
Friday, August 29, 2014

Kaylie Newell: $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Release Contest

Author Kaylie Newell is hosting a Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest for Lone Wolfe Protector.

Lone Wolfe Protector (A Wolfe Creek Novel) (Entangled Covet) by Kaylie Newell
Excerpt from Lone Wolfe Protector:
“So what do you think, lassie?” Koda asked, the new nickname gentle and teasing, and stroking something inside
her. But there was an underlying tone in his voice, too. “Still gonna stick around?”
“Of course,” she answered a little too quickly. As if trying to convince herself, as much as him. “You’re not saying people actually believe that stuff, are you?”
“Oh, they believe it, all right. They might not admit it right away, but get a few beers down someone and you’ll
hear all kinds of interesting things.”
“Are you speaking from experience?”
“Yes, ma’am. I haven’t always been with the department. I was young once, too. There’s not a whole lot to do in a town this size when you’re twenty-two, except drink. I’ve spent my fair share of time in a bar.”
They considered each other for a long, quiet moment. Koda Wolfe’s eyes were as dark as the shadows that stretched
out behind him, and just as deep.
“This is you,” he said.
Without Maggie realizing it, they’d ended up back at the Inn. Yellow lights glowed in the old, frosted windows.
Turning, she smiled. “Thank you for the walk, Deputy Wolfe.”
“Koda,” he said.
They stood looking at each other for a long moment, before he leaned so close that she could make out his
eyelashes in the dim light.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight,” he added in a dramatic whisper.
She could still feel the heat of his breath on her cheek as he climbed into his SUV and started the motor. When he pulled away from the curb she waved, watching the taillights
gradually fade until they were just a tiny memory of warmth in the clear, cold night.
Trembling, she dipped her chin into her collar. She wasn’t sure how she’d sleep tonight.
But wasn’t anxious to find out.
Buy a Kindle copy of Lone Wolfe Protector from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 Cents!

About Kaylie Newell:

Author Kaylie Newell
Author Bio:
For Kaylie Newell, writing ranks right up there with the things she loves most in life—falling somewhere behind her family, but ahead of Bradley Cooper (which says a lot). She fell in lust with the romance genre when she was about thirteen and began sneaking her mother’s paperbacks from the bedside table. After acne, college, marriage and kids, she decided to take a crack at writing one herself. Turned out to be the best adventure she’s ever taken. When she’s not dreaming up her next book, she’s usually eating chocolate or walking the family mutt. In that order.

Connect with Kaylie:

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Open to readers worldwide. 
Prize 1: A $40.00 Amazon Gift Card
Prize 2: 2 each $5.00 Amazon Gift Cards


  1. Hello Kaylie, I would like to know if you snack when you write and if so what is your favorite snack. Thank you. Lone Wolf Protector sounds like a great book. I would enjoy reading this book.

  2. Uh I don't think I would choose to stop in a town full of werewolves, sexy or not. Lol

  3. I would say my favorite shifter movie is x-men.

  4. Definetly scruff, I love a man or a werewolf with a full face of hair.

  5. I have always wondered with writers if you know the ending of your story when you start writing .
