
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fantasy Casting Call for THE BROTHERS' KEEPERS by Matthew Peters (Book Tour & Giveaway)

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for THE BROTHERS' KEEPERS by Matthew Peters, a thriller available now from MuseItUp Publishing. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Most of us are familiar with Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, and Jesus’ purported spouse, Mary Magdalene. But what about Jesus’ siblings? What role did they play in early Christianity?

Contemporary Jesuit and renowned religious historian Nicholas Branson is about to find out…and the answer will shake the foundations of the Judeo-Christian world.

It all starts with the murder of a United States Senator in a confessional, and the discovery of a strange religious document among his possessions. At the urging of his FBI friend, Branson joins the investigation. His effort to uncover the truth behind the murder draws him into the search for an eight-hundred-year-old treasure and into a web of ecclesiastical and political intrigue.

Accompanied by a beautiful, sharp-tongued research librarian, Jessica Jones, Branson follows a trail of clues, from the peaks of the awe inspiring French Pyrenees to the caves of war-torn Afghanistan. Along the way, shadowy powerful forces trail the pair, determined to keep safe a secret buried for centuries.


If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of The Brothers' Keepers, who would play your main characters? Why?

I would have so much fun casting the main characters in a Hollywood adaptation of The Brothers’ Keepers! Quite honestly, I’ve given considerable thought to this issue (I mean, and what writer hasn’t?), and, in consultation with my significant other, have reached the following conclusions.

First, to the all-important question of who would play Nicholas Branson, the answer is Hugh Jackman. Why, you might ask? Well, the role of Nicholas Branson needs to be cast with an eye toward a mature actor, one who can credibly combine Branson’s high intellect with his alcoholism and a somewhat stilted emotional maturation. The role is sometimes physically demanding, so we’d need someone in very good shape, for which Mr. Jackman fits the bill.

In addition, many times while watching a thriller I’ve wanted the main character to bust out a tune, and, if you’ve seen Les Misérables, you know Hugh can do it. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But the most important reason to cast Jackman as the lead male protagonist is because my girlfriend told me I had to ☹ You might ask why I just didn’t start out by saying this, thereby saving us all some time. I could have, but then you would’ve missed out on all the fun.

When it comes to casting the lead female role, Jessica Jones, I have to go with Scarlett Johansson. Why Scarlett? Because of her range, her versatility, her instincts, her…ahem, well, let’s just leave it at that. But I think Ms. Johansson has the necessary spark and wittiness to play the part. The final reason is that if my girlfriend gets Hugh, I get Scarlett.

Oh, and that ability to burst out in song? Well, our Scarlett is no stranger to the musical scene. In fact, if you’ve never heard her sing, do check out her debut studio album, Anywhere I Lay My Head. But let’s face facts for a minute. Even if Scarlett couldn’t carry a tune though her hand was dipped in paste, who really cares? She’s perfect for the role of Jessica Jones, and once you read the book you’ll see why.

I can’t cast too many more actors without spoiling the plot, but there is one other person who plays a rather large part in the story—the wicked, formidable cardinal, Dottrina. When casting a villain is there any other choice but Alan Rickman? And just in case you’re wondering about the prospects for a sing-off with the protagonists, just watch Sweeney Todd, and you’ll see that Alan is more than simply Severus Snape or Hans Gruber: he’s a villain with a voice. Plus, he’s the one person on whom my girlfriend and I agree. And that, of course, is the clincher.

I hope you enjoy reading The Brothers’ Keepers as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Father Rawlings drained his cup and set it on the table. “What I’m about to tell you may sound ridiculous and melodramatic. At best it will seem the stuff of conspiracy theories and spy novels. However, I assure you it is not.” He fixed Branson with a steely gaze. “As God’s soldiers, we are engaged in a battle, Nicholas. As real as any battle ever waged. The war we fight has raged for centuries, but the battle we fight now could well be the last. And we, you and I, the Roman Catholic Church as a whole, must emerge victorious. Nothing less than the foundations, the stability of the Christian world is at stake.” He smiled again, this time with bitterness.

“Of course it sounds unbelievable, even paranoid, but believe me, it is neither. I choose my words carefully. I don’t make bold assertions I cannot support. I assure you I am telling you exactly how things stand, exactly what is at stake. Before I go on, however, I must demand a pledge from you, your promise to help the Church in the epic struggle in which we currently find ourselves. We require your guarantee, your warrant if you will, that you will use all your energies, resources, and powers to secure the interests of the Church, and that you will let nothing deter you from the task at hand. With this binding agreement comes an inexhaustible supply of resources: anything and everything you deem necessary to accomplish your mission. But I must have your pledge before we proceed.” Rawlings rose from his seat, motioning for Branson to stand as well. “Before you give me your answer, listen again to Jesus’ words: ‘He who is not with me is against me.’ Nicholas Branson, tell me now: Are you with our Lord, or against Him?”

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Dual diagnosed* from an early age, Matthew Peters dropped out of high school at sixteen. He went on to obtain an A.A., a B.A. from Vassar College, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Duke University. He has taught various courses in a variety of disciplines throughout North Carolina. He is committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of the dual diagnosed. In addition to The Brothers’ Keepers, he is the author of Conversations Among Ruins, which features a dual diagnosed protagonist. Currently, he is working on a sequel to The Brothers’ Keepers.

*The term dual diagnosed refers to someone suffering from a mood disorder (e.g., depression) and chemical dependency.






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Matthew Peters will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a fun post, Matthew, casting your characters! And your picks were perfect for The Brothers' Keepers. I can picture them in their roles.

    Yours is a great thriller. Not to be missed!

    1. Hi, Susan,

      Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

      It was a very fun post to write!

      It's a great question to ask because I think most writers have thought about the cast we'd pick for movie versions of our books.

      Like I said, the Hugh Jackman choice was kind of outside my control, but I figured if Hugh was the price for getting Scarlett, then I'd gladly pay--besides, he's a pretty good actor :-)

      All the best,

  2. This is great fun, Matt. Anne and I were asked this question recently and we spent an evening discussing/arguing about it and even roped our daughter into the discussion/argument. But as you say, what author hasn't considered the possibility! I like your choices!

    1. Thanks for dropping by and commenting, Ken and Anne.

      It was very much fun doing this post. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have done so.

      Now, I'm curious. Which book did you and Anne cast and whom did you choose?

      All the best,

  3. Excellent casting! Can't wait for the movie ;)

    1. Hi Heather,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      I'd love to hear who you have in mind for your excellent Jose Picada series :-)

      All the best,

    2. We've been working on Josie's series for so long, we have to keep "re-casting" the lead as the actresses, um, mature. Right now, I see Josie as Karen Gillan.

  4. Hi Sydney,

    Thanks for stopping by and asking a question.

    I've taught courses primarily in Political Science, from American Government and International Relations to Comparative Politics. I've also taught in Western Civilization, History, Sociology, and Markets and Management (mostly Global Economics in M & M).

    All the best,

  5. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. My pleasure, Patrick.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      All the best,

  6. Missed visiting with you on the day of post. Loved the fantasy casting call! But no, don't let them burst out in song! Mr. Jackman can probably sing very well, but remember his extremely short lived TV musical Las Vegas? I couldn't watch past the first 15 minutes! And I love Hugh Jackman!

    1. Hahahaha!

      You obviously know more about Hugh's singing career than I do :-)

      But point well taken.

      Have you had a chance to hear Scarlett sing? What do you think of her voice?

      So glad you came back around to comment.

      All the best,
