
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ten things you might not know... about DECEIVED author L.A. Starkey (and Giveaway)

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Deceived by L.A. Starkey, a YA paranormal book available now. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


They say a soul is the immaterial essence, the animating principal, the actuating cause of an individual life.

But what if you had to share yours with the one person you hated the most?

The soul mate principal states that for every one soul there is another that will recognize its match, hence creating the perfect union.

But what if you had two soul mates, which would you choose?

What if your choices had eternal ramification?

Deceived, the debut novel in the Soul Keeper Series, is a modern day love story about the implications of having more than one soul mate, and having to choose between the two of them. The decisions of the gods has left the next generation, their heirs, torn between fate and reality, and the balance of the future hangs in anticipation of what's to come.


There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and even though the breeze had picked up, embracing Sam like a good friend, the warmth of the sun was putting up a mighty fight. Being someone who thrived outdoors, she loved that New Hampshire had four seasons and took profound joy in having the ability to experience all the weather gods could throw her way. After the first few warm up miles, Sam stood back up on her peddles and pumped out the next few miles with a good bit of effort.

Man, it feels good to get my blood pumping.

Sam looked to her left as a quick movement of yellow jotted between the trees.

“No!” A loud masculine voice rang out.

She jerked forward in time to swerve, barely missing the yellow lump lying in the road and instead hitting the curb. She plummeted off the bike, flying through the air and landing in a crouch. Her chest heaved in effort to gain much needed oxygen as all of the blood in her body rushed to its aid.

Her eyes quickly surveyed her surroundings as she cautiously rose. No one was close enough to create the loud protest that was still reverbing in her head. Trying to regain her composure, she worked to make sense of what had happened. I could’ve sworn there was something yellow in the trees. And then it was in the road, right?

She searched the ground finding nothing to support her internal claim.


Ten things you might not know... about me

I always find it interesting when people share a few things about themselves that are seemingly private. We all do, right? Why else would magazines and reality shows do so well in the public opinion? Because people want to see authenticity - even if it shocks us.

Anyway... Here are 10 things about me that seemed fun to share.

1. My mother is a preacher and I lead worship at her church.

2. I can vibrate my eyes. Send $5 to charity, show me the receipt and I'll send you a clip - lies.

3. I've known my husband since I was 6. He was 2. I was cool and hawt and he was dorky and young. Not much has changed besides the fact that he's mine!

4. I'm a songwriter and have put a few clips on YouTube.

5. I passed up a few full-ride scholarships after high school to marry a sailor because he was cute and I was obviously highly intelligent. :-)

6. I am a CPA, or certified public accountant.

7. I'm starting a bookkeeping business this fall with my brother who is a junior in college - his major being accounting.

8. I am working on starting a food truck business next spring, our target market? Drunk people.

9. I would rather read than write, and yet I have too many stories in my skull to sit down for more than a few minutes without twitching.

10. I'm a mermaid. Seriously though... that special on the animal planet over mermaids was creepy. My husband is totally sold that they exist, not that I'm one - not yet at least.

Hope you're taking advantage of all that life has to offer today.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Laurie Starkey is the author of the upcoming Soul Keeper Series, a supernatural young adult series, and The Liarus Detective Series, a supernatural middle grade series. She lives in Houston, Texas with her husband, Jacob and three beautiful kiddos.

She is a CPA by trade, a church planter and entrepreneur at heart; however, writing and reading are passions she just can't help but indulge in. With more ideas that one person should be allowed, she is blessed to have a muse that doesn't seem to take a vacation and more energy that one might consider healthy.



Twitter: LAStarkey



Amazon (kindle/paperback):


Prizes for the tour are as follows:

• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.
 • One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting my blog tour, Tallulah! I love that interview because I get to show a little bit of my humor and open the door to a life well lived. :)

    Deceived is actually FREE today in honor of kicking off this tour. Today's the last day, so for any of your wonderful readers, now's the time to grab it!

    Thank you again! I appreciate you and love your blog motif.

    LA Starkey

    1. Thanks for doing the great guest post and making DECEIVED free today. I picked up a copy. It has great reviews. I look forward to reading it.

      You are a busy lady! What kind of food will you be serving the drunk people?

    2. Dude you have no idea... haha! Drunk people? Who's drunk? *hiccup*

      Hope you love the book - I had a great time writing it. The second one was even more fun. :)

  2. This sounds like a really fantastic story.

  3. CHECK IT OUT! Book two in the series will be released this month.

    Name: Destroyed, Soul Keeper Series II
    Release date: November 15, 2014

    From the second book in the Soul Keeper Series…

    Now I lay me down to sleep,
    Whom shall I trust my soul to keep?
    If I should die before I wake,
    I leave to fate my soul to take.

    The seal has been broken and the Soul Keeper Prophecy set in motion. Marcus and Nicolas are battling for the heart of one woman, Pandora’s only daughter; however, not everyone is playing by the rules. With interference from both sides of the lines and too many deities with hidden agendas, the trio must take matters into their own hands and look for another ending, one that removes control from fate.

    Can they find the missing page from the prophecy that has the ability to change everything?

    Will the new stranger they’ve been given as a guide assist or mislead them?

    Will Samantha make a decision on who it is that she truly loves, saving one and destroying the other?

    What if her choice is no choice at all?

  4. Interesting Guest Post. Good luck on the whole mermaid thing.

  5. Haha, your guest post really made me laugh!

  6. Great guest post. How interesting !

  7. This was really great to read!!! I would truly be blessed to win! God Bless You and keep writing! !!

  8. Glad you guys enjoyed it! Tallulah is a great host, so thanks for supporting her.

    LA Starkey

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you! is where I found my designer. He is righteous!

  10. The dark hues of blues and blacks in the cover are striking. I also loved the blurb, excerpt, and the The Guest post about the Ten Things You Should Know. Really cool info!
