
Friday, May 13, 2011

The Awful Truth: Scandalous relatives can mess up your game

The Awful Truth: Scandalous relatives can mess up your game.

Just ask Elizabeth Bennet (Pride And Prejudice) or Jerry Warriner (The Awful Truth). There's is nothing like a relative making a bad impression.

In this scene, Jerry Warriner's soon-to-be ex-wife, Lucy (Irene Dunne), pretends to be his drunken sister in order to undermine his relationship with his fiancee and her family. It is my favorite scene in The Awful Truth. Lucy Warriner's dialogue is priceless! Samples:

"Saa-ayy, wait a minute. Don't anybody leave this room. I've lost my purse."

"I had three or four [drinks] before I got here, but they're beginning to wear off, and you know how that is. [Lucy to Jerry] Well, don't look at me like that. You like a little drink yourself. We call him him 'Jerry the Nipper.' He likes to sneak 'em when nobody's looking."

"[Singing] I used to dream about a cottage small, a cottage small by a waterfall, but I wound up with no home at all, my dreams have gone with the wind."

"I never could do that."

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