
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Count me in! Armchair BEA 2013

#ArmchairBEA has been floating around in my Twitter timeline for the past couple of weeks. I didn't pay it much attention because I was not attending the Book Expo America (BEA) conference in New York. All my mind registerered was BEA - not Armchair (color me green with envy).

Thank goodness - I was lurking on Lisa's Just Another Rabid Reader blog and came across her post on Armchair BEA. My major takeaway? Armchair BEA. <DING!> <DING!> <DING!> I got it. Count me in!

Design credit: Nina of Nina Reads
Armchair BEA is the experience for book bloggers to participate in Book Expo America (BEA) from the comfort of their homes. This experience is created lovingly by book bloggers specifically for our peers who for whatever reason are not able to participate in the main conference in New York each year. We bring publishers, authors, and bloggers together in celebrating our love for all things literary by hosting celebrations such as sneak peeks, daily discussion topics, and sponsored giveaways. - Armchair BEA Mission Statement

Armchair BEA is scheduled for May 28-June 2, 2013. You can still register: it's not too late. Here are a few important links:

Armchair BEA FAQ
Announcing the 2013 Armchair BEA Agenda!!
Twitter Party Schedule!

Clearly, this is my first year participating. If you have participated before, what is your favorite part?

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