
Friday, November 7, 2014

5 & 5: Things You Didn’t Know About Brian and Juliet Freyermuth & Their Book MIND OF THE BEAST + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Mind of the Beast (A Sundancer Novel, book 2) by Brian and Juliet Freyermuth, an urban fantasy book available now from Middark Press.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour. Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


Five Things You Didn’t Know About Us

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Mind of the Beast

by Juliet Freyermuth

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Brian and Juliet
  1. Hello, I met Brian on my first day of school in the middle of our senior year of high school. Since it was right after lunch, I decided to go to journalism class a little early. When the journalism teacher announced there was a new student, Brian and his friend ran to the front of the room shouting “New student!” Can you imagine two tall guys running up to front of the classroom, Brian wearing a trench coat and ripped jeans and jumping over desks? I was a little overwhelmed, but it was sweet. The next day I found out about the horror novel he wrote. It was a lot like Dean Koontz, Watchers. We quickly became friends and on December 23 we had our first kiss. That was almost 24 years ago. Brian has designed games for 20 years. His first game was the original Fallout. He’s worked on a lot of titles including Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.
  2. We both began writing at a young age. I’ve been writing since I was 9 years old. It all started when my fourth grade teacher assigned a short story. I’m also working towards a journalism degree. My favorite article was when I interviewed anthropologists from all over the country, including an anthropology I saw on NatGeo Channel. Dr. Eric Cline recently released 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed. Brian has been writing since the fifth grade. He’s always loved fantasy and likes sharing new worlds and stories rattling around in his head. The first story he wrote was about a boy who found himself in the clouds.
  3. I enjoy helping people gain confidence and follow their dreams. I recently started a website called Right now it offers writing and indie publishing resources, as well as inspirational videos on writing from people like Sting and Ray Bradbury. I found them on YouTube and TED.
  4. Brian and I are big geeks at heart. We like to play both live action and table top role playing games. I’m completely addicted to World of Warcraft. Brian likes to read science fiction, fantasy and of course urban fantasy. I read paranormal romance, romantic suspense and urban fantasy. We watch shows like Dr. Who, Person of Interest and older shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Gotta love Spike. 

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Mind of the Beast

  1. Demon Dance and Mind of the Beast have a unique premise behind them. What would happen to supernatural beings, like vampires and deities, if their existence was based on popular belief?
  2. Brian wrote Demon Dance, but for Mind of the Beast we decided to try an experiment. Instead of editing Mind of the Beast, I rewrote parts of it, adding scenes and more character development as well as rewriting a few of the action scenes. We had so much fun we decided to come up with a system. First we plan a story. One writes the rough draft and then the other does a rewrite. We go back and forth until both of us likes how it turns out. Once we think the novel is ready, we send it to the editors.
  3. I wanted to get the fight scene in Sal’s apartment just right so I watched the last fight scene of The Avengers 10 times before rewriting the scene. I paid close attention to what happens to structures when bodies are thrown against them, as well as how bodies react to super hero strength.
  4. The scene when Thelma talks about her sister and nephew was added to start a conversation about life-threatening epilepsy called Lennox-Gestaut Syndrome that affects children. Parents fear going to sleep or leaving them alone because a seizure can stop the child from breathing. Thelma’s sister and nephew will be in Book 4. My niece suffers from this syndrome.
  5. Every story we write has an underlying truth to it. Action, mystery and drama are great, but there should always be a theme the reader can relate to, no matter how wondrous or outlandish the plot can get.


When a vampire asks Nick St. James to investigate his friend’s murder, the answer should have been easy, right? NO. Okay, not so easy. How do you say no to a friend like Felix?

Besides, with Thelma by his side, what could go wrong? She’s got that, umm … cute pink backpack of Voodoo magic. Of course it hurts that she manages to look good even when she accidentally conjures and gets possessed by a drunk loa. No, it won’t be at all distracting to have her along.

Since no good deed goes unpunished, a crazy man with starry eyes jumps out of the shadows at the victim’s apartment and pummels them. Their attacker doesn’t just beat them up but also infects them with some bad mojo that’s killing Thelma and making Nick angry … angrier.

If the trail to the suspect—the Green Man—is any indication, they’ll be killed before the poison finishes the job. The old gods are more dangerous than helpful. The Watchers—even the one who seems to have a brain—are always a hazard. And what’s with the all the minions? Who has minions anymore? Not to mention the rapid progression of the infection that quickly upgrades Nick’s condition to ‘blind-rage-filled.’

Why couldn’t Felix have just asked Nick to help him move?


She shot him again, but he continued toward her. Two bloodstains formed on his ratty shirt. He swung at her, but she quickly shifted to the left.

It was my turn. I punched him from the side and sent him flying into the desk across the room. Sounds of the monitor shattering and wood splintering filled the air as I rushed toward him.

Another sound of gunfire rang out but didn’t stop him from getting to his feet. He barreled toward me like a freight train. The gunshots slowed him considerably, but it didn’t stop him. Pain radiated through my chest as his fist made contact, sending me into the wall between the two rooms. A crack traveled up the wall to the ceiling, and plaster rained down around us.

More shots sounded as I got back to my feet. Two more holes opened in the man’s shirt. He was almost to Thelma when I grabbed him from behind. I used all my enhanced strength to lift him and toss him toward the kitchen. His body flew through the open door, smashing the wood of the frame in the process.

On the counter was the third gnome, his hands covering his speak-no-evil lips. I grabbed it and swung for the man’s head. It contacted with a sick thunk, and blood splashed across the gnome’s face. The bastard wouldn’t go down! I snarled and swung again, but this time he grabbed my wrist in midair and twisted it before tossing me to the ground.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

After 18 years of marriage, Brian and Juliet Freyermuth decided to try something crazy; write a book together.

Brian’s writing is not limited to print. For twenty years he wrote and designed games such as Fallout, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Epic Mickey 2 and Lichdom: Battlemage.

Juliet’s love for writing began with a fourth grade assignment. She has been writing ever since. Her writing took a new direction when she enrolled in journalism and met amazing people. Whether it is an article about anthropology or a hero’s journey in a magical world, she hopes to inspire readers to new possibilities.

When Brian and Juliet aren’t writing, they enjoy reading, watching shows like Persons of Interest and going on road trips with their son, Kyle.



Brian: @brianfreyermuth

Juliet: @julietfrey




Buy Link:

Demon Dance (Sundancer, Book 1):

Mind of the Beast (Sundancer, Book 2):


Brian and Juliet will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I was inspired by a set gnomes I saw in Julian, CA when visiting friends.

  2. I really loved your comments. Very revealing about you both. I also really enjoyed the excerpt. Sounds like an exciting story.

    1. Thank you! This is Juliet. For some reason, the comments are listing me as one of my websites. I watched the last fight scenes of the Avengers over and over until I could visualize Nick being thrown around the apartment.

  3. Thanks for doing the 5 & 5, Juliet. I enjoyed the guest post.

    I started watching Person of Interest late last year. That show has me a little paranoid. LOL!

    Best of luck with your site,

    1. Thank you. It was a lot of fun to write.

      Brian got me hooked earlier this year on Person of Interest. Both my son and I are almost at the end of season two. Zoe is one of my favorite characters even if she isn't in it all that much. It is a bit unnerving isn't it?

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! It's fun taking a city like Seattle and creating a magical underworld within it.

  5. thanks for sharing the great excerpt :)

    1. Thank you! We're so glad you liked it.

  6. I loved learning about the great book!!! God Bless You and please keep on writing!!!

    1. Thank you! God Bless You too :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was fun to write.

  8. I liked the Five Things You Didn’t Know About Mind of the Beast. I'm curious how it is writing with a partner. Are there a lot of disagreements on where the story goes? Or how a character should be? Was it easy?

    1. Thank you Ash L. Arguments will happen. The trick is to realize that the book is both of yours and to make sure to let the other on one know what scenes are important to you.

      A funny argument we had once was about whether Sal's body was recognizable after being shot and then mauled by a pack of animals. We didn't realize that someone was overhearing us. You should have see the look on her face! She calmed when she found out we're writers.

  9. I loved the cover, blurb, excerpt, and bio of the authors.
