
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fat City - Please vote!

I just saw the movie, Fat City (1972), starring Stacy Keach, Jeff Bridges and Susan Tyrrell. It was directed by John Hurston. What a line up! The movie is kind of dark and dirty. More about missed opportunities and hard living than boxing. Definitely not like the the typical boxing movies that Hollywood has been churning out since then. Check out Roger Ebert's January 1, 1972 review of the movie. Watch Fat City now with Video on Demand at

The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Leonard Gardner. I have gotta get a copy of the book on the cheap. My library does not have it ;-( I have cast my vote to create a Kindle version and add it to the Bookswim collection. Please do the same - if you are interested in reading the book. Gracias!

Underneath the book image of Fat City, there is a "Tell the Publisher!" link. Vote to ask the publisher to add a Kindle version of the book.

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I wonder how it compares to The Fighter (starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale). I haven't seen it yet. Have you? The official movie site certainly hypes it up -

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