
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

#boutofbooks 11: Read-a-Thon Updates

Bout of Books 11 Wrap-Up

Last week I was crazy busy so I had to rely on audiobooks. I didn't meet my visitation goal, but I did meet my reading goal. I'll try to get around to visit some blogs this week.

What was the best book that you read during the read-a-thon?

Day 7

On Tuesday (August 26), I'll be hosting a book blast for FOR LOVE AND COUNTRY by Elizabeth D. Michaels. One of the entries in the book blast giveaway (prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash) is downloading the first book in The Horstberg Saga, Behind the Mask. It's free. I am going to get ahead of the game and download it to read today.

Day 6 

Today I finished My Soul to Loose by Rachel Vincent, The Viscount and the Witch by Michael J. Sullivan, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Truber audiobooks. They are relatively short. I haven't seen the Ben Stiller movie adaptation of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty yet. Have you?


So that clears my list of free audiobooks. Now my list of free ebooks is a whole other story. SMH. Maybe I'll tackle them during my next read-a-thon.

Day 5

This morning, I decided that I am going to listen to the free audiobooks on my Kindle for the rest of the read-a-thon. I am not a free book hoarder. I don't care what my Kindle says ;-)

I finished Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business and Gabriel: Zero Point: The FREE Prequel Novella (Evan Gabriel Trilogy) today.

My reading is going well, my visiting five participants each day is not. I might have to do it after the read-a-thon.

I am coming to visit y'all, I promise.

Day 4

Still listening to Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business. I think that I'll do a series of posts about the show next month. I wonder when the new season starts.


Of course, things started to get crazy today. Life seems to find a way to disturb my reading plans, especially during scheduled times like a read-a-thon. I will not be kept down. LOL!

Day 3

Are you a fan of the television show Shark Tank? I don't watch the show consistently, but manage to catch a few episodes from time to time. The audiobook of Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business: How to Launch and Grow a Business from Concept to Cash by Michael Parrish DuDell is free on Amazon right now.

Day 2

I am kicking off the read-a-thon with an audiobook, Sixth Grave on the Edge: A Novel (Charley Davidson Book 6) by Darynda Jones. I won the book in a giveaway. I haven't read the first five books. I hope that I make it through okay. I am a fan of the narrator, Lorelei King.

Have you read any of the Charley Davidson sereies?


Day 1: Goals

This time around I am doing a  5 & 5. My goals for the read-a-thon:

  • Read five books
  • Visit five participants each day

I am going to wing it on this books. I'll pick up whatever calls to me.


About Bout of Books: "The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional." - Bout of Books team

For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. 

Bout of Books

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