knew that he’d probably spent the best part of the evening at his club or some gaming hell. But what was unusual, what caused her heart to hammer against her breast, was the fact that he had come to her room at all.

Hugh hadn’t entered her bedchamber for more than a year.

She tried to read his expression, judge his mood. Desperately tried to fathom what could have prompted this unexpected nocturnal visitation. But Hugh’s blue eyes, indeed the sculpted planes of his entire face, were hidden in shadow.

“Elizabeth.” Pushing away from the door, he prowled toward her bed, then sank onto the pale blue silk counterpane with a heavy sigh. The lingering odor of port and stale cigar smoke assailed her, but she forced herself to remain still, as she watched—and waited, her stomach cramping with fear. It made no sense at all that he had come to her, instead of seeking out the more titillating company of his latest mistress or at the very least a prostitute—his usual custom at this late hour.

Unless…Does he know what I have planned?

Despite her rising panic, Elizabeth was suddenly struck by the realization that her husband was uncharacteristically maudlin. Turning to face him, she was acutely conscious of the fact that she only wore a thin, white cotton nightrail. Although it buttoned all the way to her throat and had long sleeves, she felt vulnerable. Exposed. It bothered her that her feet were bare.

But she couldn’t afford to show any weakness.

“Are you all right, my lord?” she asked carefully, forcing the words past her tight, dry throat. It seemed safer than asking—what do you want?—or—are you here to stop me leaving you? She hoped to God he hadn’t uncovered her secret. She must tread carefully. Her life depended upon it.

Amy Rose Bennett has always wanted to be a writer for as long as she can remember. An avid reader with a particular love for historical romance, it seemed only natural to write stories in her favorite genre. She has a passion for creating emotion-packed—and sometimes a little racy—stories set in the Georgian and Regency periods. Of course, her strong-willed heroines and rakish heroes always find their happily ever after.

As an unpublished author, Amy has been a finalist in contests in both Romance Writers of Australia and Romance Writers of America. In 2013 and 2014, she has achieved a place in the top three of Romance Writers of Australia’s Emerald Award, and her debut Regency romance novel—‘Lady Beauchamp’s Proposal’—was the winning entry in the historical section of two Romance Writers of America Chapter Contests in 2013—the Chicago North Fire and Ice Contest and the San Francisco Heart to Heart Contest.

Amy is happily married to her own Alpha male hero, has two beautiful daughters, a rather loopy Rhodesian Ridgeback and a Devonshire Rex cat with attitude. She is a Speech Pathologist, but is currently devoting her time to her one other true calling—writing romance.

Contact information:

Author Website:



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