
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon: April 25, 2015 #dewey #rahrahreadathon

I will be away from home most of the day so I am only planning to read one book - Yes Chef: A Memoir by Marcus Samuelsson. I will read portions of it whenever I get a chance.

I am trying to step up my non-fiction reading for the summer. Not so sure it's a good idea to read a foodie memoir with snacks not being readily available...

Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon is an international reading challenge. For 24 hours, participants read books, post on their blogs (and/or social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.) about their reading, and visit other readers’ blogs. Participants also take part in mini-challenges throughout the day and win prizes. There are five ways you can participate: Reader, Cheerleader, Mini-Challenge Host, Organizer and Prize Donor.

Are you participating?

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