
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shoulda Read By Now

Not in any particular order ...

The Works of Jane Austen – I have seen so many references to her work lately. I read a book or two of hers in high school. I hadn't considered reading Austen again until a trip to Bath, England a few years ago. She has a HUGE fan-base.

-    Sense and Sensibility
-    Persuasion
-    Emma
-    Northanger Abbey
-    Pride and Prejudice
-    Mansfield Park

Good Night Moon - Margaret Wise Brown
Has everybody read this book but me?!? I don't remember this book from my childhood.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
The waiting list for this book at my library was crazy (and still is).  I got all huffy and decided to just order the entire trilogy for myself. The books were still in the box. SMH. I need to read to them and give them to the library.

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
I got this book on CD to listen to on vacation … four years ago. Still haven’t listened to it.

The 7 Habit of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
I want to be effective. Really, I do.

The Art of War - Sun Tzu
I have read a few sections of the book.I need to read the whole thing.

Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Potter fever never hit me. The series dominated the best-seller list for the past decade. Let’s see if I can see if I can catch the fever.

SMH - shaking my head

Update 5/10/13:

I was reading Literary Chameleon's update on World Book Night 2013 and realized that I still haven't read The Alchemist yet. UGH! I am going to add that to my summer reading list.

I have read all of the books with a line through them. One day, I am going to get to those Potter books. Really, I am ;-)

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