
Thursday, October 8, 2015

I Dreamt of Trees by Gilles DeCruyenaere | @GoddessFish Presents #giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the virtual blurb blitz tour for I Dreamt of Trees by Gilles DeCruyenaere, a science fiction / dystopian novel available now. Click the banner below to see additional stops.

I Dreamt of Trees
by Gilles DeCruyenaere

GENRE: Science Fiction / Dystopian



Jason Crawford has dedicated his life to fighting the mysterious alien race which threatens the massive city-ship he calls home. A few days before his first mission, however, Jason discovers a terrible secret which could mean an end to his way of life forever. Fearing government reprisal for this new-found knowledge, Jason takes refuge in the Rim, a walled-off section of the ship where citizens are left to fend for themselves while the government ruthlessly plunders its resources.

While there, Jason forms an uneasy alliance with fellow exile Greg. Though they share the same goal of exposing the government's terrible secret, their relationship is strained; Jason is selfish, profane and morally ambiguous, while Greg is generous, kind and liberal-minded.

Will Jason and Greg manage to achieve their goals despite their ideological differences? Will Jason ever escape the Rim, and if so, can he hope to regain anything even resembling the life of entitlement to which he was accustomed?

"I Dreamt of Trees" is a story of struggle and survival in a dystopian society built on fear and greed. Though you may be tempted to judge the characters, be certain of one thing: On the USS McAdam, no one is quite as good, nor quite as bad as they seem.



It was a typical Friday night at Core Plaza. Thousands upon thousands of happy citizens wandered about the mall's perimeter, some in search of food and drink, some looking for entertainment, and others simply soaking up the festive atmosphere.

Of course, no trip to Core Plaza was complete without a stroll across the huge circular glass floor commonly known as the “Star Walk”. Measuring exactly one mile in diameter, the Star Walk spanned the upper end of the USS McAdam's primary waste chute. Used mainly as a vent for the insanely dangerous radioactive gas created by the McAdam's PNTPD (photo-nuclear tri-phasic drive), the chute also served as a conduit for any unpleasant waste which could not be reclaimed by the ship's many complex recycling mechanisms. As the tube, by necessity, pierced the ship's photonic shields, the star walk now offered the populace their only truly clear view of space. On any given day, hundreds of people could be seen gazing in wonder at the breathtaking view below, from time to time emitting a small group cheer as a Squelcher ship would inexplicably fly below the mouth of the vent, only to be summarily torn apart in a maelstrom of glowing blue plasma. For many of the residents of the Good Ship McAdam, a Friday night “Star Stroll” was truly the highlight of their week.


AUTHOR Bio and Links

Gilles DeCruyenaere lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada with his wife Joanne and their fur-baby Yogi. In his spare time Gilles enjoys reading, watching movies, creating art and experiencing nature, as well as collecting rocks, minerals, antiques and Star Wars paraphernalia. A graduate of the Digital Media Design program at Red River College, Gilles recently served as film editor for the feature-length animated film “Emma's Wings: A Bella Sara Tale”.

NOTE:  "I Dreamt of Trees" will be $.99 on from October 10th to October 16th.



Gilles DeCruyenaere will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning! Thank you very much for hosting – I’m looking forward to reading today’s comments and answering any questions your readers may have! :)

  2. Sounds like a great book - thanks for sharing!

  3. If you'd like to pick up "I Dreamt of Trees" at a really great price, check from Oct 10-16!

  4. $.99 sale for "I Dreamt of Trees" on now at!

  5. I love the blurb and excerpt. Thank you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
