
Monday, November 10, 2014

Book Blast (Excerpt & Giveaway): IT TAKES A THIEF by Jean Louise

Welcome to my stop on the book blast tour for It Takes a Thief by Jean Louise, a women's fiction / action / heist book available now. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


When you want to do something good, sometimes you need to be a little bad.

Angelina Carr is a thief. Nick Aston is a corporate security consultant. With her special skills, and his professional experience, they’re uniquely qualified to bring down a small-time criminal. The real challenge arises when that simple task gets them mixed up with a big-time mob boss.

In order to solve the problem for good, Gina and Nick have to find a way to bring down the kingpin. Hopefully without anyone getting hurt....


She opened a file drawer and riffled folders back and forth, and then closed the drawer loudly. Then she turned to the desk and picked up Volpin’s phone, careful not to get a dial tone. “Hello, I’m calling about the status of that file we discussed,” she said in a normal speaking voice.

After a second or two of surprised silence, Nick’s voice said uncertainly, “Um, are you talking to me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Oh. Well, um, let’s see. The file is about ninety percent installed. Ninety-two percent... ninety-five... ninety-eight.... Okay, it’s done. You’re clear.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“Gina, what is going on? Is someone else there?”

“Yes, unfortunately. But I’ll get that information to you as soon as I can. Thank you.” And she hung up Volpin’s phone loudly.

The small flash drive was already back in her pocket, so Gina picked up the folders she’d been carrying and walked out of the office. Thing One and Thing Two were still in the outer reception area, and even with peripheral vision Gina could see they were showing her more interest than she liked. She tried to sail past them, but Thing One moved to stand in front of her.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

I grew up with stories: stories told around the campfire each summer while growing up in New York state; stories read to me by older siblings; stories I read while pretending I, too, was old enough to go to school. And stories I wrote to amuse myself and my family.

Years later, I’m still writing stories.

Since being graduated from college I’ve worked for small business, large corporations, and even the government. I now live in North Carolina, far from those campfires of my childhood. Writing is still in my blood, though, because when you have stories to tell, the characters won’t let you rest until you tell them.

Feel free to contact me at, or on the J.Y. Harris page on Facebook.

Buy Link: Amazon


The author will award a $15 Amazon GC to one randomly selected winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm excited to be part of this tour and featured on the MAD Hoydenish blog. (Sounds like there's a story behind the title, too, lol.) Happy Monday, everyone and if readers have any questions I'll be glad to answer them. Thanks again!

  2. Thank you to all who visited this page, and good nite.
