
Monday, September 1, 2014

Introductions (Day 1): #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT (Sept. 1-14, 2014)

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be joining the Travel the World in Books Readathon. You can follow my updates here.

Let's get the reading adventures started!

Travel the World in Books Readathon, Day 1



1. Tell us your name and what state and country you are from.
My name is Tallulah. I live in the state of Georgia in the United States.

2. What do you hope to accomplish during the Readathon?
I hope to clear some of the books on my TBR list so that I can make room for more. <sigh> SMH.
I'd also like to find some cool new blogs and pick up some new book suggestions.

3. What book are you looking forward to reading most?
Tokyo Heist by Diana Renn

4. What’s your beverage and snack of choice during the Readathon?
Diet Coke and popcorn

5. Hop around to the other participants from the Sign Up Page or Goals Page.
I hope to do this next week, when I get home.

6. If money was no object, what would be your dream travel destination?
I would like to visit China. It is on my bucket list with a friend of mine. We are going to get there eventually. Maybe you can too!

Enter to Win the China Tour Giveaway from smarTours and

7. What are your favorite reading spots?
I like to read in the park on a blanket. I like to cast other park visitors as characters in the books that I am reading. 

What are you planning on reading during the #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT?

Travel the World in Books Readathon 

Lost in Books, Savvy Working Gal and Moms' Small Victories are happy to announce the Travel the World in Books Readathon, coming September 1-14, 2014!

"The readathon is a chance to explore our world by reading books set in other countries or by authors from countries other than the one where you live. Learning about other cultures helps promote diversity, cultural tolerance and understanding. If you think #WeNeedDiverseBooks just as much as we do, sign up your blog and join us. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to comment, share on social media or Goodreads. Don’t forget to sign up for our no-stress Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge too, where you choose your own adventure and set your own rules!"

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