
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Author Debbie Peterson on the Inspiration Behind SHADOW OF THE WITTE WIEVEN + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Shadow of the Witte Wieven by Debbie Peterson, a fantasy paranormal romance available now from Inkspell Publishing. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Despite a contract on her head, lone Drug Enforcement Agent, Aliyana Montijo must ferret out a mole and stop the assassination of top DEA officials, as so ordered by the Colombian drug lord she seeks to take down. The task is a daunting one, for there is no one she can trust. No one that is, until she encounters a most unlikely ally.

Former seventeenth century captain of the Dutch West Indies Company, Wolfaert Dircksen Van Ness, now from a parallel dimension, encounters the beautiful agent during an unearthly storm in the Bermuda triangle. Drawn to the Spanish beauty he rescues, he pledges his assistance, despite her reluctance to accept either his help or his heart.

Can Wolf bridge both space and time to claim the woman he loves?


“Are you going to answer the question, or are you not?” he quipped, ignoring her comment altogether.

“Ooh! Tu' eres el hombre más exasperante que he tenido la desgracia de conocer!” she huffed as she folded her arms and slammed them hard against her chest.

“Sorry?” His eyes danced with sudden merriment, while his lips twitched in amusement. “I didn’t quite catch all that!”

In response to his mirth, she once again clenched her teeth. She could feel her cheeks flame as she jerked a pointed a finger toward his chest. “I said, you are the most exasperating man I’ve ever had the misfortune—”

The moment she drove her finger forward, her words abruptly ended and so did his mirth. Aliyana touched the tip of her tongue to her lips as she stared at what she could see of her finger. She slowly withdrew it from inside his chest, gazed at the digit, repeated her actions once more, and then gazed into his sky-blue eyes.

“Aliyana,” Wolf whispered. “Don’t be afraid of me. This isn’t what you think.”

She struggled to make sense of this new quandary. Her bewildered gaze shifted to his arms that still held her fast, traveled their length, and then rose to his face. Her lovely eyes, filled with such delightful indignation a moment ago, now held a trace of apprehension.

“Who are you?” she asked in a voice just audible to his ears. “Better yet, what are you?”

GUEST POST: Inspiration Behind Shadow of the Witte Wieven

Hello Tallulah! I am thrilled to be here with you today and share with you and your readers a little bit about the inspiration behind Shadow of the Witte Wieven.

First of all, you need to know that I love most all forms of artwork. Anyone who can pick up a brush and some paint, then create something breathtaking has my utmost respect. I wish I could do it, but I’m afraid I can do little more than draw some impressive stick figures for your entertainment. Anyway, one day while perusing a gallery filled with impressive works of art, I happened across a beautiful painting of a fierce lighting storm over an ocean. The colors used by the artist were just amazing and that got my imagination going. My thoughts eventually found their way to the Bermuda Triangle reports of the strange and bizarre--as well as the ferocity of the anomalous storms as witnessed by those who found their way out of them. From there, the “what if” part of my imagination took over.

“What if” a modern woman, let’s make her a DEA agent, fleeing from the Columbian drug lord bent on her demise, stole his plane in order to preserve her life? “What if” one of the infamous storms in the Bermuda Triangle flared while making her escape? “What if” during that storm, she crossed paths with a handsome 17th century captain who commanded a brigantine? “What if” during a like storm in the 17th century, he slipped into another dimension? “What if” he could revisit his former realm from time to time? What would happen if he fell in love with the beautiful DEA agent he encountered, and she with him? What choices would they then have to make?

Thus, Shadow of the Witte Wieven was born. I had a lot of fun writing this book and for those of you who choose to read it, I hope you find the same enjoyment as you immerse yourself in the story. If you do, drop me a line and tell me what you think! I love and appreciate hearing from all my readers!

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Debbie has always had a soft spot for fairy tales, the joy of falling in love, and happily ever after endings. Stories of love and make believe filled her head for as long as she can remember. However, it was her beloved husband who encouraged, cajoled and inspired her to take up a pen and write some of them down. In 2012, The Wild Rose Press published her first novel, “Spirit of the Rebellion.”

When she’s not busy conjuring her latest novel, Debbie spends time with the members of her very large family. She also pursues her interests in family history which she also teaches, mythology, and all things ancient and historic.

Connect with Debbie:





Shadow of the Witte Wieven Buy links:


Barnes and Noble:


All Romance Ebooks:


Debbie will be awarding a $15 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Loved this excerpt. Hope they can stay together.

    1. Hello MomJane! How fun to see you here today! I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

  2. Thanks so much for inviting me to your blog Tallulah! It is indeed a pleasure!

  3. Replies
    1. Hello Rita! So glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!

  4. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Thanks Patrick! I'm glad you stopped by!

  6. I love this book. You always write the most exciting finger biting heart racing stories. I seriously don't know where you come up with all these great stories.I am your number 1 fan

    1. I am honored! Thanks for all of the're the best!

  7. This is a wonderful book, and I really loved learning about the painting that helped it bloom in your imagination. Wolf and Aliyana are so perfect together!

    1. Wolf and Aliyana were so much fun for me to write, so much so that it was difficult to say "the end" least for now... Thanks so much for taking the time visit!

  8. I love hearing more and more what has inspired you to write the "Shadow Of The Witte Wieven". Do you recall what the painting was called I would love to take a peek at it and see it for myself. I am having a great time following this book tour, though I am a bit late in visiting I am glad that I finally had an opportunity.

    1. You would think as much as that painting inspired me, I would remember both the name of the painting as well as the name of the artist. I don't recall either. I have looked for it online and can't find it so far...but I am looking! Thanks for stopping by and you are never late!

  9. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to read this!
