
Friday, September 26, 2014

Royalties by Andy Marx: Excerpt and Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for Royalties by Andy Marx, an historical romance saga available now from Taliesin Publishing. Click on the banner to visit other stops on this tour.


America has never seen anything to match the innovation, energy, romance, and excitement of the 20th Century. And the embodiment of all this is Eve Solomon, a young woman who embraces the vitality of the times with a fervor. Determined to make a name for herself in the fledgling music business of 1908, she ultimately becomes wildly successful. But the same steely determination that takes her to the heights of the entertainment world cannot bring her the one thing she wants more than anything: the love of her life, Alex Getz, a struggling Vaudeville comic who becomes one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. As their careers and lives intersect across the years, there is a price to pay—a royalty for true love that can never be measured.


To Alex, Saturday night crowds were the best and tonight’s show in Milwaukee had been no different: a full house, several spontaneous bursts of applause during his act, and two curtain calls.

And Alex knew the evening would only get better. In less than an hour he expected a visit from a local prostitute, a date arranged by his friend, Charlie Chaplin.

“She’s the best in Milwaukee, maybe even the whole state of Wisconsin,” Chaplin informed Alex the night before.

As Alex finished taking off his make-up, he wondered what Chaplin’s gift would look like. Ordinarily, he wouldn’t agree to meet a hooker sight unseen, but he knew Charlie to be a good judge of talent. Besides, his friend even offered to pay for it.

Hearing a knock at the door, Alex looked at his watch. Only ten-thirty. She wasn’t due for another thirty minutes, he thought. There would be no time for showering or putting on a fresh change of clothes. On second thought, he reasoned, why bother getting dressed? We’re just going to take our clothes off anyway.

Following another knock, he got up and sauntered to the door in only his towel. He threw open the door and stared at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Andy Marx is an award-winning writer and photographer, whose work has appeared in Variety, The Los Angeles Times and Entertainment Weekly, among others. He is also the co-founder of the comedy website, Hollywood & Swine, known for its lampooning of the entertainment industry. His paternal grandfather was the legendary comedian, Groucho Marx, and his maternal grandfather, the renowned songwriter, Gus Kahn. Marx lives in Beverly Hills with his wife and three children.



Twitter: @andymarx






This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Prizes for the tour are as follows:

• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.
• One randomly chosen host will receive a $25 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting!

    Readers, Andy lives on the West Coast and works during the day--he'll stop by this evening to answer any questions have.

    1. Actually, I can answer questions throughout the day.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me and my novel. "Royalties." This is awesome!

  3. I liked the blurb. Royalties sounds like a great story, I like this era and think this book would be a fascinating read.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt. Andy, what is your favorite scene in the book?

    I voted for Royalties on the Historical Fiction 2014 listopia on Goodreads.

    1. I think I may like opening scene of the book. To me, it pretty much asks a question, which won't be answered until the end of the book.

  5. I really enjoyed the excerpt and blurb. I love turn of the last century stories.

  6. I really enjoyed the quick blurb. It entices you to read more.

  7. I thought the cover was very interesting. I always enjoy what the author has to say too.

  8. Wow, the blurb is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Pick me, pick me! Your next winner!!! Show me the money!!! It would be a dream come true and means more to me than anyone else to win. Starving artist here desperately needs the Amazon gc to shop and eat again. Winner, winnner. Chicken dinner. A life changing experience. Top of my bucket list. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest.

  9. You got great abilities, if I may say! =)

  10. I must thank my publisher for the cover design. They did a great job.
