Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tales of Treasure by HF Parkhurst: $50 GC Blitz Book Tour

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Tales of Treasure by HF Parkhurst, an action/adventure available now. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


A four hundred year quest for a mysterious lost treasure; bloodthirsty Pirates; plundering Conquistadors; noble Indians; and a sinister and secret religious Order are the tantalizing ingredients stirred together in the turbulent, steamy, and exotic Spanish Main, of yesterday and today.

To the rhythmic background of classic R&B soul music, Harry Carlton and his new love Helen are unexpectedly thrust into a violent encounter with ruthless and malevolent forces and a rogue’s gallery of dastardly villains. These two, near their fifties, are not kindly white-haired grandparents ready to sit sedately in rocking chairs. Instead, they confront danger with bravery, and battle dishonesty and injustice with valor. They discover a priceless, lost artifact treasure of the ancient Indians of South and Central America. In the struggle to return the treasure to its rightful owners, they must outwit the assortment of murderous villains, and stay alive.


September 1597

Impatient shouts from angry Spanish overseers mixed with the sharp crack of their whips. Snake-like lines of filthy, emaciated, near naked Indian slaves, almost unrecognizable as men, staggered across bowed gangways to the six ships moored at the stone quays. Their whip-scarred backs bent as they struggled under heavy barrels and chests. Sweat, tinted red with blood, dripped from the Indians as they labored by the flicker of torchlight into the growing darkness of the humid, tropical evening. Below decks of the Santa Maria de Castile, the galleon flagship of the six-ship flota, two men met in the closed confines of a fetid, airless cabin.

“Vicealmirante Don Francisco, the loading shall be completed by midnight. The ships will be ready to sail with the morning tide.”

“Excellente, Alonso,” Don Francisco replied. “Are those two insufferable priests satisfied with the storage of their cargo?” Seated comfortably behind a cluttered, ornately carved, dark oak table, the aristocratic Don Francisco sipped a glass of red wine while the handsome, broad-shouldered Felipe Alonso, Capitan of the Santa Maria, stood. Not of noble lineage, Felipe suffered the indignities of superiors like the Vicealmirante, in order to command a fighting galleon.

“Si, Vicealmirante. Padre Xavier and Padre Tomas will bless our journey and the ships when we sail.”

“They do not sail with us?”

“Padre Xavier informed me he and his fellow priests will remain. Their sacred work of converting the heathen natives to the one true faith is not completed.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links

H.F. earned double finalist honors in 2011 Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Literary Awards. Born and raised in the northeastern United States, he’s lived in the south, southwest, and mid-west of the US, as well as Asia, Australia, and Europe. A student of traditional Chinese martial arts for the last sixteen years, he practices daily. After forty years as a successful, international architectural interior designer of offices and hotels, he sought a new creative outlet.

In a turbulent time of global conflict, he seeks to be an ardent voice of reason speaking against illogic and the darkness of injustice, violence, and hatred pursued by the irrational and fanatic zealot faithful, worldwide.

An Objectivist, his novels reflect his commitment to logical thinking and the right of free people to rationally choose a destiny in their own best self-interests. He enjoys spinning outrageous tales based on his fertile imagination and real life experiences. Married, he lives with his wife in Florida. Currently projects are two novel series: an Epic Fantasy and an Action/Adventure. Also in the works are sci-fi novels and short stories.



Buy link:


The author will be awarding a grand prize of a $50 Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour and a second winner will win a $25 Barnes and Noble GC.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander: Release Day Guest Post & Giveaway

HUZZAH! It's finally here. It is release day for MEET YOUR BAKER. I featured the cover reveal for the book on this blog back in September.

Welcome to Ashland, Oregon, home of the world-famous Oregon Shakespeare Festival and the setting for Ellie Alexander’s debut mystery MEET YOUR BAKER.

MEET YOUR BAKER is a culinary mystery centered in the fictional bakeshop, Torte, with a mother/daughter pastry duo. It includes original handcrafted recipes. Meet Ashland!

In Ashland you’ll find an eclectic community of artists, outdoor adventure seekers, college students, farmers, retirees and a constant stream of tourists. At nearly 2,000 feet in elevation, its Mediterranean summers make it the perfect spot to watch Shakespeare under the stars or hike one of the surrounding peaks. In the winter, Ashland becomes home to ski enthusiasts with nearby Mt. Ashland, and plenty of backcountry trails. ​

You’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a charming English village with Ashland’s Shakespeare-inspired pubs, restaurants and shops.

Meander through Lithia Park where you’ll pass ancient trees, grassy patches and picnic benches, and wild deer. Be sure to get a glimpse of the towering Oregon Shakespeare Festival buildings, and stop to drink from Lithia’s mineral spring fountains.

Take Shakespeare’s stairs to “the bricks” where theater lovers and actors gather before performances.

Finally, end your day with a sweet treat at one of Ashland’s many divine bakeshops.

Be sure to check out the blog tour that is filled with reviews, interviews and guest posts by the author! The tour starts January 5th and runs through the 16th. Check out the schedule!


Welcome to Torte—a friendly, small-town family bake shop where the treats are so good that, sometimes, it’s criminal…

After graduating from culinary school, Juliet Capshaw returns to her quaint hometown of Ashland, Oregon, to heal a broken heart and help her mom at the family bakery. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is bringing in lots of tourists looking for some crumpets to go with their heroic couplets. But when one of Torte’s customers turns up dead, there’s much ado about murder…

"Sure to satisfy both dedicated foodies and ardent mystery lovers alike."

―Jessie Crockett, author of Drizzled with Death

The victim is Nancy Hudson, the festival’s newest board member. A modern-day Lady Macbeth, Nancy has given more than a few actors and artists enough reasons to kill her…but still. The silver lining? Jules’s high school sweetheart, Thomas, is the investigator on the case. His flirtations are as delicious as ever, and Jules can’t help but want to have her cake and eat it too. But will she have her just desserts? Murder might be bad for business, but love is the sweetest treat of all…

"Alexander weaves a tasty tale of deceit, family ties, delicious pastries, and murder.” ―Edith Maxwell, author of A Tine to Live, A Tine to Die

About the Author:
Ellie Alexander is a Pacific Northwest native who spends ample time testing pastry recipes in her home kitchen or at one of the many famed coffeehouses nearby. When she’s not coated in flour, you’ll find her outside exploring hiking trails and trying to burn off calories consumed in the name of research. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter to learn more.


Paperback copy of Meet Your Baker, Chai Tea, designer baking liners and a Starbucks gift card.
Open to US addresses only.
Ends 1/6/15

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Monday, December 29, 2014

5 & 5: Things You Didn’t Know About PM Briede and SMOLDERING EMBERS + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Smoldering Embers by P.M. Briede a paranormal romance available now from California Times Publishing. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


"Death is only the beginning." You hear that all the time. Maybe it is, for the soul who passes on. But what about the ones who are left behind?

I lost my husband unexpectedly in a tragic accident and now have to move back to my childhood home in New Orleans. Thank God for my friends Wesley and Paige. I’d be absolutely lost without them. As I pick up the pieces of what is left of my life, we settle back into our old routines. That is until I hire Olivier to work for me. Now my world is once again turning upside down as the people I’m closest to, old and new, shed the skin of what is familiar and ultimately redefine the nature of our relationships. Couple all of this with the return of my debilitating headaches and ominous dreams of green fire, and well, I’m just at a loss.

What do you do when what you thought you knew turns out to be wrong? What do you do when you find out you can’t trust the people closest to you? What do you do when you keep trying to move forward but life keeps getting in the way? And given all of this, how am I supposed to figure out who Charlotte Grace is now?


Things you didn’t know about me, PM Briede:

  1. I love cupcakes!  I love to bake them.  I love to decorate them (though I never get too fancy).  AND I especially love to EAT THEM!  They are like the perfect amount of cake and frosting and goodness!  I make mine from scratch from a cookbook and will typically make anywhere between 2-6 dozen at a time.  “Why so many?” you may ask.  Because I love to share them too!
  2. Feel free to hate me for it, but I don’t consider myself to have vices.  You know the one or two things a person normally loves but isn’t really good for them for one reason or another, whether financially or from a health perspective.  I don’t drink.  I don’t smoke.  I don’t drink coffee.  I don’t really over-indulge.  But, I do love to travel and do so comfortably.  I like to stay in nice hotels.  I like to purchase whatever I want.  I like to dine out.  Here in a couple of years, I’ll be going on a European tour and I intend to do so first class!
  3. My favorite flower is the calla lily followed closely by the iris.  I love flowers and wish to high heaven that I had a greener thumb.  I can grow tulips and irises and pansies and columbines but my callas never stick.  Feel free to give me some advice!
  4. My favorite holiday is Halloween, but not for the reasons that you think.  I hate horror movies, mainly because I am a HUGE chicken and get easily scared.  That’s what happens when you live inside your own head most of the time.  But I love going pumpkin picking, then carving, and baking up the seeds.  I love pumpkin spice candy and chocolate.  And I love dressing my kiddos up and going door to door.
  5. While I mostly write different variations on romance novels, I’m a HUGE science fiction and fantasy reader.  Michael Crichton is my favorite, Timeline, Jurassic Park, and Sphere among the top.  But I also love Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series and of course the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.  (Can’t wait for the third movie!)

Things you didn’t know about Smoldering Embers:

  1. Wesley was not supposed to be such a main character.  When I first envisioned the story, he played a role at the very end but it was supposed to wholly be Charlotte’s and Olivier’s story.  But when I started writing him, he insisted on being an integral part of Charlotte’s journey.  I think he was right and I hope you agree.
  2. I seriously considered killing Charlotte at the end of the first book.  Don’t worry, I didn’t.  But it was one of those plot devices that I thought would make an interesting twist, to have the first book be from her perspective then finish out the tale with only Wesley and Olivier.  In the end, the reason I didn’t is because Smoldering Embers, Wild Fire, and Ashes are truly Charlotte’s story and evolution as a character and you can’t have that without her.
  3. The cover was completely my publisher’s brain child.  I did not want a person on any of the covers.  I wanted Charlotte, Wesley, and Olivier to be whomever you, as the reader, saw them to be.  I wanted you to be free to personalize them however you want.  My first cover only had silhouettes.  Then my publisher and I tried Rorschach images.  But none of them really seemed to work.  He pushed for a person, female, and when he distorted her face, I knew it was the perfect cover instantly.
  4. Charlotte’s home is a real home that was for sale at the time I wrote Smoldering Embers.  I took the virtual tour and just adored it!  I’ve always loved the Garden District and if I could handle living the super-hot south again, I would definitely live in that particular neighborhood.
  5. I get asked A LOT, “Why Latin?”  I took Latin in high school and college and just really enjoyed the language and its history.  It is so entrenched in every language spoken today.  I had a great teacher and good friends in those classes.  So I thought, this is one of those things that can bind Charlotte and Olivier and give them a different connection than she has with everyone else.


PAIN! It was the only thought I had. There were voices but they were muffled even though they were loud and angry. It was as if their volume kept me from being able to understand anything other than that someone was present. But they didn’t matter. All that mattered was the pain.

It surrounded me. It crushed me from the outside. It pushed on me from the inside. The muscles in my body were so tense I thought they’d shred my bones. My head felt as though it was going to explode. I wanted it to explode! If it was gone I couldn’t experience this pain.

Something hit me, knocking my eyes open. Through the fog I could make out the carpet of my bedroom. I must have fallen out of bed. I haven’t had that dream since college. That eerie green fire that engulfed me. It’s the only thing I ever remembered about those dreams. But I was more than familiar with the aftermath. The throbbing headache that no pill could cure. The only remedy? Sleep.

But this time it was different. This time my entire body was throbbing as if I’d run a marathon I hadn’t prepared for. There was a pain in my chest that turned my stomach. I crawled into the bathroom and made it to the toilet just in time.

I don’t know how long I laid in my bathroom. After losing my stomach I didn’t have the energy to move. Normally after the dreams I’d roll over and find sleep quickly. The next time I woke up I would be good as new. But the effects of this dream lingered. That was until a voice pulled me out of my misery. “Charlotte!” my mother-in-law called. I couldn’t answer. She found me quickly. “Dear God! They said no one reached you yet!”

I opened my eyes and saw her panicked, tear-stained face. Something wasn’t right. I tried to ask after my nieces. No words passed my open mouth.

She helped me sit up. Once she was done talking I wished she’d never found me. “Charlotte, he’s gone.” I didn’t need clarification even though she gave it to me. The truth was written all over her. My chest suddenly felt empty. The facts didn’t matter. I knew it in my soul. “Giles is dead.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links

I am a lover of all things artistic. I grew up surrounded by the performing arts both as a spectator and performer. That love of creation and design is the fuel for my writing now. Being able to create and entertain is a dream come true.

The imagination is a powerful thing, able to take you places you never dreamed. I write realistic fantasy. The idea of the possible having impossible explanations fascinates me. That idea is the driving force behind the Charlotte Grace series.

If you are interested in receiving updates when I release new books, please visit me on Facebook at or follow me on Twitter @PMBriede.

FB friend page:
FB likes page:
Twitter: @PMBriede

Get the book at:



Barnes & Noble:



The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 19, 2014

Toucan Trilogy by Scott Cramer: Special Offer

tucanbanner (1)

I'm excited to share the Toucan Trilogy special offer. 1000 pages of pulse-pounding YA dystopian adventure by Scott Cramer for under $2. Normal price is $13 for all three books. This is a killer deal that can't be missed!

Follow the Leigh siblings, Abby, Jordan, and Toucan, after a catastrophic pandemic kills the world’s adults.

Book 1 - - Night of the Purple Moon -- #FREE (regular $2.99) Dec 19-23

Book 2 - - Colony East --#99 cents (regular $4.99) Dec 19 – 25

Book 3 - - Generation M --#99 cents (regular $4.99) Dec 19 – 25



This is a daily facebook giveaway with two complete sets of the toucan trilogy being given away Dec 25. Visit the pinned post in Scott Cramer's author page. Every day there will be a new pinned post, Check out the details on Scott Cramer's blog:

What they are saying about the Toucan Trilogy?

“Be amazed, shocked, tortured, lost and loved along an amazing journey”

“All that could go wrong will go wrong, and the light at the end of the tunnel is purple. A wonderful story of family strength and love.”

“A post-apocalyptic survival tale with pirates, adventure, romance, suspense, betrayal, grief, evil scientists, and redemption”

“Would highly recommend these books for book clubs, but be careful they are highly addictive. The ending is so touching and shows the power of love”

“Touching, compelling, terrifying. Quite simply, one of the best books I've read all year.”

“I have read many series. This began strong and ended strong.”

Spread the word! 

Tweet the following and feel free to add the above image as well! 

#FREE High-emotion #DYSTOPIAN. 800 reviews/4.5 stars. #KINDLE #TRILOGY #BARGAIN

#FREE Adults are dead. Can the kids survive? #Dystopian trilogy 800 reviews/4.5 stars. #KINDLE
#FREE Pulse-pounding #DYSTOPIAN. 800 reviews/4.5 stars for #trilogy. #KINDLE

15772644Night of the Purple Moon:

Abby, 13, is looking forward to watching the moon turn purple, unaware that bacteria from a passing comet will soon kill off older teens and adults. She must help her brother and baby sister survive in this new world, but all the while she has a ticking time bomb inside of her--adolescence.

23435737Colony East:

Book 2 of the Toucan Trilogy. When Abby's little sister, Toucan, contracts a new, deadly illness spreading among the survivors, they go on a dangerous journey to Colony East, an enclave of scientists caring for a small group of children. Abby fears that time is running short for Touk, but she soon learns that time is running out for everyone outside Colony East.

23440553Generation M:

The explosive conclusion to the Toucan Trilogy. Coldly implementing their vision of the future, CDC scientists allow a lethal infection to become an epidemic outside the colonies. Abby, her body wracked by the infection, begins a desperate journey to find her brother Jordan and her little sister Toucan, and save the lives of millions.

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Author Debbie Peterson on the Inspiration Behind SHADOW OF THE WITTE WIEVEN + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Shadow of the Witte Wieven by Debbie Peterson, a fantasy paranormal romance available now from Inkspell Publishing. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Despite a contract on her head, lone Drug Enforcement Agent, Aliyana Montijo must ferret out a mole and stop the assassination of top DEA officials, as so ordered by the Colombian drug lord she seeks to take down. The task is a daunting one, for there is no one she can trust. No one that is, until she encounters a most unlikely ally.

Former seventeenth century captain of the Dutch West Indies Company, Wolfaert Dircksen Van Ness, now from a parallel dimension, encounters the beautiful agent during an unearthly storm in the Bermuda triangle. Drawn to the Spanish beauty he rescues, he pledges his assistance, despite her reluctance to accept either his help or his heart.

Can Wolf bridge both space and time to claim the woman he loves?


“Are you going to answer the question, or are you not?” he quipped, ignoring her comment altogether.

“Ooh! Tu' eres el hombre más exasperante que he tenido la desgracia de conocer!” she huffed as she folded her arms and slammed them hard against her chest.

“Sorry?” His eyes danced with sudden merriment, while his lips twitched in amusement. “I didn’t quite catch all that!”

In response to his mirth, she once again clenched her teeth. She could feel her cheeks flame as she jerked a pointed a finger toward his chest. “I said, you are the most exasperating man I’ve ever had the misfortune—”

The moment she drove her finger forward, her words abruptly ended and so did his mirth. Aliyana touched the tip of her tongue to her lips as she stared at what she could see of her finger. She slowly withdrew it from inside his chest, gazed at the digit, repeated her actions once more, and then gazed into his sky-blue eyes.

“Aliyana,” Wolf whispered. “Don’t be afraid of me. This isn’t what you think.”

She struggled to make sense of this new quandary. Her bewildered gaze shifted to his arms that still held her fast, traveled their length, and then rose to his face. Her lovely eyes, filled with such delightful indignation a moment ago, now held a trace of apprehension.

“Who are you?” she asked in a voice just audible to his ears. “Better yet, what are you?”

GUEST POST: Inspiration Behind Shadow of the Witte Wieven

Hello Tallulah! I am thrilled to be here with you today and share with you and your readers a little bit about the inspiration behind Shadow of the Witte Wieven.

First of all, you need to know that I love most all forms of artwork. Anyone who can pick up a brush and some paint, then create something breathtaking has my utmost respect. I wish I could do it, but I’m afraid I can do little more than draw some impressive stick figures for your entertainment. Anyway, one day while perusing a gallery filled with impressive works of art, I happened across a beautiful painting of a fierce lighting storm over an ocean. The colors used by the artist were just amazing and that got my imagination going. My thoughts eventually found their way to the Bermuda Triangle reports of the strange and bizarre--as well as the ferocity of the anomalous storms as witnessed by those who found their way out of them. From there, the “what if” part of my imagination took over.

“What if” a modern woman, let’s make her a DEA agent, fleeing from the Columbian drug lord bent on her demise, stole his plane in order to preserve her life? “What if” one of the infamous storms in the Bermuda Triangle flared while making her escape? “What if” during that storm, she crossed paths with a handsome 17th century captain who commanded a brigantine? “What if” during a like storm in the 17th century, he slipped into another dimension? “What if” he could revisit his former realm from time to time? What would happen if he fell in love with the beautiful DEA agent he encountered, and she with him? What choices would they then have to make?

Thus, Shadow of the Witte Wieven was born. I had a lot of fun writing this book and for those of you who choose to read it, I hope you find the same enjoyment as you immerse yourself in the story. If you do, drop me a line and tell me what you think! I love and appreciate hearing from all my readers!

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Debbie has always had a soft spot for fairy tales, the joy of falling in love, and happily ever after endings. Stories of love and make believe filled her head for as long as she can remember. However, it was her beloved husband who encouraged, cajoled and inspired her to take up a pen and write some of them down. In 2012, The Wild Rose Press published her first novel, “Spirit of the Rebellion.”

When she’s not busy conjuring her latest novel, Debbie spends time with the members of her very large family. She also pursues her interests in family history which she also teaches, mythology, and all things ancient and historic.

Connect with Debbie:





Shadow of the Witte Wieven Buy links:


Barnes and Noble:


All Romance Ebooks:


Debbie will be awarding a $15 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

EPIC (Fourteen Books Of Fantasy): $50 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for Epic, a fourteen-book fantasy collection. It's a limited edition bundle that is available for only $0.99!
EPIC Cover 

Epic: Fourteen Books Of Fantasy For a limited time only!

The freshest voices in fantasy bring you fifteen New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors. With fourteen stories and over one million words of captivating fiction, this epic fantasy set will keep you entranced. Delve into worlds where adventurers discover forgotten lands of wonder and fight ancient evil. Worlds where dragons soar, where heroes and heroines wield sword and magic to answer adventure's call. Get one of the largest bundles of page-turning epic fantasy today…before it’s gone!

Pre-order your copy NOW!



Terah Edun - Blades Of Magic
As an unstoppable war breaks out, a young girl enlists to find out the secrets that everyone is trying to hide.

Daniel Arenson - A Legacy of Light
War rages in Requiem, an ancient kingdom whose people can grow wings, breathe fire, and rise as dragons.

Megg Jensen - Anathema
A young slave girl discovers a world of magic she never knew existed and must face her enemies as prophecy unravels.

Jeff Gunzel - Land Of Shadows
A young blacksmith, born into a simple life, watches helplessly as the world he knew crumbles before his eyes.

C. Greenwood - Mistress of Masks
When an ancient evil stirs in Earth Realm, a group of unlikely heroes must find a way to stop the wave of darkness that is devouring their land.

Dima Zales & Anna Zaires - The Sorcery Code
Blaise's magical creation is not an object of sorcery, but rather a beautiful woman who's unlike anything their world has ever seen.

Annie Bellet - Witch Hunt
A cursed elven archer and her ragtag group of adventuring friends battle witches to stop a deadly plague and save a small village.

David Adams - Ren Of Atikala
Humanity is found in the inhuman when a "monster" is forced out of her home and into the world of elves, humans, and dragons.

Joseph Lallo - Jade
A little girl, selected as a sacrifice to end a mighty dragon's reign of terror, instead finds both the protection and the family she so badly needs.

K.J. Colt - Concealed Power
Adenine has been quarantined for being the last carrier of a plague that killed thousands, but when trouble strikes, she is forced to leave her sanctuary and enter a world full of secrets, enemies, and plots.

Lindsay Buroker - Encrypted
After being kidnapped, linguist and code-cracker Tikaya Komitopis must work with her people's greatest enemy to stop an ancient evil that threatens the entire world.

Mande Matthews - Bonded
Two children--one a born leader and the other a born servant--are bonded across worlds as Soul Warriors, but they must discover the secrets of their past if they hope to overcome the darkness that threatens their future.

Brian Anderson - Starfinder
Lee Starfinder embarks on his first adventure with a sword at his side and confidence in his heart, but he will soon discover that the perils of the world are far stranger than he had ever imagined.

Ed Robertson - White Tree
A young man is obsessed with mastering death magic, but his studies make him the key to resisting a powerful god--as well as the intended prey of the god's dark acolytes.


Book Blast Giveaway 

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 12/22/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 8, 2014

Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair by K.M. Morgan: $100 Book Blast

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Daisy McDare and the Deadly Legal Affair by K.M. Morgan, a mystery available now.

Daisy McDare
Welcome to Cozy Creek, a quaint tourist town nestled along the Pacific Coast. Daisy McDare is busy nursing a broken heart, trying to build up her interior decorator business, and baking cookies when murder strikes Cozy Creek. At first she leaves the investigation to Chris Crumple, the local bumbling police detective. But when Crumple arrests the wrong suspect, Daisy takes the investigation into her own hands. Cracking the case won't be easy. She'll need help from her pastry-baking best friend Samantha, her wise-cracking Granny Annie, and her trusty West Highland Terrier Shamus. It's up to Daisy McDare to find the murderer in Cozy Creek before they strike again.

Author K.M. Morgan

K.M. Morgan loves baking, crafts, cute cat videos, and reading mysteries.

Praise for the Book Daisy McDare

“Quick and pleasant reading.” Barbara J Tobey

 “I can't wait for the next one to come out!” Connie Correll


Book Blast Giveaway 

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 12/29/14

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 5, 2014

Author Arianna Giorgi on the Inspiration Behind UNMASK MY HEART (+ Giveaway)

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Unmask My Heart by Arianna Giorgi, a historical romance available now.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


When Rome’s loveliest rose and Venice’s fiercest lion team up to win back the love of their respective spouses-to-be, the Serene Republic may expect a hilarious romp – and perhaps the most torrid love story to have ever bedazzled its gilded canals…

Survived a pirate attack on the Isle of Lina, Venice’s sturdiest outpost, Roman Princess Isabella Pamphili and Venetian war hero Brando Loredan escape from the island and arrive in Venice.

Isabella discovers her fiancé is a cheat, her bride dream a lie. Her future husband, the man she loves with all her heart is flirting in… Brando’s fiancée’s arms!

Shock. Disappointment. Anguish. Fear for her future. The rascal deserves a lesson he will not forget, because a princess of Rome doesn’t bow out so easily. Brando Loredan will not be that hard to convince for he is jealous, angry and vindictive enough to get some brilliant idea. So she joins forces with him to get back her fiancé and put together the little dream back on track. But while trying and insisting on regaining the dream, she discovers a new path of light and love. It is not a lie, like the first dream, but it may be even harder to win.

Unmask My Heart is a story of love and sweet revenge set in sparkling, sumptuous Casanova’s Venice where everything is possible and sins are concealed behind a mask.


What inspired me to write Unmask My Heart? Venice, of course.

I have always loved Venice, I need it, it's almost a physical necessity. That's why I visit the city at least twice a year. So it seemed to me logical to set my novel in Venice.

Venice recalls a glorious past, luxury, seduction, sin, gambling, passion, but also maneuvering, treasons.

In short, all the elements for a love story were there. All I wanted was a strong story, a sexy romp and I wanted the town to be a strong character as well as my protagonists. I went to Venice several times during the writing process because I wanted the city to talk to me.

I wanted my hero to be Venetian, someone important for the Serene Republic.

Who better than a soldier willing to risk his life for it? But I didn't want simply soldier, I wanted him to be much more than that. My hero must be someone capable of being utterly ferocious, a killer.

I wanted a man unhappy with his life, a cadet son disregarded by his own family.  Gloomy, tough, tormented, cruel, godlike handsome, smart, loyal. The best and the worst at the same time.

During a road trip around Tuscany, Isabella came to me in my imagination. A spoiled princess, capricious, used to have everything the exact moment she demanded it, yet naive, romantic, brave and ... in love with another man.

But Isabella isn't only that. She also harbors a fear she can't speak about. It affects all her life and decisions and she thinks she can't break free.

I had my characters, now I needed a story. I found it again in Tuscany, in my beach house. With a cup of cinnamon tea and a notebook in my hands, the story came definitely to me. I wrote the synopsis down in a night and two days later I returned to Rome, ready to start writing.


Everything happened at once. Giulia lost her balance, arched backward, and fell into the canal.

The gondola capsized and Isabella fell in as well. She gasped trying to keep afloat but her heavy dress dragged her down. She floundered about in order to reach the surface. There was no way to get out of her dress and her lungs burned from a lack of air. She looked up at the surface where indefinite, dark shapes moved against the light. She could no longer hold her breath. This was it. She closed her eyes and gave up her will to fight death.

Isabella felt herself being grabbed by the waist and hauled to the surface. A violent coughing fit shook her and her lungs burned with the sudden influx of air.

Hands. On her arms, chest, neck, face. Isabella opened her eyes and met Brando’s anxious gaze. His drenched locks dripped water onto her breast. He smiled at her. She was safe and sound.

“You scared me, lady. Are you alright?” Brando caressed her face and wiped away wet tendrils from her cheeks.

Isabella nodded.

Brando helped her to sit. It was in that moment that she saw her husband-to-be sitting on the dock on the opposite side of the canal. He was next to Giulia. Both were wet. Leonardo had rushed to the alley cat’s side and left Isabella to die.

Isabella suddenly felt old and tired. She took Brando’s hand in hers. “Thank you…Lion.”

He kissed her hand and hugged her. “No need to thank me.”

“I’m really sorry you had to witness such a scene,” Isabella said in a whisper.

Brando looked at her open-mouthed. “I am the one who hoped to spare you this humiliation.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Arianna Giorgi is a historical romance author and a journalist, a college graduate and an avid reader. She makes her home halfway between the Vatican City and the picturesque old quarter of Trastevere at the heart of the city of Rome in Italy, where Julius Caesar kept an apartment as a young man about town and from where a long list of artists gave the world some of its greatest masterpieces.

She has an intrinsic appreciation of beauty and everything eccentrically romantic, including a strong affiliation to the city of Venice which she visits at least twice a year.

Independent and curious, Arianna has travelled extensively around the globe, from America to Africa and back to Europe. Frankly, she never misses a chance to pack her bags and jump on a plane. Driven by a passion for European history and art, she wanders and investigates every hidden corner of the Old Continent, armed with a camera and a notebook, and looking for intriguing stories and settings for her books.

She loves history, astrology, gourmet cooking, and cats. She lives with her husband, her beautiful daughters and her red cat, surrounded by her own cultivated flowers and the magical grandeur of the Eternal City.


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Ariana will be awarding an original handmade Venetian mask from Venice to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and Venetian gadgets to two randomly drawn hosts.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Book Blast and $25 GC Giveaway: THE EYES OF VENGEANCE by Teri Riggs

The Eyes of Vengeance by Teri Riggs is a Mystery/Thriller/Suspense book that will be available soon. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to one randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Someone is methodically killing past members of The Consortium, a defunct group of ruthless businessmen who made their fortunes buying and selling prime Las Vegas real estate during the era that saw the beginnings of the mega casino and luxury hotels. Homicide Detective, Kennedy O’Brien, and her temporary partner, Reno Homicide Detective Hunt, race to stop a deranged predator who claims a new victim every forty-eight hours. The killer drugs his victims, slashes their wrists, and leaves a playing card with the body. As the clock continues to tick, the search for clues seems easy—too easy Kennedy suspects.

While chasing the killer, Kennedy must also try to control hotheaded Detective Hunt, who is hell-bent on finding out who killed the first victim—his best friend’s father. At the same time, she has to deal with a jealous Nick Campenelli, whom she may or may not be in a relationship with. Nick is unhappy with Kennedy spending so much time in close contact with the very smitten, Detective Hunt. Tossed into the mix are her retired cop grandfather, her self-appointed personal domestic slave, Elvis, and a boss who is demanding answers.

Is it any wonder that Kennedy doesn’t do relationships?

Enjoy an excerpt:

Kennedy stared at a painting of Elvis…the real Elvis,in all his glory, and wearing one of his famous rhinestone jumpsuits. The King held a microphone still attached to the stand in one hand, and a scarf in the other. It was a painting of Elvis on a black velvet canvas, and God help her, there was an electrical cord hanging from the frame.

“So…is this not the coolest gift you’ve ever received?I thought having the King hanging around—no pun intended—might cheer you up. I don’t mind telling you, I took this work of art off my living room wall. Shows you how far I’ll go for a friend.” Elvis took the monstrosity out of her hands, removed her six hundred dollar original print of the Grand Canyon from the wall, and hung the King in its place.

Kennedy’s mouth dropped open, and for the life of her, she couldn’t get it to close. Elvis plugged in the dangling cord and the rhinestones on the jumpsuit Elvis wore on the canvas lit uplike the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. The flashing lights set against the black velvet background, rivaled the neon signs and lights of the Vegas Strip.

Elvis stepped back, his eyes full of admiration and pride. “Well, what do you think?”

“I’m speechless, Elvis. Truly speechless.”

“I knew you’d be touched. This baby’s loaded with ninety-four LED lights capable of twinkling in double time or used as chasers. You pick the settings. This great piece of art was the inspiration for my own twinkling costumes.”

“I can see the resemblance.” She fought to keep a straight face.

Elvis sighed deeply.

“But…but…honestly? I can’t accept the gift. It belongs on your walls, twinkling in all its glory. I’d be selfish depriving you of the King.”

He held up his hands, shook his over-hair-sprayed Elvis head of hair with a dramatic flair. “No. I insist. This will cheer you up.”

“Let’s just say I’m borrowing Elvis until I get back to working full swing. I’ll be back to my old happy self by then.”

“If you insist. I’m warning you, though, once you’ve had Elvis hanging on your wall, you won’t be able to part with him. Believe me, the separation is painful.” He held a hand over his heart.

Was that a tear in his eye?

“We’ll cross that bridge later. For now, thank you for the gift. It’s…ah…truly unique. And big. And twinkly. I’ve never seen anything quite so—unique.”

Hopefully, she’d never see anything like it again.

About the Author:

 As a child, Teri made up her own bedtime stories. When her children came along, Teri always tweaked the fairy tales she told her daughters, giving them a bit more punch and better endings when needed.

Now she spends her days turning her ideas into books. She lives in Marietta, GA with her husband.

Facebook: Twitter: @TeriRiggs


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cover Reveal & Guest Post: Song of Blood and Stone by L. Penelope

I'm excited to participate in the cover reveal for Song of Blood and Stone by L. Penelope. This is an adult fantasy romance. Song of Blood and Stone officially releases January 13, 2015. I can't wait to read it. The cover looks wonderful!

The cover of Song of Blood and Stone was designed by James T. Egan at Bookfly Design.

About the Book:
Between love and duty lies destiny

Orphaned and alone, Jasminda is an outcast in her homeland of Elsira, where she is feared for both the shade of her skin and her magical abilities. When ruthless soldiers seek refuge in her isolated cabin, they bring with them a captive – an injured spy who steals her heart.

Jack’s mission behind enemy lines nearly cost him his life but he is saved by the healing power of a mysterious young woman. Together they embark on a perilous journey straight into the heart of a centuries-old conflict.

Thrust into a hostile society, Jasminda and Jack must rely on one another even as secrets jeopardize their bond. As an ancient evil gains power, Jasminda races to unlock a mystery that promises salvation.

The fates of two nations hang in the balance as Jasminda and Jack must choose between love and duty to fulfill their destinies and end the war.

Guest Post: Respecting the Muse

People frequently ask authors where their ideas come from. The muse, that creative force responsible for inspiring artists, is oftensaid to be fickle. Mine can sometimes be an outright jerk. Like a toddler who can't decide which toy to play with, my muse throws fits and tantrums, and just might have ADD.

When she's on her good behavior, she tends to show up in the most unexpected ways. I got the idea for one manuscript frommy husband who challenged me to write a "black, female, Napoleon Dynamite." The result bore no resemblance to that film or character, but it was a great starting point.

Another story features a character whose psychic ability manifests via smell. The idea for this one came from my own life. I sometimes smell things that don't belong, but are recognizable. Like the scent of my late grandmother's closets, or my late father's cologne, or ––even stranger–– mothballs. The scents are fleeting, but I wonder if they could be messages of some kind. In that story, my character can tell that something bad is going to happen to the person she smells, but she doesn't know what or when.

The idea for Song of Blood & Stone was born late one night as I was binge-watching movies on Netflix. I was in my Jamie Bell period, watching and re-watching anything I could with him in it. My stroke of inspiration came during the movie The Eaglewhen his character, Esca, first appears on screen. He's a slave in ancient Rome, entering a fight against a much larger and well-armed gladiator. Esca doesn't look scared even though he's outmatched. He looks pissed. This is the exact expression that Jack wears the second time he and Jasminda meet in Song of Blood & Stone. About six seconds of film was enough to set my imagination on fire. The next day I started writing.

So, what inspires you? How does your muse behave? My muse definitely has a mind of her own. And even when she's erratic, I'm always grateful for the sparks of inspiration no matter how they come.

Excerpt: Song of Blood & Stone by L. Penelope

“Untie him,” Jasminda said, staring at Jack's lashed wrists. “I need to check his wounds.”

Ginko pulled a knife from his boot to cut the rope. The sharp edges of the pain had been bound by whatever spell she’d sung a few moments before, but the weakness in his limbs couldn’t be ignored. The lack of food and water, the days of walking and hiding, had all left him teetering on the edge of his endurance. She too had deep circles under eyes, and he wondered what she’d been doing up on the mountain.

As she settled next to him, his awareness of her pulsed like an extra sense. She smelled of cool mountain air, pine, and something light and feminine that he couldn’t place. He closed his eyes and inhaled her nearness, allowing it to soothe and calm him. He imagined himself far away, in the barracks he’d called home since childhood or maybe even farther away, floating on his back in the Delaveen Ocean, the sun warming his face.

The vision faded when her fingertips grazed his forehead.

“Does that hurt?” she whispered, her voice gentle. He opened his eyes to find her closer than he’d expected. Unable to find his voice, he shook his head.

“Take that off,” she said, pointing to his shirt. He had the absurd desire to chuckle. How many times had he longed to hear a woman ordering him to take off his shirt? What he’d felt of her touch so far had been very soft . . . She must be soft all over. He’d never imagined a Lagrimari girl could be so lovely. The coils of her hair called to his fingertips and—

Tensyn’s oily voice broke through Jack’s musings. “Has your tribute day been scheduled?” He and Ginko stood in the doorway behind him, and Jack hated having anyone at his back. That kind of sloppiness had literally been beaten out of him. He blamed the pain and the fatigue.

His bruised fingers faltered on the tiny buttons as he shrugged awkwardly out of his shirt. Once again, she assessed his injuries impassively, though he suspected things were quite a bit worse than yesterday when she’d seen him.

“No,” she said, answering Tensyn.

“And your family?”

“Dead.” The unexpressive mask of her face slipped for an instant, and he glimpsed a cavernous well of grief in her eyes.

“May they find serenity in the World After,” Tensyn intoned.

Jasminda repeated the blessing. Jack's eyes met hers briefly before she looked away. “Lie back,” she told him.

She dipped a cloth in the water and ran it across his chest, cleaning away the blood and grime. He suppressed a groan at the incredible coolness of the water on his skin, relishing in it until she stopped suddenly. He craned his neck down to see what had caught her attention. The bullet wound was far worse today, the skin black with infection, blood and pus seeping out.

The screen door slammed. He looked up to find the two of them on the porch alone.

“What is your name?” She pitched her voice low, speaking directly into his ear in perfect Elsiran as she continued cleaning his chest.

He took hold of her wrist, stilling her hand. Even the former POWs spoke only a broken version of Elsiran. How had she been able to learn it when no one in Lagrimar spoke the language? She shook free of his grip and continued cleaning his chest and face. Inside, the soldiers chortled, ensuring they would not be overheard.

“Jack,” he whispered, scanning her face desperately. “Are you a Keeper of the Promise?”

She frowned, darting a look at the door. “No. I don’t know what that is.”

“How can you—”

“This is not Lagrimar.” The door opened again, and Ginko emerged, taking a stance with his arms folded while he chewed on a stick of jerky.

Jasminda switched back to Lagrimari, speaking quietly. “I need to cut away the dead flesh from the wound. Otherwise the infection will kill you.”

He nodded faintly, still trying to process her last words. If they weren’t in Lagrimar, that meant they had all passed through the Mantle without knowing it. He’d been on home soil the whole time. That must be why she’d acted as if he were deranged.

Escape was so close. The despair threatening to pull him under faded away like mist in the sun.

About the Author:

Leslye Penelope has been writing since she could hold a pen and loves getting lost in the worlds in her head. She's a romance junkie who self-medicates with happily-ever-afters and steaming mugs of green tea. She lives in Maryland with her husband, an eighty-pound lap dog, and an attack cat. Visit her online at

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This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.