
Thursday, November 6, 2014

AN AMISH CHRISTMAS QUILT (Christmas anthology): Excerpt and Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the blurb blitz tour for An Amish Christmas Quilt by Charlotte Hubbard, Kelly Long and Jennifer Beckstrand, a Amish/Inspirational romance—Christmas anthology available recently released from Kensington Publishing. This guest post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


A Willow Ridge Christmas Pageant

Seth Brenneman didn’t expect his holiday would include rescuing pregnant young Mary Kaffman and her two children…or having unexpected feelings for the still-grieving widow. But when they must play the leads in an impromptu live Nativity pageant to help his Amish community, will their roles reveal their hearts—and work a miracle for a lifetime?

A Perfect Amish Christmas

Anna and Felty Helmuth’s grandson, Gideon, plans to spend Christmas on a beach in sunny Mexico. But Anna is quite sure he’d rather be with them, snowshoeing, ice fishing—falling in love. And she knows the perfect girl. Not only is Dottie Schrock an excellent quilter and baker, she’s having a party. There’s just one complication—Gideon is not invited. Dottie has her reasons, but Anna trusts that the spirit of Christmas—and true love-will change her mind, and her future.


A Perfect Amish Christmas

“Our grandson Gideon is going to Mexico, and we’ve got to stop him,” Anna Helmuth said as she tied a bright red ribbon around a jar of huckleberry jelly.

Felty, her husband of sixty-three years, shoved a log into the cookstove. “Why would we want to stop him? Mexico sounds mighty nice this time of year.”

“Not as nice as spending Christmas in Bonduel with Dorothy Schrock.”

“She’s a nice girl. As busy as a beaver yet.”

Anna nodded vigorously. “So you see why we must convince Gideon to come to Bonduel instead of Mexico for Christmas.”

“Why do we want to convince our grandson to come to Bonduel?”

Anna smiled as if she was sharing a delightful secret. “He’s got to marry Dottie Schrock, that’s why.”

Felty finished loading his wood and closed the door to the firebox in the cookstove. “Annie-girl, you’re not thinking of making another match, are you?”

Anna pinched the ribbon between the scissors blade and her thumb, sliding the dull blade the length of the ribbon and turning the ribbon into a bouncy curlicue. The jelly jars were to be sold at the Christmas bazaar next week. She held it out for Felty to see. “Isn’t that charming?”

“Anna, you are the charmingest girl I know. But what about Dottie and Gid?”

“Oh, Felty. I’m so pleased that you’re worried about them. What should we do about Dottie and Gid?”

“We don’t have to do anything. Let Gideon go to Mexico in peace,” Felty said.

Anna scolded her husband with her eyes. “We most certainly will not. He and Dottie are perfect for each other.”

“I’m sure Gideon would be glad to know you’re so concerned about his love life.”

“Of course. He’d much rather be falling in love with Dottie than sitting on some muggy Mexico beach wishing for a white Christmas.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links 


 Jennifer Beckstrand

Jennifer Beckstrand is the bestselling author of The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series and the Forever After in Apple Lake series, set in two Amish communities in beautiful Wisconsin. She has always been drawn to the strong faith and the enduring family ties of the Plain people and loves writing about the antics of Anna and Felty Helmuth, the two scheming Amish grandparents who try to help their grandchildren find suitable mates in Huckleberry Hill. Who would ever suspect two elderly Amish folks of mischief?

Jennifer has a degree in mathematics, which comes in handy when one of her six children needs help with algebra. After twenty-five years of being a chauffeur, cook, maid, and nurse, she embarked on a writing career. Jennifer is a member of Romance Writers of America and is represented by Mary Sue Seymour of The Seymour Agency.

She and her husband have been married for thirty years, and she has four daughters, two sons, and two adorable grandsons, whom she spoils rotten.

You can find out more about Jennifer and her books by going to her website: or visiting her Facebook page: Jennifer Beckstrand Fans.

Twitter: @JenniferBeckst1

Charlotte Hubbard

Many moons ago—like, in 1983 while I was still a school librarian—I sold my first story to True Story magazine. This launched me into writing about seventy of those “true confessions” stories over the years, and I’ve been a slave to my overactive imagination ever since. My stories invariably take on a life of their own, different from the way I’ve proposed them: I love it when unforeseen characters and plot twists come along, because they keep me guessing right along with my readers!

I love touring historic homes, trying new recipes, crocheting, and playing with my border collie Ramona—although it’s humbling, having a dog smarter than I am! I’m an ordained Presbyterian deacon, and I devote a lot of time to singing in my church choir and to practicing/performing with our percussion ensemble. I’m celebrating more than thirty-five years with my husband, who—bless him—has never once suggested I get a real job!

Buy Links:

Kensington Books:

The Book Depository:


Barnes & Noble:






Kensington Books:





The authors will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've always hard/easy is it to co-author a book? Do you have a lot of phone calls? Coffee dates? and how do you keep the timeline together if you are both writing it?!? lol

    1. Andra, for this one, our publisher just asked us each to write a novella that included the theme of a Christmas quilt. So, we didn't have to collaborate on our stories. They are three separate ones. I have never tried to co-write a book I think I might find it impossible. :) Although my son wants to try writing a book together from a mother/son point of view. We'll see if that gets off the ground.

    2. Andra, I know several authors who collaborate, but I'm not sure I could be one of them! As you've figured out, it takes a lot of good timing and planning to do that for a book, a series, or whatever. As Jennifer said, we all wrote our novellas separately--because they are all connected to our separate series. Thanks for stopping by again today!

  2. And thank you, MAD Hoydenish for hosting us today!

    1. Yes, Tallulah, we appreciate your giving us a promo boost on your site! Thanks!

    2. Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed the excerpt.

      I voted for AN AMISH CHRISTMAS QUILT on the "Best Seasonal Romance {Christmas, Winter}" listopia on Godreads.

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt, thank you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by to read and enter our contest, Rita!

  4. Hmmmm, I "KNOW" that I left a comment the other day and I had a couple of replies, but it isn't showing up here. Is my 'Inherited Alzheimer's' getting worse than I thought, lol, or do take the older posts off and only show the current days posts? I'm really confused, lol, and that doesn't take much sometimes, haha.

    I really enjoyed reading about Jennifer Beckstrand and love her Matchmaker series. I enjoy reading all of the authors here, but Jennifer's series makes me giggle, lol.


    1. Wendy, I feel your pain about technological bumps in the road--I'm chiming in late today because the link wasn't working in my list, yada yada. If you posted the other day, on a different blog site, your remarks are still on THAT site--and still count as entries for the contest! Different day, different site--same giveaway! We're glad you're a reader! Thanks for stopping by again!

    2. Wendy,
      I'm guessing you'll find your comments on the other blog. But sometimes I'm tempted to take a bat to my computer.

  5. I really enjoy getting to know more about my favorite authors. I love your books but its great to be able to know more about the authors. It makes you seem more friendly when we can connect with you online and more likely to buy your books.

    1. Thanks for letting us know what you like to see in a tour stop/posting, Deanne. We're always interested in connecting with readers, because we do other "real life" things besides writing and sharing that can be fun! We're glad you stopped by today!

    2. Thanks, Deanne. I agree. I love getting to know more about writers. The most important thing to know about me is that I have really cute grandchildren. :)

  6. I Love reading about my favorite authors and their new books. I can't wait to get reading. Thank you and God bless

    1. Thanks, Jody. Christmas is a busy time, but there's always time for a fun Christmas book to get you in the spirit of the season.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Blessings appreciated, Jody! We love it that you're following our books. I just love writing Christmas books--no matter what sorts of complications arise in those stories, the reason for the season shines through in these Amish books and everything works out right! Gotta love when that happens!

  9. Thanks for hosting

  10. Always interested in hearing about new books and authors!

  11. Lovely excerpt, Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I really enjoy learning about the authors of the great books that I read! God Bless You and keep on writing!!!

    1. Also, thanks so much for the opportunity to win! !! This would be wonderful to read when I am in the hospital getting my treatments!!! God Bless You and keep on writing! !!

  13. I really enjoyed the updates on all the new books....and so looking forward to reading them since they are on my to-read list :)

  14. I loved all of it! The cover is so sweet and serene looking!
