
Friday, August 15, 2014

LAND OF KALDALANGRA's Kristi Strong selects SOUL OF ASIMINA Dream Cast

Welcome to my stop on the book tour for the Land of Kaldalangra fantasy series (The Lady of Steinbrekka, Heart of Kylassame, and Soul of Asimina) by Kristi Strong.

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristi will offer a signed paperback copy of The Lady of Steinbrekka, along with a Land of Kaldalangra bookmark prize pack to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post.

Please click the banner to visit other stops on this tour.

The Lady of Steinbrekka 

Rhea Aralia lived an uneventful life in Virginia, until the fateful night of her kidnapping. Taken to a strange realm of destruction, despair, and mysterious people with dark secrets, the young woman must learn a new way of life to survive.

With the help of her new companions, Rhea discovers the courage to defy the tyrant King Verikhan and his heir, the cleverness to deceive the court, and the power within herself to transform this world of darkness into one of beauty and hope.

Will Rhea triumph over those who seek her destruction, or will she be forever lost in the darkness known as Kaldalangra?

Join Rhea as she fights to take destiny back into her own hands.

Buy Links:  Kindle | Nook | Paperback

Heart of Kylassame 

It has been two years since the reign of the tyrannical King Verikhan has ended, and the realm of Kaldalangra flourishes.

Nyssa has taken her place as Queen of the realm, with her secret love, Sebast, now openly at her side. She rules with a fair hand, striving for justice and prosperity for all of her people.

Rowan and Rhea travel the realm, spreading peace and healing wherever they go. In Kylassame, they have formed a strong bond with friends and spread deep roots in the community.

The people of Kaldalangra are joyful, and life in their world is better than ever before.

But a string of tragedies has the ability to bring Rhea to her knees, and with her, the entire realm. While Rowan struggles to recover the village of Kylassame from a devastating crime, Rhea’s faith in her own strength weakens, with dire consequences.

Re-enter the world of Kaldalangra, and join the adventure as Rhea and Rowan endeavor to continue upon their chosen destiny.

Buy Links:  Kindle | Nook | Paperback


Soul of Asimina 

In the land of Kaldalangra, one woman stands at a crossroads.

Sabina de Nespa has known a life of freedom and peace, thanks to the actions of her heroic parents. As a child of royalty, she has kept her intentions pure and her heart guarded, always aware that the crown of the realm may one day rest upon her brow.

When two strangers stumble across her path, she finds her peace shattered as dangerous family secrets begin to emerge, along with a malignant force that threatens to destroy her entire world. These men have the ability to help her rise to brilliant heights, or cause a devastating plunge into darkness.

It is now up to Sabina to continue her parents’ legacy of honor, courage, and strength through adversity. With the fate of Kaldalangra upon her shoulders, she has vowed to follow the path of righteousness, or die trying.

Buy Links:  Kindle | Nook | Paperback

Soul of Asimina Dream Cast

I think most authors dream of the day that they get to see their book on the big screen, and I'm no different. It would be a dream come true to see Kaldalangra come alive, with all of the magic and intrigue, action and romance.

Where I am a little different though, is that I never really thought of who would play the different characters! I have how they act and look in my head, but unless the actor/actress is on The Big Bang Theory, Game of Thrones, or Restaurant Possible, I haven't seen them in a while. After some time remembering movies/tv shows I love, and at the recommendation of fans who fell in love with the characters of Soul of Asimina, this is my dream cast!

Sabina  - Leighton Meester
Darian -Kit Harington
Alcine -Ian Somerhalder
Eric - Alexander Skarsgard
Rhea - Rachel McAdams
Rowan - Gary Stretch or Chris Hemsworth
Nyssa -Charlize Theron
Katrina - Emilia Clarke
Verikhan - Johnny Depp (because I couldn't possible have a movie without him :) )

How awesome would this movie be?

AUTHOR Bio and Links

Fixing broken computers, wrangling a very spirited little toddler, and creating a world with a tyrant king, are all parts of the average day for Kristi Strong. While she has called Virginia her home for two decades, her head has rested in two countries, three states, and far too many houses to count. She was more than happy to give up her nomadic lifestyle and settle down with her husband, daughter, cat and chinchilla.

While attending James Madison University, she was given the rare opportunity to work as part of an archaeological team on a variety of dig sites in Virginia, including the homes of former Presidents, James Madison and George Washington, civil war sites such as The Stevens’ House and Fort Evans Mississippian Encampment, and a variety of pre-historic hunting sites and camps.

Kristi now uses her extensive studies in human cultures to create her own world in her fantasy novels, beginning with her debut novel, The Lady of Steinbrekka, and continuing with Heart of Kylassame and Soul of Asimina.

Connect with Kristi



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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