
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

[ah-hem] Hello #ArmchairBEA! Let Me Introduce Myself.

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads

My answers to Armchair BEA is Coming ... Prep Your Introductions! questions:

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

Hi. My name is Tallulah. I have had a blog for about two years. I would not saying that I have been "blogging" though. I read a lot of books. I scribble lots of notes (and some reviews) about those books on paper. I started blogging because I thought that it would be cool to move my scribbles online. Sadly, I haven't been good about actually posting them. <sigh> I hope to correct that this summer.

Where in the world are you blogging from? Tell a random fact or something special about your current location. Feel free to share pictures.

I am blogging from Atlanta. Atlanta is the capital of and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Georgia. One of the most famous books set in this city is Gone with the Wind, a novel written by Margaret Mitchell.

The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia, and Atlanta during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for the book in 1937. Gone with the Wind was adapted into an American film of the same name in 1939.

Although I have visited the Margaret Mitchell House numerous times for author readings, I have never read Gone with the Wind. After watching the American Masters/PBS documentary Margaret Mitchell: American Rebel it's moved up on my to-be-read list. Along with Margaret Mitchell & John Marsh: The Love Story Behind Gone with the Wind by Marianne Walker.

Have you previously participated in Armchair BEA? What brought you back for another year? If you have not previously participated, what drew you to the event?

This is my first time participating. I was lurking on Lisa's Just Another Rabid Reader blog and came across her post about Armchair BEA.

What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2013?

I am currently reading The World's Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne.

Tell us one non-book-related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you.

I am allergic to grass. That's a bad problem to have living in Georgia.

Name your favorite blog(s) and explain why they are your favorite(s).

I don't have any yet. There are so many to see! I usually don't get back to visit more than once or twice. Hopefully, this will change. I recently signed up for GFC and bloglovin' to stay more connected. I am going to try and visit lots of #ArmchairBEA participants' blogs this week. See you soon!

Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

I haven't written it yet. Swing by my blog at the end of the summer. I'll have something fabulous posted by then.

If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

I would like to dine in a supper club with jazz singer Shug Avery from The Color Purple (by Alice Walker). Shug is a series of fascinating contradictions.

I loved Margaret Avery's musical performances as Shug in the movie adaptation. Check out the movie trailer.

After dessert, Shug and I would "jump up" with the house band and jam the night away. Of course, I would be lip syncing and wearing a shiny red dress.

What literary location would you most like to visit? Why?

I read Back of Beyond (Cody Hoyt #1) by C.J. Box earlier this year. Most of the action is set in Yellowstone National Park. Although it's a murder mystery, my take-away from the book was that Yellowstone is awesome. I felt like an arm chair traveler as I was reading it. I am definitely planning on visiting for real in the future.

What is your favorite part about the book blogging community?

Sharing book recommendations. The book blogging community encourages me to read books that I probably wouldn't read if left to my own devices.

Is there anything that you would like to see change in the coming years?

Fewer participants per blog tour. I recently realized that I've started ignoring some featured blog tour books since I keep seeing the same tour on a bazillion sites. Okay, maybe not a bazillion. That's an exaggeration... but still. See Maureen Johnson's blog post BLOG TOURS, AND THE WORD NO from BEA last year.

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  1. Giving a perfect recommendation is addicting. If there was more of that in blogging I would be a happier person. Nice to meet you.

    1. Yes! So many books. So little time. I am looking for recommendations in my Armchair BEA giveaway.

      Please stop by:

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm a Georgia blogger too! I find it interesting that we both used facts about Gone with the Wind in our questions. Happy Reading!

    1. People frequently ask me about GWtW. I feel bad having not read it, especially since I've been to Margaret's house so much. LOL.

      I'll drop by and check out your post.

  3. I love your Bookin It with MadMen feature. Great cross over potential.

    1. Thanks. I love your blog title.

      In hindsight, I should have looked at Bookin It with MadMen before answering the literary fiction question. Lots of goodies there.

  4. Love your intro post, love Gone With the Wind, love love love :)

    The World's Strongest Librarian is so great, I hope you're enjoying it!

    Happy ABEA, happy reading!

    1. Thanks! I am going try to read GWtW this summer. Have you read any of its sequels?

      The World's Strongest Librarian is quite humbling. I am enjoying it so far.

  5. Allergic to grass?! oh my goodness - you would never make it in Michigan...well, at least not for 3 months of the year. ;-)

    1. True. True. I am plotting to move to New Mexico in the back of my head. LOL!

  6. The best part of having your own blog, is that it's your own vision, your time, and your rules :D Don't be too hard on yourself about not blogging enough. I read far more than I blog and I don't always blog a lot each week. I admire those who do, and I'm just not there yet ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

  7. Very nice meeting you and thanks for stopping by my blog today. I follow you now :-)
