
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Cheer 4 Dewey's Read-a-Thon ~ Giftaway

Last week, I was in a frenzy trying to get my back-up reading list ready for Dewey's Read-a-Thon on April 27, 2013 (see my main TBR list on ALM). I joined BookMooch in hopes of finding some good books for the read-a-thon. What is this read-a-thon?

Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-thon is sort of an international reading challenge, only everyone participates at the same time. For 24 hours, participants read books, post on their blogs (and/or social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.) about their reading, and visit other readers’ blogs. Participants also take part in mini-challenges throughout the day and win prizes. There are five ways you can participate: Reader, Cheerleader, Mini-Challenge Host, Organizer and Prize Donor.

Today, I signed up to cheer for the read-a-thon. You should too! You can devote as much as 12 hours to as little as an hour of your time. It’s whatever works best for your schedule.

I want to do some pre-cheering about the read-a-thon so I've decided to host a giftaway.+

Three entrants will be randomly selected to be gifted two BookMooch points each from madhoydenish.* The points can be used to mooch 2 books domestically (at 1 point each) or mooch 1 book internationally (at 2 points).

BookMooch is an international online community for exchanging used books. There is no cost to join the BookMooch web site. Don't have a BookMooch account? Learn more about it here.**

To qualify, all giftaway entries must be made using the Rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

+ This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, BookMooch.
* Within one week (seven calendar days) of notification of win, selected entrants must provide their BookMooch userids (linked to an open valid account) to receive gifted points.
** madhoydenish is not responsible for any issues and/or costs arising from use of the BookMooch service, including any issues with the availability, giving away or receiving (i.e. mooching) of books.

1 comment:

  1. The book that I am most looking forward to reading during Dewey's Read-a-Thon is "First Love, Last Rites" by Ian McEwan.
