
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge #TraveltheWorldinBooks

I completed my reading goals for the Travel the World in Books Readathon while on vacation. I enjoyed it so much that I've decided to join the Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge hosted by Lost in Books, Savvy Working Gal and Moms' Small Victories.

My baby steps goal is read two books set on each of the continents. When I make it to all the continents, I'll start again.

Ready to join us? Stop by and read the goals and rules for this challenge, write up your sign up post and link it up here. Get ready for your travel the world in books adventure!

If you are looking for some great reads set in France, be sure to stop by Words and Peace and France Book Tours. You'll find giveaways, memes, reviews, etc. I am the featured blogger for September on FBT. *high fives all around*


Where are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are joining our challenge! I like that you are starting with 2 books per continent and then will go around the world again. What are you reading now?
