
Monday, October 20, 2014

MY NAME IS THANK-YOU by Kaizen Love: Author Interview and Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for My Name is Thank-You by Kaizen Love, a young adult book available now. Today I have an interview with the author to share with you. This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


My Name Is Thank-You allows us into the worlds of two very different thirteen-year-old girls. Each girl’s voice carries its own unique tone, as the girls beckon us to follow magically into their lives. One is a joyous story of hope against all odds, the search for acceptance, and the longing for unconditional love; the other a sad tale of unspeakable abuse, constant rejection, and an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Thank-You and Josephine create around us a world rich with emotion, one that will leave you inspired, breathless, and yearning for more words.


"They say that a child’s imagination is one of the most powerful forces on this planet. As children we are able to tap into the mystery that exists outside of the walls of our minds. We are free from the cage of reasoning and ignorance. We are able to look beyond what is directly in front of us and see the path that lies ahead. As we grow, we begin to lose sight of these things. The mystery becomes overshadowed by the wall that grows bigger with each human experience. Eventually, we forget the magic and wonder that we once found in the belief that anything was possible, and the word impossible becomes the box that we use to shove God into. " (My Name Is Thank-You)


1. How do you come up with the characters names/personalities?

I love to give my characters interesting names, or names that in some way describe who or what they stand for. For this novel my character's name is "Thank-You", and she lives the definition of gratitude.

2. What scene was the hardest to write? Why?

There is one very intense scene in this novel. I can't describe it in detail because it gives away a big twist in the story. But, I will say that it is a scene that highlights abuse in a very realistic way. I was sad when writing it, then angry, but it needed to be written.

3. What is your favorite scene in My Name is Thank-You?

The ending was my favorite. It made me laugh out loud with tears in my eyes.

4. How much of you is hidden in the characters in your book?

There is a lot of me in both my main characters. I think that there is a lot of all of us. I believe the only thing that separates us from each other are the way we perceive the details in our stories. We all have a beginning, middle, and an end. We fill those chapters in different ways, but all using the same vocabulary.

5. If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play Thank-You and Josephine?

I would have to say Josephine could be played by Quvenzhané Wallis, the young girl from Beasts of the Southern Wild, and 12 Years A Slave. And Thank-You, well, that is a tough one because she is so unique looking. Whoever would play Thank-You ultimately needs to have a big and beautiful smile.

6. What does your writing process look like?

Some days it looks like a lot of coffee, and other days it looks like a lot of wine. Ok, maybe not so much wine, a glass or two will do. It really depends on my mood, and what mood my characters are in.

7. What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?

Never be afraid to be yourself. One of the greatest things about writing is being able to release the contents of your mind in a very special way. Don't spend so much time focusing what kinds of books are the most popular, or what you think will make the most money. Write what you feel, and allow the story to lead you.

8. What is your best marketing tip?

Research, research, and more research! There are so many tips and tricks online these days it is almost impossible to say which is the best. I research as much as I can, I make lists of things to try, and I do them.

9. What literary character is most like you?

I would have to say Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

10. What are you working on now? What is your next project?

I am working on a novel about a young man on a journey of discovery. It will have a bit of humor, and a lot more romance. I am in the beginning phases of writing, so I cant' give too much away. My stories always tend to change as I go, they truly tell themselves.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Kaizen Love is an up and coming writer, spinning words into a beautiful web that should enrich the lives of all who read them. She has a positive and fresh take on life, and has mastered the art of storytelling. She grew up reading books by authors from every style, race, nationality, culture, and religious perspective; drawing inspiration from each one. Her greatest mission is to share love.

Amazon Link:






Kaizen Love will be awarding a $15 BN/Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Again Kaizen! Happy Monday! Got any big plans this week?

    1. Hi Andra! Great to hear from you. This weeks plans are pretty big, working on finalizing the proof to get My Name Is Thank-You in print!

  2. Thanks for having me here today!

    1. It's my pleasure. Thanks for doing the interview. I enjoyed it.

  3. I liked the contrast between the two girls stories.

  4. I like the interview w the author

  5. I also voted for MY NAME IS THANK-YOU on the best "eye" on the cover listopia on Goodreads.
