
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

THE GLADIATOR'S BRIDE by Nhys Glover: Excerpt and Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for The Gladiator's Bride by Nhys Glover, an historical romance released on November 1, 2014 from Belisama Press. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


Crippled by shyness, shunned for being not-right-in-the-head, gifted artist and Roman noblewoman, Marcia Mica, has only two people in the world who truly love her – her teacher, Daedalus, and her childhood friend, Asterion, both slaves in her father’s household. But when forbidden love blooms between the unlikely friends, only disaster can come of it. That disaster leaves Marcia horribly scarred and Asterion sold into the arena as a gladiator.

Years later, Daedalus brings a broken Marcia to Britannia, and Sabrina, the healer who saved his life when he was a boy, works miracles on the scarred girl. However, not all scars are physical and those Sabrina has no ability to heal.

When Sabrina and Marcia are kidnapped by a Celtic leader bent on revenge, Asterion must depend on the dreams of a Celtic Seer to find the love of his life and help foil a revolt that threatens the fragile peace in Roman Britannia. But even if he and his friends succeed, can scars that are more than just physical ever really be healed and can those whose lives are owned by others ever truly be free to follow their hearts?


That was when he saw it. That was when he knew this wasn’t a dream. Or if it was it was, it was his worst nightmare: The whole right side of her face and body were covered by red, ugly burn-scars.

He gasped and dropped to his knees, his legs unable to hold him up a moment longer.

Daedalus came to his side and rested a hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s a bit of a shock the first time you see it. But after a while you don’t notice it.’

He stared up at the man who had been like a father to him; the man he blamed for being right about Marcie and him. How could he say this was a bit of a shock?

But before he had a chance to snap out a retort, Marcie’s body began jerking as the healing commenced. Though he couldn’t see anything happening, he could sense it. And so it seemed could Daedalus.

‘It’s her… By all the gods, it’s her,’ Daedalus whispered in awe as he watched Sabrina’s face, transformed by the Urge that had taken control of her.

He didn’t know what Daedalus meant. He didn’t care what he meant. This man had had his Marcie all this time. She’d been alive, all this time, and no one had told him. They’d let him leave the Estate thinking she was dead. And he’d died that day because of it.

‘You bastard. Why didn’t you tell me?’ he sobbed out, his voice breaking on the last word.

‘Tell you?’ Daedalus looked at him as if he’d grown a second head.

‘That she lived. They told me she was dead. Her sister told me she was dead.’

AUTHOR Bio and Links

After a lifetime of teaching others to appreciate the written word, Aussie author Nhys Glover finally decided to make the most of the Indie Book Revolution to get her own written word out to the world. Now, with almost 100,000 of her ebooks downloaded internationally and a winner of 2013 SFR Galaxy Award for 'The Titan Drowns', Nhys finds her words, too, are being appreciated.

At home in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales of England, Nhys these days spends most of her time "living the dream" by looking out over the moors as she writes the kind of novels she loves to read: The ones that are a little bit steamy, a little bit different and wholly romantic.








Nhys will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting the Book Blast and competition.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed the except and video. If you could travel in a time machine, would you go back to the past or into the future?

  2. Well ,my first reaction was to say the past because I love history, but then I thought about my time travel series New Atlantis that came out of a bit of wish fulfillment. I created a future world three hundred years into the future, where time travel is possible. So there I get the best of both world, past and future. What bout you?

    1. Most of the time, I'd say the future. I'd like to get a sneak peak at the new technology. I have been reading more historical stuff recently. So this week, I'd choose the past. LOL! I think that I could get into some fun trouble in the past ;-) The New Atlantis concept sounds interesting.

  3. I liked the blurb for The Gladiators bride. This sounds like a very interesting story. Thank you

  4. It's a bit different from the usual. It breaks a lot of the 'rules' that apply to genre fiction, but my Muse is not much of a rule follower. But I do always have HEA simply because I personally love them. x

  5. I don't care much for technology so that wouldn't interest me in the future. My envisaged future is almost a step back in time, to a less commercialised and slower time. When I came up with New Atlantis I went: What would I change in my life if I could? And it was getting old. I wanted to get my young body back but keep my older, wiser head. So I decided that was what a future world could give me. Then it was just working out how that would all work. Before I knew it I had a series where I got to explore a lot of my 'what ifs' in life. It came as a bit of a shock when readers actually loved that world I created. So maybe its a common dream we all share. Not the age thing, that is there, but what a perfect world might look like.

  6. I enjoyed hearing about how you teach others to appreciate the written word. I fully agree. I have 12 children and have made strong readers out of many of them. Books or games ? Books are the choice !

    1. Wow, 12 children. That is amazing. I had more than enough trouble with two, but then my eldest, like Las in this book, was challenged and challenging. But I do admire women who dedicate their lives to raising our next generation well. And reading is a great place to start.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks. I write so fast because I want to find out what happens at the end. So the plot tends to write itself. I just have to type fast enough to keep up. LOL
