
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nibble: Quail in Rose Petal Sauce [Like Water for Chocolate]

~ Have you ever had a meal that moved you? 

I found the Quail in Rose Petal Sauce to be the most interesting recipe in Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments, with Recipes, Romances and Home Remedies by Laura Esquivel. While I have never experienced anything quite like the characters did when eating it, I have had meals that moved me. A meal that comes to my mind immediately is the Kobe beef dinner that I had on vacation with my aunt (I am not a big steak eater). It was a simple meal with smaller than expected portions -  steak, grilled vegetables, and a little scoop of sorbet.

When I finished eating, I was speechless, surprisingly pleased and completely satisfied. I think that it was a combination of watching it being prepared with such care, fresh ingredients, and embracing the spirit of the moment. We sat in silence for a long time after eating. Perfection.

In the spirit of the book, I decided to give the recipes below a try.

Here’s the “Quail in Rose Petal Sauce” scene from the flick:

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