
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

#iamreading | LEVEL 26 series | The Bout of Books

I will be reading the digi-novel series Level 26 all week during the Bout of Books 7.0 read-a-thon. It is a three book series that includes Dark Origins, Dark Prophecy, and Dark Revelations. I have been meaning to read the series for quite a while.

What are you going to read during the bout?

The Dark Origins series centers around a rogue serial-killer hunter. Steve Dark is head of a highly secret and incredibly skilled black ops element within the U.S. government, which is tasked with finding and bringing to justice the most brutal and horrific murderers in the world. - The Book Depository

Level 26: Dark Origins

  • Authors: Anthony E. Zuiker (creator of the CSI television franchise) with Duane Swierczynski
  • ISBN-10: 0451232380
  • Paperback: 432 pages

This book has video extras so you can read and watch. Oooh la la!
"About every twenty pages, you will have the option of logging in to experience a digital cyber-bridge—a three-minute motion picture scene with A-list actors you might’ve seen in blockbuster films and award winning TV shows. Before your eyes, the characters will spring to life, crime scene details will explode off the screen... "

By the way, there are 20+ copies (paperbacks + hardcovers) of Dark Origins available on right now (including a hardcover that I posted). The hardcover ISBN is 0525951253. Order a copy and read along with me.

Dark Prophecy: A Level 26 Thriller Featuring Steve Dark
  • Authors: Anthony E. Zuiker with Duane Swierczynski
  • ISBN-10: 0451234936
  • Paperback: 464 pages

Short Description via The Book Depository:
Steve Dark is a man with a unique talent for catching serial killers. Now he's on a mission to embrace his destiny, unbound by authorities, moral or otherwise, and supported by a mysterious benefactor with unknown goals of her own.

Dark Revelations: A Level 26 Thriller Featuring Steve Dark

  • Authors: Anthony E. Zuiker with Duane Swierczynski
  • ISBN-10: 0451235975
  • Paperback: 417 pages

Short Description via The Book Depository:
The conclusion to the groundbreaking Level 26 trilogy, a series of edgy, unconventional thrillers about an FBI operative tasked with the ultimate search-and-destroy mission: to take down the world's most dangerous serial killers.

ADDED May 13, 2013

  • Authors: Bram Stoker
  • ISBN-13: 9780978927097
  • eBook: 452 pages

  • Please drop by this blog post during the week of May 13th to offer encouragement, say hello, discuss these books, or just peep at my status updates. 


    • Read 3 books (total of 1313 pages): Dark Origins, Dark Prophecy, and Dark Revelations
    • Participate in a Twitter chat. [DONE]
    • Visit 5 fellow Bout of Book 7.0 read-a-thon-ers daily
      • I realize that I have been a bit of a blog creeper this week. I have been visiting and not commenting. I am going back to comment on the blogs that I have visited. I'll add them to my update comments.



    Monday (May 13)
    While checking my Twitter timeline, I realized that I had missed the start of Bite-Sized Dracula. So instead of starting Dark Origins... I started reading Dracula. SMH. [I have the Dracula ebook above so I am filling in with Bite-Sized Dracula's extras.]

    Do consider joining me in the read-along. It's a neat way to read a classic. The actual text of the novel is posted on the blog, so you don't need a copy. The BSD blog posts a new portion daily (it started May 3). We should able to catch up to the blog by the end of the read-a-thon without throwing off our other reading.

    Tuesday (May 14)
    Wednesday (May 15)
    Thursday (May 16)
    Well, I realize that I have picked some pretty dark reads for this read-a-thon. I don't usually read books with serial killers or vampires as the primary characters. So I find it interesting that the multi-media aspect was compelling enough to reel me in for the read-a-thon. 

    Do you know of any other books that have a multi-media component?

    I think that scheduled reading might be best for the Dark Origins series anyway. It is VERY dark. The cyber-bridges are enhancing the novels though - so I am happy that I chose to read the series. 

    I am going to need something shiny happy to read next week. Any suggestions?

    Friday (May 17)
    Saturday (May 18)

    Sunday (May 19)

    Overall, I am pleased with my read-a-thon results. I would have liked to participate in more of the challenges. The week just was just too busy. I did get to check out a lot of blogs though. There are so many good book blogs out there. I could spend days reading about books and not actually read one. LOL! I am going to try and visit some more blogs between now and the next bout. I definitely plan to participate in the next one.

    Will you be participating in the next bout?

    I noticed that a number of bouters are using the Google Friends Connect (at least until it goes away) and bloglovin' widgets for followers. I have added them both to my site. Please follow my blog and I'll do the same for you.

    Thanks for dropping by to visit!



    1. I'm participating in the Bout of Books for the first time and love read-a-thons! Good luck with your goals, Here are my Bout of Books Read-a-thon Goals if you'd like to stop by.

      1. This is my first time participating in The Bout of Books too. I am excited! I'll drop by your blog to cheer you on next week ;-) Thanks for dropping by.

    2. way to go!
      sounds like an intense series!
      I have to choose lighter reads for these - [I've learnt my lesson] if I want to actually complete any. I have to be able to put down and p up without losing track..
      But I'm thrilled with my results. Seems read a thons are the motivation I need to actually READ !!

      Glad you were participating & think you might like to link at Book Journey for It's Monday What Are you Reading? weekly linkup... see ya!

    3. Thanks for coming by and cheering me on! I cannot wait for the next readathon. I gave you a follow via Bloglovin. I am trying to get away from GFC since it is going away, and I am not on Blogger, so not an option for me. I generally just follow with RSS.

      Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

    4. Sounds like you had a great week! Thanks for coming by my blog :) and following! I followed you back on google+ and followed your blog via bloglovin. I had a great week too and love meeting lots of new book friends :) I'm def going to be doing the next BoB! This was my first one too, and I really like how much I read without getting all stressed about it!
      Happy Reading!!

      Dee @ Dee's Reads

    5. Wow! Looks like you had a productive ... but Dark ... #BoutofBooks!Seriously impressed. As to sunny reads, I just finished Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night which had me LOLing as I read. So an option if you are into breezy chic lit books.

      I look forward to seeing what you pick up a next after the Dark week.
      ps. did you like Dracula? I have been wanting to read forever!

    6. Wow! What a productive ... and Dark ... #BoutofBooks you had!! Impressed. Did you like Dracula? I have been meaning to read for ages. As to sunny books, I just finished Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella which is delightful fluff and soo funny!!! Lk fwd to seeing what you reach for after such an intense week.

      Sarah @WordHits

    7. You were awesome at the visiting people, I need to do better at that, especially since I love to get visits! Bout of Books has turned into such a fantastic event, glad you joined us for your first one and hope to see you again! :D

    8. Woo! Congrats! You did really well :D
      New follower (via Bloglovin) :)

    9. I'm glad you had fun :) I wish I participated in more challenges, too. And I will probably participate in the next one, too :) I'm a read-a-thon addict ;)
