
Monday, March 4, 2013

TSRC ~ Spring Challenge 2013: Reading Plan

I joined the The Seasonal Reading Challenge for the first time during the middle of the Winter 2012-13 Challenge. I have never worked harder on a reading challenge! I read so many books that I feel like that I have a real shot at reading 100 books this year. That is, if I continue participating in the challenge.

The Spring Challenge runs from March 1 to May 31, 2013. Check out the group post, The Spring 2013 Challenge Begins, for more details. The theme for the Spring Challenge 2013 is The White Tiger of the West representing Autumn. In honor of the feline theme, I am going to start reading the Cat Who mystery series by Lilian Jackson Braun.

I am evaluating my bookshelves and TBR (To Be Read) lists to fill in my plan. I will be updating it frequently so stop by every now and then to see what's new. I need to free up room on my shelfves so I will be posting some of my reads on PaperBackSwap. If you decide to join the challenge, please let me know.

The Seasonal Reading Challenge: Spring Challenge 2013: Tasks

5.1- Go West!

5.2- It's in Their Genes

5.3- Here Kitty, Kitty

5.4- Spring Up, Fall Down

5.5- Spring Chicken

5.6- Hope Springs Eternal

5.7- Someone to Fall Back On

5.8- Cinco de Mayo

5.9- Roll With It

5.10- Attention Grabber

10.1- Less is More

10.2- Angry Birds

10.3- March April May

10.4- Purple for Peace

10.5- Piece of Cake

10.6- Storm Chasers

10.7- Chosen by You

10.8- Pedal to the Metal

10.9- Feeling Lucky?

10.10- Above Average

15.1- Follow the Leader
  • Book 1: Good Hair bBenilde Little
  • Book 2:

15.2- Vernal Equinox

15.3- Laughing in Ireland

15.4- Celebrate the White Tiger!

15.5- Hug a Tree

15.6- Let's All Go to the Lobby

15.7- Feeling Possessive?

15.8- Batter Up!

15.9- In Camelot

15.10- Spring Break

20.1- Most Improved Player - Jessica PDX - Again! Again!

20.2- Rookie At the Top- Ty's task: Pi Day

20.3- Best Review - Bucket's task: Traveling in Time

20.4- Author! Author!: Bluemoon's task: DID YOU KNOW....

20.5- Bigger is Better- Kate S's task: Tournament of Books 2013

20.6- Seasoned Reader- Alexandra's task: Messing around

20.7- Shorter is Sweeter- Suzanne VN's task Have Passport, Will Travel



20.10- Group Reads

25.1- Delicious Dee's task: Anchor’s Aweigh

25.2- Laurie ME's task: Interesting Spring Holidays

25.3- Nikki's task: Come Play with me!

25.4- Stacie MI's Task: It's Read-a-Thon Time!

25.5- Nick KY’s Task: Shadow of the White Tiger

25.6 - Lois's task: Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!

25.7- Chaitra's task: Judge a Book By Its Cover!

25.8- Janet F's task: Springy Ideas!

30.1- Sheila/Kathy G's task- It's Spring Cleaning Time!

30.2- Dimrose's task: For the Love of Reading

30.3- Donna Jo's task- Upsy Daisy

30.4- Sandy's Task- What Are They All Talking About?


Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

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