
Friday, October 2, 2015

A HAUNTING DESIRE by Julie Mulhern | @GoddessFish Promotions Presents #giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the a virtual blurb blitz tour for A Haunting Desire by Julie Mulhern, a historical romantic suspense novel available now from Entangled Publishing. Click on the banner below to see more stops on the tour.

A Haunting Desire
by Julie Mulhern

GENRE: Historical Romance



Murder in the streets. And passion in the shadows...

New Orleans, 1902

A killer walks the streets of New Orleans, eviscerating men and leaving them in the streets, and for madam Trula Boudreaux, it's bad for business. Trula needs help but she's not prepared for Zeke Barnes, the charming would-be savior who darkens her doorway-or the yearning he awakens. For while Trula knows well the delights of lust, she avoids love at all costs...

Investigating the killer was one thing, but Zeke can't help but be enchanted by the gorgeous mystery woman who runs an exclusive brothel. Caught between his duty to protect the city and his clear-as-day desire for Trula, Zeke sets about capturing Trula's heart-or at least a place in her bed. But with every moment Trula resists, Zeke falls into greater danger.

For his investigation into the haunted city and madam doesn't just risk his heart but both their lives.



Trula raised her arms above her head, stretching her muscles, arching. He drank in her every movement. Her hand skimmed the sheet under the pillow and she froze. Sudden tension rolled off her body. She pulled a bit of paper out from under the pillow.

“What’s that?” he asked.

Trula studied the bit of paper. Her brows knit together and worry lines wrinkled the smooth perfection of her forehead. “Fate.” She handed him an elaborately decorated card. 
He looked at a naked man and woman whose hands reached for each other.

“Granny left a message for us.” Her voice sounded distant.

“The lovers.” He laid the card on the bedside table. “It appears Granny Amzie is a wise woman.”

“Too wise.” Her eyes misted like the river at dawn. She’d wandered far away from him without taking a step.

He lifted his hand, caressed her soft cheek. “I don’t want to talk about old women.” He nuzzled against her neck, breathing in her scent.

“How…wise of you.” Her laughter sounded almost sad and the fingers she ran through his hair no longer held electricity at their tips.

He pulled her warm body to him and held her, watching as her eyes fell closed. Her breathing eased into a regular, deep pattern. She didn’t respond to the brush of his lips on her soft cheek. He’d made a tactical error. One night with Trula wasn’t near enough.


AUTHOR Bio and Links

Julie Mulhern is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. She spends her spare time whipping up gourmet meals for her family, working out at the gym and finding new ways to keep her house spotlessly clean--and she's got an active imagination. Truth is--she's an expert at calling for take-out, she grumbles about walking the dog and the dust bunnies under the bed have grown into dust lions.

Her first romance was a finalist in the 2014 Golden Heart® contest. That book, A Haunting Desire released July 28, 2015.

Julie also writes mysteries. The Deep End (available now) is her first mystery and is the winner of The Sheila Award. Look for book two, Guaranteed to Bleed, in October, 2015.

Twitter: @juliekmulhern


Julie Mulhern will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today!

  2. This sounds like a very exciting mystery/romance. Loved the excerpt.

  3. Thanks for sharing the excerpt, can't wait to read this one :)

  4. “A Haunting Desire” sounds fabulous. NOLA is the perfect setting for mystery, murder and romance. It’s on my TBR list. Blessings and Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the intro to a new author!

  6. I enjoyed the excerpt. Thank you!
