
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

KISS OF THE INCUBUS by C.J. Harwin #giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for KISS OF THE INCUBUS by C.J. Harwin, a Fantasy/Paranormal Romance available now from Loose Id.



An incubus who feeds off the sexual desires of others, Roth de Lis has never been denied the pleasure of a woman’s body...until now. Lilah, once a warrior maiden in the service of a goddess, languishes on Earth after being cast out from the slopes of Mount Olympus.

Lilah will do anything to return home to Olympus, including betraying Roth. As she spins her web of lies, Roth begins a slow, wicked seduction that eventually threatens to consume them both. But when Lilah’s deceit comes to light, will their torrid love affair be able to overcome a pact with the darkest of gods?



Roth made his way back through the VIP room and into the dance area. Half a dozen women had approached him before he could make it to the door, slipping him phone numbers he’d never use and telling him names he didn’t care to know. One in particular got a little too frisky, trying to corral him into a kiss before he gently set her aside and continued making his way out.

He was only interested in one woman’s kiss, but Lilah had decided he wasn’t worth her time. And she’s right. Roth knew he didn’t have anything to offer one such as her, but he wanted her all the same. Want her. The incubus echoed his thoughts back to him, as if it were puzzling over the same riddle—how to make her… What? Make her love me? Impossible.

The hope at such a fairy tale died in his breast as he remembered how she’d turned from him after he revealed his terrible secret. He’d done so much to so many that he would forever be tainted. The incubus would never leave. To do so meant death for the both of them. She was repulsed by his evil, as she should be.

He would have sighed had he been the sort, but instead he pushed out the front doors, nearly breaking them off their hinges. He noted his empty car with a total lack of surprise. Lilah had a problem following directions, as he well knew. Her bullheaded nature made him smile to himself.

The he saw her. She stood as if frozen, somehow dumbstruck as a male slung his arm around her and groped her ass.

In an instant, Roth decided he would kill the male for touching her, but first he would make him suffer.


AUTHOR Bio and Links

C.J. Harwin is an author of steamy romance novels that spring from myth and imagination. Accompanied by her family and an embarrassing number of pets, she lives in a Southern town watched over by the god of the forge. An attorney by day, she spends her nights crafting tales of ghouls and gods, mortals and minions, and heroines and the heroes who love them.

Twitter: @cjharwin



C.J. Harwin will award a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter a $20 Amazon/BN GC.
a Rafflecopter giveaway