
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Enter to Win a Thrilling Summer Book Giveaway (July 1 - 19, 2015)

Enter to win 16 thrilling books and a $50 Amazon gift card! Contest begins July 1st, ends July 19, 2015. Books will consist of signed paperbacks or eBooks. Open to US residents only.

Click here to enter: May the odds be ever in your favor!

Be sure to join the Facebook event for the giveaway!

Each book will be featured on the Facebook event page on the following dates:

7/1 Visiting Lilly, by Toni Allen

7/2 Shadow Dancer, by Addison Kline

7/3 Rachel’s Folly, by Monica Bruno

7/6 Diamond Run, by Michael Croucher

7/7 The Anonymous Source, by A.C. Fuller

7/8 Sandcastle and Other Stories, by Justin Bog

7/9 Women in Red, by Jordan Rosenfeld

7/10 What Echoes Render, by Tamsen Schultz

7/11 Macyn’s Letter, by S.L. Stacker

7/13 Awake, by Melanie Surani

7/14 All the Pretty Bones, by Camela Thompson
7/14 Blood, Spirit & Bone, by Camela Thompson

7/15 Veronika Layne Gets the Scoop, by Julia Park Tracey

7/16 Inhuman Interest, by Eric Turowski

7/17 Roses are Red Violet is Dead, by Monica-Marie Vincent

7/18 OP-DEC: Operation Deceit, by K. William

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