
Friday, October 4, 2013

I'm in the #Fraterfest Read-a-Thon. Are You? DAY 2

Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This is my start line for the Fraterfest Read-a-Thon (hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer). We'll be reading from the following: Rhiannon Frater books and/or books in one of these genres: paranormal, horror, mystery, suspense, zombie,vampire, shapeshifter, witch, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, ghost, etc.

It's not too late to sign up and join in the fun.

My loose goals are to finish up the UNDEAD vampire series by MaryJanice Davidson, read Pretty When She Dies by Rhiannon Frater, participate in at least one challenge, and visit as many of the participants blogs as I can. I will be tweeting my progress using the official read-a-thon hashtag - #Fraterfest.

What are your plans?

October 4

Finally finished Undead and Underwater by MaryJanice Davidson. That book threw off my reading mojo big time. UGH! Usually, I am able to finish an UNDEAD audiobook in one or two days. I had been listening to Undead and Underwater since September 25. Fraterfest pushed me to finish it and move on. Thank goodness.

Now I am working on the Fraterfest Thirstbuster Challenge hosted by Chene at Mean Who You Are and listening to the audiobook of Undead and Unsure (#12) by MaryJanice Davidson.

What are you reading?

October 3

Right now, I am struggling through Undead and Underwater (#11.5) by MaryJanice Davidson. It is a book of three novellas. I am listening to the audiobook (and falling asleep).

I completed the Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge hosted by April at My Shelf Confessions.

Saw and Saw II DVD Bundle

$7.99 for Saw and Saw II DVD Bundle ($19.96 List Price). Free Returns.

1 comment:

  1. One of my goals is to finish up an audiobook too. I usually finish Sookie Stackhouse books in two days, but this latest one is taking forever!
