
Saturday, November 23, 2013

#XboxOne #giveaway + #themindyproject + #winkyface

Did you know that you can play games, watch TV, watch movies, and listen to music with the Xbox One? I have been hinting that I want one for Christmas. In case my hints don't work, I have a back-up plan.

I entered to win the Xbox One Giveaway organized by Mom Powered Media and you can too. Enter using the link in the following tweet for your chance to win an Xbox One.

I also entered the Xbox One/FOX Tuesday Night Sweepstakes and you can too. Enter using the link in the following tweet for your chance to win an Xbox One and two games.


Prompt: Winky faces in texts. Please discuss.

The Mindy Project | Season 2 | Episode 8: You've Got Sext

- Texting gets Mindy into trouble.

Aired on 11/12/2013 | TV-14 | 21:42

This episode was both disturbing and funny to me. Am I the only person who doesn't read anything into winky face emojicons? They don't get me excited. I think of them as humorous, not really flirty or sexy. I am fighting the urge to go through my texts for winky faces that could have been misinterpreted.

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