
Sunday, January 2, 2011

I shoulda ... No, I'm gonna

My TBR* and TBW** lists are getting ridiculous. Something must be done. I don't want to assign a number of books or movies to complete. Too much pressure. So instead, I am going to start with some books and movies that I feel like I shoulda read or shoulda watched by now. You know the ones:
  • They have been on your to-do list. 
  • They come up in conversations. 
  • They are referenced in other media and you only have a vague idea of them.
  • They make you sigh, "I really should read/watch that."
Short of pulling a Bayard***, I just need to read/watch or remove them from the list. My clean up lists will be be next two posts. Let's get to it!

*TBR - To Be Read
**TBW - To Be Watched
*** His book, How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read, is on my TBR list. Too funny (or sad - depending on how you look at it). Check out, "Read It? No, but You Can Skim a Few Pages and Fake It" by Alan Riding at the The New York Times.

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