
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"84, Charing Cross Road" - Book Reference List

84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

Clearly, Hanff and I have different taste in books. Her tastes leaned toward the antiquarian. The only book that I have read from her requests to Marks & Co. is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. And perhaps The Canterbury Tales in high school- I cannot recall exactly. I definitely would not attempt to read anything in Latin (I can recall that from high school).

Surprisingly, our differences did not impact my enjoyment of the book. The collection of letters is absolutely charming. In fact, I think that I may give a couple of the books a try because she thought so highly of them. I have attempted to find comparable versions of the books Hanff requested on (see below). She had very particular tastes - requesting specific versions based on editor, illustrator, publisher, etc.

Have you read any of the books?


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Hanff, Helene: 84, Charing Cross Road
Austen, Jane: Pride And Prejudice
Arkwright, Francis (translator): Memoirs of the Duke de Saint-Simon
Belloc, Hillaire: Essays
Catullus (Loeb Classics)
Chaucer, Geoffrey: The Canterbury Tales (leather bound) translated by Hill, published by Longmans in 1934
Delafield, E.M.: Diary Of A Provincial Lady
Dobson, Austen (editor): The Sir Roger De Coverley Papers
Donne, John: Sermons
Grahame, Kenneth: The Wind in the Willows (Shepard illustrations)
Greek New Testament
Grolier Bible

Hazlitt, William: Selected Essays Of William Hazlitt 1778 To 1830 (Nonesuch Press edition)
Horace - Loeb Classics
Hunt, Leigh: Essays.
Johnson, Samuel: On Shakespeare (introduction by Walter Raleigh)
Jonson, Ben: Timber
Lamb, Charles: Essays of Elia
Landor, Walter Savage: Vol II of The Works and Life of Walter Savage Landor Imaginary Conversations
Latin Anglican New Testament

Latin Vulgate Bible / Latin Vulgate New Testament
Latin Vulgate Dictionary
Leonard, R. M. (editor): The Book-Lover's Anthology
Newman, John Henry: Discourses on the Scope and Nature of University Education. "'Idea of a University"
Pepys, Samuel: Pepys Diary
Plato's Four Socratic Dialogues
Quiller-Couch, Arthur: The Oxford Book Of English Verse
Quiller-Couch, Arthur: The Pilgrim's Way
Quiller-Couch, Arthur: Oxford Book of English Prose
Sappho - Loeb Classics
Sterne, Lauence: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Stevenson, Robert Louis: Virginibus Puerisque
de Tocqueville, Alexis: Journey to America
Wyatt, Thomas: Poems of Thomas Wyatt
Walton, Izaak: The Complete Angler
Walton, Izaak: The Lives of - John Donne - Sir Henry Wotton - Richard Hooker - George Herbert & Robert Sanderson
Woolf, Virginia: The Common Reader

<a href="">The Complete Poems (Penguin Classics)</a><img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

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