
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Post Summer Recovery Kit Giveaway Event

Fall is near! Finally. I am so glad that summer is almost over. Fall brings cool things.

Cooler weather. Back to school. Football.

New television shows. New episodes for existing television shows.

If your summer was anything like mine, you need some time to recuperate.

Post Summer Recovery Kit to the rescue!

Make Our Own Network
Prize Sponsors Include:
Fysiko (Monica's RRR)
Zaggora (Tyrneathem Review)
Maggie Bags (Savory Savings Review) 
Toe Juice (A.L.L. Review)
ResVitale (A.L.L. Review)
Mavea (Savory Savings Review)
Aunt Mae's Homemade Soaps (A.L.L. Review)
ARV $484

Hosted by:

Who doesn't need a break when the kiddo's finally head back to school?!  Some of us are sad, others relieved, and a few just plain thrilled!  This is your chance to pamper yourself or honestly just get a little extra something to put a smile on your face!

**If you are a company and would like to see your brand advertised in a M.O.O.N. event similar to this please contact
This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on October 2nd, 2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
"Make Our Own Network" solely organized this event and I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are 100% my own and may differ from your own or even those stated in this post. MAD Hoydenish is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.

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