
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sad. Sad. Sad. My “Twilight” confession.

To know me is to know that I don’t do vampires. Movies, books, nada. Outside of the movie Interview with the Vampire and the television series Angel, you can pretty much bet that I haven’t seen or read it if it involves vamps.  So of course, I had no interest in the Twilight Saga franchise. On a vampire interest scale between Twihard and Miley Cyrus/Vampires Suck (the movie), I was closer to the latter. I am not a massinhater. Teenage vampire love just didn’t sound appealing.

Fast forward a couple of years and two more Twilight Saga books/movies releases later … I was still not interested. Ha! But then this summer, Burger King launched a big promotional push for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. The push included an in-restaurant game, online extensions, exclusive merchandise, and  national TV advertisements – yada, yada, yada. What finally sucked me in (no pun intended)? The TV commercials!! It seemed like they were on constantly. Unfortunately for Burger King, they didn’t make me want to participate in their promotion. However, they did make me want to try the books out.  It’s sad … I know.

When I told some of my friends that I was going to read the books, they all laughed and said “yeah right.” I am reading Twilight right now AND I got a Twilight t-shirt (75% off at Barnes and Noble – sweet!) to get into the spirit. Who am I down with  … Team Edward, Team Jacob or Team Bella? I’ll let you know when I finish Eclipse.

1 comment:

  1. Very similar experience here. I don't do anything horror/monster related. And I'm not a big fantasy fan either, although I do have some favorites in that genre. (I read Harry Potter in 2008 after all of the books, except maybe one, had come out and I spread them over almost an entire year.)

    But I was teaching ninth grade at the time and my students (males no less) talked to me every day about reading Twilight. I finally told them no way, I don't do monster stuff. They begged, telling me it wasn't monster-y at all! More romance. And so I caved and read all four in two weeks in 2009. I can say I'm a fan, but I won't read any of the spin-offs.
