
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Now Touring: Win the Rings by K.D. Van Brunt | Author Interview + Giveaway

Welcome to my stop on Win the Rings book tour! Written by K.D. Van Brunt, Win the Rings is a YA urban fiction book available now from Evernight Teen, a division of Evernight Publishing.


Jace has been the property of the U.S. Army since they found out about her when she was five, and now she has become one of its most valuable weapons. But Jace is not the only one of her kind. Gray is one too, but with the help of his sister, he has spent most of his sixteen years hiding from the Army.

Now, the Army has found out about Gray and they cannot allow him to roam free. Operating on the theory that it takes one to catch one, Jace is send out with a special ops squad to hunt Gray down. But Jace is not the only one pursuing Gray, and the competition is after her too. What ensues is a desperate chase through city after city as duty and honor collide with love and sacrifice.

Author Interview

1.  First book you remember making an indelible impression on you. 

The Lord of the Rings books (Hobbit plus trilogy).  When I first read it, I wanted to run away to Middle Earth, and sort of still do.

2.  If you could only eat one food the rest of your life, what would it be?

That’s easy.  Pizza, alternating between Chicago deep dish and New York style with the thin, foldable crust.

3.  If you were a shifter, what animal would you like to be?

An interesting question since my book involves shifters, except they shift to other people, not animals.  But if I were an ‘conventional’ shifter, I think I’d pick a tiger or lion.  It would be cook to be an apex predator.

4.  Favorite season? Why?

I like autumn.  The weather is cooling down and more comfortable (Spring’s out since I have allergies then) and around here it’s beautiful to see the leaves change.  Plus, all the fun holidays are bunched into these months: Halloween, Thanksgivings, Christmas/Hanukkah.  And, then there’s football too.

5.  Best movie ever made? 

I’m going to limit myself to movies that came out when I was old enough to experience their debut first hand, and the best one of those would probably have to be E.T.  When the trailers first came out, my reaction was, ‘oh, good luck with that.’ That was before I went back and saw it like 12 times in the first month. 

Book Trailer


About the Author 

K.D. Van Brunt has been writing professionally his entire career and has published an extensive list of nonfiction works. Win the Rings is his first fiction book. When not writing, he reads and listens to audiobooks during his daily drive through the sea of gridlock that is commuting in and out of Washington, DC. A long time resident of Maryland, he can often be found tromping around the many civil war battle sites in the area. To find out more about K.D. Van Brunt, including bonus content relating to Win the Rings, check out his follow him on twitter--

Twitter: @kdvanbrunt

Website: www.kdvanbrunt





a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will give away one $50 Amazon/ gift card to a winner randomly chosen through Rafflecopter.

Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour. 


  1. Fun interview...I could probably live on pizza, too!



  2. this sounds like such a good book. I really enjoyed your comments.

  3. Great interview! I can't recall reading a book with human to human shifters! This sounds very interesting! Thanks for sharing

  4. Thanks for stopping by K.D.

    Fun interview. Autumn is my favorite season too.

    I enjoyed the book trailer. What is your favorite scene in Win the Rings?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
