
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Getting to Know You Questions (Day 2) | #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT (Sept. 1-14, 2014)

Hello everyone! I am so excited to be participating in the Travel the World in Books Readathon. You can follow my updates here.

Travel the World in Books Readathon, Day 2


Getting to Know You Questions

1. What’s the name of your blog, your blog URL  and how long have you been blogging?

The name of my blog is MAD Hoydenish ( I have been blogging off and on for about 5 years.

2. How many kids and/or fur babies do you have?

3. Where in the world does your family originate from?
Everyone in my family was made in America. Well, except for my cousin (by marriage) whose family is from Japan.

4. Can you speak any foreign languages?
I kinda sorta, but not really speak little to no Spanish (studied in high school and college). I started working on learning French last month. I'll be talking about it more in a future readathon post.

5. Give a shout out to a blogger you visited during the Readathon.
I visited Guiltless Reading to check out the Make Your Own Book Map Mini-Challenge & Giveaway. It looks pretty cool, but I must admit that I am a little intimidated. I hope to start on my map when I return from vacation.

What are you reading during the #TraveltheWorldinBooksRAT?

Travel the World in Books Readathon

Lost in Books, Savvy Working Gal and Moms' Small Victories are happy to announce the Travel the World in Books Readathon, coming September 1-14, 2014!

"The readathon is a chance to explore our world by reading books set in other countries or by authors from countries other than the one where you live. Learning about other cultures helps promote diversity, cultural tolerance and understanding. If you think #WeNeedDiverseBooks just as much as we do, sign up your blog and join us. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to comment, share on social media or Goodreads. Don’t forget to sign up for our no-stress Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge too, where you choose your own adventure and set your own rules!"

1 comment:

  1. I want to make a map too. Baby steps and small victories. Thanks for joining the Readathon and challenge!
