
Monday, May 5, 2014

Virtual Book Blast Tour for Fag by Krissy Bells

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Krissy will be awarding a $10 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn winner via the Rafflecopter at the end of this post. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour. Remember, the more stops you visit, the more chances you earn to win.

Aaron Garrett is many things in life: he is a son, a friend, a student, and caring boyfriend to his lovely girlfriend Leigh Ann. In these roles, he is kind, hardworking, smart, loving, dedicated, and considerate. At Jefferson High School, he is a leader, a football star, and well-respected by his peers. Aaron’s life is perfectly on track, he is pursuing a college scholarship and hopeful for the future, except for just one thing: Aaron Garrett is gay. When a former child star from Aaron’s small Southern town saturates the national media after making homophobic comments, Aaron’s life is turned upside down as supporters rally around the sentiments. Social media attention begins to swell nationally and locally until it begins to eat away at every part of Aaron’s existence.

Enjoy an excerpt:

The news show began airing the same video interview that had been playing on every news station all weekend long. Jonathon Jenkins was an aged, shorter-than-average former child star with beady eyes and a sleazy goatee. “Homosexual activity is what is wrong with this society, period. Homosexuals, drunkards, sinners—they are tearing us away from the Lord. I am not scared to say that this liberal doctrine toward gays is what is tearing at our society’s moral fiber, and I for one won’t stand for it. It starts with the gays and homos, and then it just goes on from there—beastiality, child predators. It’s all the same. It is absolutely sick that these individuals act like it’s natural for these homosexual relationships to even exist, let alone that they should be allowed to marry or form any union under our government. Just the thought of these despicable sinners—well, it just makes me physically ill. When they all burn in hell, I won’t cry over it.”

“Did you hear about this?” Sherry asked her son. “You know he’s from here.”

“Yeah, it’s been on the news all weekend. You couldn’t really miss it. And he lived here when he was like seven, Mom.”

Aaron noticed the story a couple nights ago when his Facebook feed exploded with comments regarding Jenkins’s statement. While a few responses trickled in to rebut the words of the former Kids in Charge actor, the majority were posts supporting his moral stand.

Krissy Bells was born and raised in the Detroit metro area. A former school secretary, she now spends her days as a stay-at-home mom. She is passionate about her family and friends, her Dachshund named Harry, and anything topped with cheese or chocolate. Krissy can be contacted at Thank you for reading!

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  1. Thank you for the opportunity to visit:)

    1. It's my pleasure! This book deals with some complex issues. Is there a message in your writing you want readers to grasp?

  2. Absolutely Tallulah! I hope the message is the importance of acceptance. I also hope it is a reflection of the dangers of both labels and social media. No word defines a person. Thank you for asking!
