
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Fantasy Casting Call for WORDS THAT BIND by Ash Krafton (Book Tour and Giveaway)

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Words That Bind by Ash Krafton, a paranormal romance released last month from The Wild Rose Press.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour. Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Fantasy Casting Call for WORDS THAT BIND by Ash Krafton

Tam Kerish, the therapist: Scarlett Johanssen

Tam Kerish is a complex character, and would have to be played by someone with tremendous range. At the start of the book, Tam is very reserved, on emotional lock-down. In fact, the social worker does truly experience emotions like normal people. She chose to study emotional dysfunction not only to help people find their way to a more balanced life, but also in the hopes of finding the key she needs to unlock her own emotions.

Scarlett nails that when she portrays the unshakable Natasha Romonov, the Black Widow. One look at her face and you know she’s stone all the way through. Tam Kerish gives new meaning to the term poker face—she doesn’t give anything away because she doesn’t feel anything. Think Spock or Data from Star Trek—but much sexier.

Burns is a fire elemental, a genie—and he is emotion in motion. Tam has no difficulty believing him when he walks into her office under the pretense of requiring counselling. He works an unknowing magic on her—and when they are together, she begins to experience true emotion. Her character goes through a transformation, from cold, clinical, unfeeling to deeply warm and sensual. Can you deny Scarlett wouldn’t portray that perfectly? Right down to the action scenes, through and through—Scarlett Johanssen is the perfect lady for the role.

As for our genie, he only burn one temperature straight through: blue flame.

Burns, the djinn: Hrithik Roshan

The prolific Bollywood actor is my first choice to play the extremely prolific 3 thousand year old djinn. Fire is a dance of energy, twisting, turning, always in motion—like Roshan’s magician character, Ethan, in Guzaarish, particularly the flashback scene where he dances on stage during an illusion performance. Ethan’s angst and desperation drive him near to breakdown—an emotional state so prevalent in both this tragic movie and this book.

But Burns is also staunchly traditional, and desert born and bred. Roshan portrayed the Mughal emperor Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar in Jodhaa Akbar, so if you need to imagine him in sleeveless vests or billowy trousers (or hear the unrestrained passion in his voice) that’s the movie you need to see.

When Tam first encounters Burns, however, he looks nothing like a genie at all. He’s wearing a finely tailored suit, making him look more like a lawyer than a genie…and there’s no denying Roshan makes the cut when it comes to dressing sharp.

Looking at photos of these two actors and thinking about their work absolutely convinces me that they would be perfect to play this unlikely couple. They both possess the passion and the energy, as well as the quiet heat and sensuality this story requires.

Now, all we need are film options and a screenplay, and I think another wish will at last come true.

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Scarlett Johanssen
Hrithik Roshan


Social worker Tam Kerish can’t keep her cool professionalism when steamy client Mr. Burns kindles a desire for more than a client-therapist relationship—so she drops him. However, they discover she’s the talisman to which Burns, an immortal djinn, has been bound since the days of King Solomon…and that makes it difficult.

Ethical guidelines are unequivocal when it comes to personal relationships with clients. However, the djinn has a thawing effect on the usually non-emotive Tam, who begins to feel true emotion whenever he is near. Tam has to make a difficult choice: to stay on the outside, forever looking in…or to turn her back on her entire world, just for the chance to finally experience what it means to fall in love.


“So. You’ve destroyed a stereotype for me. A genie who lives in a library. Different.”

“When in Rome, no?” He stirred his cup before setting down the spoon with a light clink against the saucer. “Or, I suppose it is more accurate to say when in human form. When I am Burns, I prefer here.”

“Human form.” It didn’t sound right. Who said things like that, and meant it? “Can you change into anything you want? Any shape at all?”

He stretched out his legs and cocked his head, sliding his gaze up and away. “I suppose I could. I’m getting old and set in my ways. There’s this…” He swept his hands down the line of his body.

Her eyes were unable to keep from following, not even when he lingered over his midsection. Even lounging, his shirt was tightly tucked into his beltline. No belly fat there.

He tilted his head and gave her an upper-teeth smile, nibbling gently at his lower lip. “And apparently this form is pleasing to the eye, so I wear it often. But there are others. Tiger, a favorite. Savage and regal and the colors of flames in the night. Fearsome to behold, but very useful when dealing with physical conditions in which a human form may be outmatched. Plus, I can lash my tail.”

His voice took a teasing, conspirator’s tone. “I love my tail. You’d love it too, if you saw it.”

She trained her eyes firmly upon his. No way would she give him the pleasure of checking out his tail.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Ash Krafton is a speculative fiction author from northeastern Pennsylvania. Krafton’s first novel, Bleeding Hearts was published in 2012 as part of an urban fantasy trilogy The Books of the Demimonde (Pink Narcissus Press). An urban fantasy novella, Strangers at the Hell Gate, was published by Wild Rose Press in 2013. Her newest release, Words That Bind, won first place in the HeRA RWA “Show Me the Spark” 2013 competition as well as a Zebulon award in 2014.

Krafton also writes New Adult speculative fiction novels under the pen name AJ Krafton. Upcoming titles include The Heartbeat Thief, Face of the Enemy, and the award-winning Takin’ It Back. She is part of a YA/NA collective known as the Infinite Ink Authors.

In addition to novel-length fiction, Krafton enjoys writing poetry and short prose, some of which earned distinctions in various writing competitions. One of her poems was also nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She’s a proud member of Pennwriters, Romance Writers of America, and Pikes Peak Writers. Krafton also writes for the Query Tracker Blog and the Prose and Cons blog.

She resides with her family in northeast Pennsylvania.






Purchase the Book: The Wild Rose Press | Amazon


Ash will be awarding a $25 gift card to Amazon or BN as well as a unique handmade book-inspired keychain to a randomly drawn commenter and to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This was a truly fun post to write...and visualize
    :) thank you for having me!

  2. I liked the excerpt the most. It was really fun! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  3. oh this one is good... i don't know the male actor at all but after seeing the picture and your explanation he sure is fitting^^, for scarlet.. yes it could fit too ( the description of Tam made me think of a character from the tv show " person of interest" so i had that actres in mind)

    Perhaps it won't stay a forbidden wish and someone will ask you to make a film of teh book one day^^, then i'm sure you will have a lot of actor and actress to pick from
