
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Virtual Book Tour Café presents Karl F. Hollenbach's Scrooge and Marley + Giveaway

I'll be kicking off the holiday season by talking about Charles Dickens and A Christmas Carol-related things this week. Along with Virtual Book Tour Café, I am excited to share this expansion of A Christmas Carol.


Scrooge & Marley
by Karl F. Hollenbach

About The Author

AuthorPhoto-KFH-103012Born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1925, Karl F. Hollenbach graduated from a local public high school in 1943 as a major in the junior ROTC. Entering the army on Christmas Eve that same year, he served as a sergeant in World War II with the U.S. Engineers. Assigned to the Seventh Army he crossed the Rhine River into Germany, ending up in Austria at the end of the European war.

He attended Biarritz American University, Purdue University, the University of Kentucky and earned a Masters of Education degree and Rank I in education from the University of Louisville. After 20 years in business as a sales representative, manager, and owner-operator of several retail stores, he made a career change to education.

During the next 18 years, he taught in the Louisville, Kentucky public schools and the Hardin County Catholic school system. After the merger of two of the largest Kentucky public school systems, Karl served as a consultant to the Jefferson County school system and was a lecturer/coordinator of student teachers at the University of Louisville, School of Education.

A student of esoteric studies for over 50 years, he is a member of the Rosicrucian Order, Self-Realization Fellowship and the Association for Research and Enlightenment. He has lectured on esoteric subjects in a dozen cities, and his metaphysical articles have been published in Japan and England as well as the United States.

Author Links

Publisher's Website:

KFH Publisher Facebook:

Author's Page - BAA Blog:

Author's Page - Amazon:

Author's Page - Goodreads:

Author's Page - Smashwords:

YouTube Book Trailer:


About The Book

Genre: Literary Fiction

Publisher: Books, Authors And Artists, div of internet marketing KY, LLC.

Release Date: November 14, 2012
Book Description:

A year after Ebenezer Scrooge encountered the ghost of his partner, Jacob Marley, as well as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, Scrooge relives the previous Christmas and is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley once more. Mediating for his friend and partner by fulfilling his requests, Scrooge witnesses an altogether different story. This expansion on Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, recounts how Marley unshackles his soul from previous deeds allowing Scrooge to partake of redemption. Relive and recapture the essence of Christmas while exploring the wonders of life, living and death.

Ebenezer Scrooge considered Christmas a “humbug.” Uncharitable to solicitors for funds for the poor, his only concern was whether the poorhouse was no longer open. He grudgingly gave his clerk Christmas day off. When his nephew wished him a “Merry Christmas,” he responded, “And good day to you, sir.” In short, Scrooge was not a pleasant person.

On Christmas Eve Scrooge was visited by the ghost of his dead, miserly and selfish partner, Jacob Marley, who had to trudge through the spirit world encumbered by chains. Marley told Scrooge that three spirits would visit him, and if he was to be saved from an even worse fate than was Marley’s, he had to meet these three spirits.

At twelve midnight a childlike figure appeared, saying she was the Spirit of Christmas Past and showed Scrooge scenes from his past. The second spirit, the Spirit of Christmas Present, a huge, jovial man, dressed in red and green, took Scrooge to the homes of those people that should have been dear to him.

These scenes touched Scrooge. And he shed tears. Visited by the third spirit, Scrooge said he feared it most. The Spirit of Christmas Future showed Scrooge his own lonely death, with no one grieving at his grave.

A changed man, Scrooge yelled, “I don't know what to do! I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy, I am as giddy as a drunken man. A Merry Christmas to everybody!” The Spirit of Christmas had made Scrooge a different man from the one he had been.


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  1. Thank you for hosting Scrooge And Marley today! I hope your readers win one of the Amazon ebooks or one of the signed copies.
    Karl f. Hollenbach

  2. It's my pleasure! Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway.

    Good luck everyone. Fingers crossed to win.

  3. When I saw the book cover, my first thought was, "Bah humbug!” That's what I think whenever I hear the name Scrooge.

    A Christmas Carol is the only Dickens novel that I have read as an adult. I look forward to reading this expansion.

  4. It made me think of Christmas. Looks like a good book. You can't go wrong reading a book when the author is also from Louisville!
