
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Best I've Seen Today: B*tches in Bookshops

"Read so hard librarians tryin’ ta FINE me­"

I must confess that I don't care for the Jay- Z / Kanye West song, N*ggas in Paris - more so for the weak lyrics than the questionable title. I hate for good music to be wasted on bad lyrics. 

La Shea Delaney (Twitter: @lashea_delaney) & Annabelle Quezada (Twitter: @annabelleqv) to the rescue on this one. They go hard on this parody for book lovers. Definitely mad hoydenish.

Check out the video below and the lyrics on Annabelle Quezada's Hecho/Visto blog post, B*tches in Bookshops.

A couple of things in the lyrics made me SMH at myself.

On bookmarks:
"I am now marking my place
Don't wanna crease on my page
Don't let me forget this page
I got bookmarks at home
But I forgot one for the road
AQ: I got a bookmark I can loan
La Shea: Know how many bookmarks I own?"
I don't dog-ear or crease pages in books - not even my own. I have freebie bookmarks from the library stashed all over the place - like loose change. I found two under the seat of my car today (and a "missing" sleeve of CDs from a Reading Lolita in Tehran audiobook - don't ask).

I don't know how many bookmarks I own. I mostly use regular bookmarks and receipts (see Kasia's Goodreads Poll: What do you use for bookmarks?) to mark my place in books with spines. How 'bout you?

On highlighting:

OMG! I cringed when she highlighted in the book. I don't even write or highlight in textbooks. Oddly, I do find it interesting to see what others have highlighted in books (#dontjudgeme). No wonder the Kindle's highlight and share function appeals to me. Voyeurism without the damage.

I think that Annabelle and La Shea should host a reading challenge with all of the books mentioned in the song. Don't you?

B*tches in Bookshops Reading Challenge ... Read So Hard, You Get Paper Cuts. I could see it.

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