
Friday, February 17, 2012

Poll: #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina | I say ...

When I checked the trending topics this morning, I saw something about film titles. Yah! I went to get a cup of tea. When I returned to my computer - ready to tweet in, I realized that I missed the key word, vagina. #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina. I thought, "Eeeeww. That's tacky, childish, and disgusting (#thisneedstostop)."

I drew a blank. What could people be coming up with to make that trend. SMH - I decided to take a peak. The only thing I could come up with was The Vagina Monologues which was not a replacement. Then, I looked over at my DVD rental pile and said, "Let me see what I can come up with here (#mature)."

How to Train Your Dragon - How to Train Your Vagina

Over Her Dead Body - Over Her Dead Vagina

Forks Over Knives - Forks Over Vaginas

Although the first one is kinda funny  (#dontjudgeme), I didn't want to put it out there.  It was fitting that #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina was trending with #stupidthingspeopledo. On the other hand, complaining using the hashtag in a tweet only adds to the trend.

So today I am part of the problem, not the solution. Forgive me.

I am going to add to the problem and ask: What do you say about the #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina trending topic? Do you share any of my thoughts? Please vote above.


I am really surprised that #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina has continued to trend for the rest of the day - both in the United States and worldwide. Seriously?!?

I am moving on ... telling myself, "Don't be so up tight. Twitter is not known for #keepitclassy. Tomorrow you will go back to ignoring the crazy and #BeABetterMan."